Pics of the Birdbaths
Annette, this is lovely!
We had to remove our bird feeders and baths from the backyard because it was nothing but a death trap for the poor birdies. The ones that would peck at the seeds on the ground were targets for Baxter. How a little bird couldn't feel the trampling of a 65lb dog coming down on them is beyond me. After the second trophy came into the house, the feeders went away.
Yours are lovely, I'm sure Annie loves to watch from the window.
As you can see, this is a birdHOUSE, not one of the baths. I'm losing my mind.
This house began all white. Mt daughter and SIL went to a party where people swapped gifts they received and didn't like. Lucky for me, my daughter didn't like this either.
The cats can only watch from the sliding doors or bay windows because I won't let them outside. . Sure it drives them insane -
keeps them from getting fat and lazy.
Also, I can't get any messages from OH, so if I fail to respond, I am sorry and will check back later.
Many thanks to Jan for her help.

Oh Thanks for sharing, I love it !! I would have been excited if I had been "regifted" with such a treasure too. Chuck had a huge old cement scalloped birdbath in pieces in his yard, I dug it out , cleaned it and set it out.It is beautiful. He said " Now I will have birds pooping on the porch. I shot him the look of daggers and for once he shut -up.