It's Hump Day!!!!

Brenda R.
on 4/22/08 8:01 pm - Portage, IN

Good hump morning to all of my OFF family. It is your turn now so let's get going!!!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Brenda R.
on 4/22/08 8:13 pm - Portage, IN
I am back!! Just like a bad penny some might say but here I am and you are stuck with me!!!! I love it here to much to be going anywhere soon! Nothing much up for today. I am cold this morning but I think it might be the blood pressure thing. It must be low again and so I should take it and see what is going on. It was up yesterday a bit. It got up to 104/64 or right around there. I had such a constant headache yesterday and I know it was from that. I hope that goes away soon. I didn't get my blood work yesterday. By the time I got Trudy to the doctor and that it was to late for me to go. I am planning on going either today or tomorrow. I know that Dr. Stanish needs to get them soon. But one good thing is that it won't take long for him to get them.  I am planning on going and voting early this morning. I can vote until May 5th since our voting day is the 6th. I just go to the county clerks office and vote. The one good thing about that is that there isn't any waiting lines. I hate those lines!!!! I have to figure out what I am making for dinner tonight. I just hate that. When I am not feeling well I don't want to cook but I know that I need to since poor Bill wants to eat too. I sometimes wonder why he needs to do that!!!  
hee hee
Custom Smiley
I think he should be like me and just a little bit and not to often either. That would make my life so much easier.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful and blessed day today. Know that everyone who needs special prayers are getting them here in Indiana today. I am keeping all of my wonderful and dear OFF family in my heart and prayers today. Please stay safe and have a wonderful and blessed day today. We shall all meet back here later on. I am sending my love and BIG hugs to all of my brothers and sisters.  

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Aime B.
on 4/22/08 8:24 pm - Baltimore, MD
Morning. Not mch to tell today. I have been working 14 hour days so I don't have time for anything but work and sleep. I did get to stop in and vist LP before my second job yesterday. When I picked him up, he just grinned that toothless grin of his. I love it.  N tells me they are preparing her for a difibrillator. She will start the testing and procedures for it in the next week or so.  I will be home this evening. I could use a good lazy time at home.  Have a great day!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

annette R.
on 4/22/08 8:51 pm - ithaca, NY
Brenda and all - good morning I went to see my PCP for these annoying spins. My BP was very low. She thinks I need to drink more water due to the warmer weather and increased activities. I'm going to absolutely FLOAT! More clothes shopping with success. That's such a relief. Tom likes to see the fashion show when he gets home.  One sales person was helping me find sizes and I mentioned I had to replenish my wardrobe. As we talked, she asked how much weight I had lost. In the check out line she told her co-worker that I had lost over 200 pounds. The other woman asked HOW? So I told her change my life-style, diet, exercise and RNY. She had a look of scorn on her face and said "oh, you did it THE EASY WAY" It took total self control not to reach over the counter and throttle her. My gut feeling was to lift my shirt and show her the 19 incisions on my tummy then ***** slap her. Easy way out - no way! I had the satisfaction of walking out with an arm load of size 2's and 4's.  It was my pleasure to talk to TWO OFF sisters yesterday. Susan and Carla   I'm running behind and need to get ready for gymnastics. See you later. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Brenda R.
on 4/22/08 9:11 pm - Portage, IN
Annette, it is funny that you had that conversation yesterday. I did too. I was talking with Bill's cousin and she happened to mention that she thought that some say that it is the easier way but she knows that it's not. Her daughter had it a few years ago and has done well. She also has a couple of sister in laws that has and they too are doing well. She knows about the problems that can and do sometimes arise. Her daughter has had some problems and her one sister in law had some major problems right after surgery and had to have a couple of other surgeries right after her rny. Some may say it is the easier way but we know different don't we? It is like Trudy said to me that we have to be committed to it and change everything not for just a while but for the rest of our lives. But it is well worth it!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Laureen S.
on 4/23/08 12:00 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Annette, I love your spirit, you are so New York (lol), ***** slap (lmao), let them think anyway they want, the bottom line is as Brenda so well put it, our changes are a commitment for life and not the easier, softer way.  You know what you have had to endure and it has been a lot, enjoy your size 2's and 4's! Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 4/22/08 9:35 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning one and all, Nothing much going on here. Looks like it's quiet for most of us today.  I spent most of the day resting/sleeping and finally got up and showered about 2:00.  I weighed today and have lost all of my weight from surgery plus 2 lbs, so back down to 116. Eating is getting better, so maybe I can nip this before it gets too bad. I'm cleared to drive today but honestly don't feel like there is anywhere I want or need to go. Gary needs a couple of Rx's filled, so maybe I'll do that and get a latte on the way home. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Take care



(deactivated member)
on 4/22/08 9:50 pm - Somewhere IN, TX

Oh, good morning. Knuckles in my fingers are red. Inflammation from arthritis and too much keyboard tapping all day.  Hurts like a banshee (what the heck is a banshee, anyway, and why do they hurt?) I'm gaining on the 5-day pouch test.  Could it be that ONE little package of peanut butter crackers?  The 1/2 and 1/2 in my ONE cup of coffee a day?  .... the only solid thing in my mouth was those crackers... and when I did fitday AND looked at what I had eaten it appears that for most of the time, my eating habits havent' changed with the 5-day.  My calorie count and my protein level is still the same... I'm going to do all meat today... we'll see...  Headed out the door for $4.... then to work.... still have a job...may have news on that front shortly...we'll see.  The fun is just beginning, they tell me.

Called UT Southwest yesterday to see if about getting a facelift if I can get on their schedule. Can get the whole thing done for about $5k... not time for the LBL schedules to be out....graduating seniors do facelifts last.  Will have to get on a schedule in October for the LBL and see if I can get it paid for.  Getting in is the hard part.

That's it for me.  Everyone have a good day.


on 4/22/08 11:46 pm - CA
His name is Banshee........  Hmmmmm.........             Feel better and I LOVE your new photo! Kathi
J Brown
on 4/23/08 12:44 am - Omaha, NE
Banshee is a Irish spirit. She would for tell an upcoming death. The term is "scream like a banshee" Because when you heard the scream of the Banshee it meant someone in the family was going to die. Gives me goose bumps just thinking of it, and she was alway sprotrayed as a hag.
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