Need to vent
My favorite response to someone that is rude is to say "EXCUSE ME???"..,,it makes them r epeat it while you have time to think of something to say......Like "Are you part of the BRA Police now?" and laugh at them.......I know when someone told me I was putting too many filters in the coffee maker at work...I said "Excuse Me?" and she said "you are only supposed to put one filter in there" and when I said to her "Oh and are you the FILTER POLICE ??" and laughed at her...she laughed also. Hugs, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
I just try not to fight agression with puts me out of control of the situation and validates what that are saying to me. ....and never seems to do any good anyway. But we all are different and tha makes the world a very interesting place. Hugs, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"