What's New Tuesday!

on 4/22/08 4:49 am - Bradenton, FL
Aime, I am so glad your lab work is good. That makes for a great day!!!!! I am off today and going to watch Lily tonight with her other grandma. We went to look at a 2009 Vibe. I like it very much but I dont want the big payment so I back off and the sales man was mad!!!!!! I guess he isnt making is quoata this month!!!!! Or not with me anyway. My car is just fine for now even though it has 107 thousand miles on it. Not much else going on. Carla
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karen C.
on 4/22/08 5:37 am - Kennewick, WA

Good Afternoon,  The saga continues. A 15 minute closet door project turned into 4 hours, lots of swear words, and it still isn't fixed. I think these 60 year old wooden doors are warped. We thought they just needed new rollers. . . wrong. It now opens and closes not well but better. As good as it's gonna get. Been waiting for a phone call from the house stager who said she'd be back today or tomorrow to select pictures and paintings to put up on my fille and painted walls. Must admit the rooms look larger with little on the walls, but so impersonal!

Tomorrow afternoon I'm heading out with Maggie and puppies in tow. Should be a real adventure. I'll be gone almost a week spending a couple days here (Erin's), a couple days there (Seattle) then back to Erin's for 2 more days before returning home about Wednesday. If stager doesn't come tomorrow it will just have to wait til next Thursday which would still be ok. House won't be listed til about May 12th.

Yesterday we worked on the garage. Came across a box of Erin's baby clothes. I knew they were around somewhere just wasn't sure where. . . Picked out several cute little dresses that look like she might have worn once or twice. Will take them over for Hannah and Clara. I have a picture of Erin wearing a dress that my mother made me. I still have it. Hopefully I'll get a 3rd generation pic in it!

Hope to get ahold of Sharon A for a lunch date this trip. Sharon, if you're reading I have your cell phone number in  my purse this time so I'll give you a call. Hope that we can set something up. . . .OR you could come to Erin's and see babies and puppies???? I'd love that and I'm sure Erin wouldn't mind.

Must go. Karen C

Karen C

on 4/22/08 6:45 am - CA
HI Aime and Everyone, Aime, that's great news that your test results were so good!  Good for you.  I've been reading the daily posts but haven't had much to share of time to do it as I've been running from one doctor to the next for hubby. Check-in day today for me with the Hematologist and a required weigh-in at the WL surgeon's office.  Hematologist says everything is fine and........ drum roll please...... I lost 5 pounds in two weeks.  Hooray....  I was sad because my last visit didn't show the work I'd put in but it did this time.  That's a very good thing.  They told me they submitted my paperwork to the insurance for surgery approval today.  Timetable for approval is usually 3-4 weeks.  So, it's looking like I might be able to have my surgery the last part of May or first part of June.  Won't be long now I guess. Hubby is doing fine after his angiogram on Friday.  He went for the breathing tests yesterday.  I've never seen anybody turn purple before!  He did.  Trying to exhale for so long was very difficult for him.  Tomorrow they are doing an ultrasound on his legs to check for a reason it's difficult to get a pulse in his ankles.  That should be the last of the tests for a while for him!  He'll see the Pulmonologist next week and hopefully he will have some magic potient that can offer a little improvement!  We can only hope.  Otherwise, we're fine! It's so good to hear all the activity everyone is involved in!  Spring is springing and life is good. Hugs, Kathi
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/08 1:14 pm - San Juan Capistrano, CA
RNY on 07/11/07 with
Hi Kathy,   CONGRATS on the 5 pounds!  This is great - you just keep at it, don't you!   And soon, I'll have my Angelette, YEAH !!!!!!!   I sure hope the Docs can help your DH to feel better.   I know that it's no fun spending so much time with all the testing & Drs appointments.  I'm still getting caught up from vacation, but will be ready to go walking whenver  you're ready.  HUGS
on 4/22/08 3:02 pm - CA
Hi Jan! I'm so glad to know you are ready for Angel Duty!  I know I am....  It's great to follow your lead into this adventure.  You've done an amazing job.  If I can be half as successful as you have been I'll be satisfied. I'll try to give you a call and we'll plan a walk really soon.  I want to hear all about your vacation! 2dles!     Kathi
Eileen Briesch
on 4/22/08 7:37 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Aime and everyone: Aime, your doctor's report is such good news! It's like that "60 Minutes" report said Sunday: Gastric bypass surgery can reverse type 2 diabetes. We know it, and now the rest of the world knows it. It's too bad the insurance companies still resist paying for the surgery. Lesley Stahl, the reporter doing the story, was amazed at how few surgeries were being done despite the well-known successes ... I kept yelling at the TV: "It's these stupid insurance companies!" We have a woman at work; she's our HR assistant. She is bigger than I was when I started; she has diabetes high BP, high cholesterol, arthritic knees, back, etc.; she's already in a wheelchair. She wants to have the surgery, has tried to get it, but the insurer (Aetna) has turned her down twice! We ganged up on them once in open enrollment (we have our choice of Aetna and Blue Cross; I have Blue Cross, which approved me with no questions****ep telling this woman to switch insurers, but for some reasons she hasn't. But the reason more people don't get this surgery is insurers won't approve it. They consider it elective. I would consider it imperative for those who are obese. It is the only way I have ever lost weight and kept it off.  Well, I am in a somewhat better mood today, although I still had a little bit of tears today while talking to my friend Mary Kay. I made a decision to quit the Y; that will save me $31 a month (almost a tank of gas for a week). I will try to work out at home and walk around the condo complex. I'll miss swimming, but I wasn't using the Y as much as I should, and because of the mixup of them not debiting me last year for four months, I owed too much (and then when they did debit me, I had to pay my heating bill and their debit bounced because I only have so much ... and the heating bill was more important). So I talked to the guy at the Y and told him I'd pay what I owed them but it would take awhile ... it would be $20 a week. He was very nice and said not to worry about it and when I got caught up on my bills, that would be fine, they wouldn't send me to collection or anything. I thought that was pretty nice. I'll still try to pay it, but it will be just a little a week.  And when I think I have problems, I talk to Mary Kay, and realize things are worse. While she was in Louisiana visiting her relatives, her furnace shut down this winter, her pipes froze and burst and she had a flood in her house up here. Her house suffered $70,000 worth of damage ... insurance will pay for most of what she is fixing. We are getting together for lunch tomorrow ... I have a gift card from Applebee's, otherwise I couldn't afford to eat out. Mary Kay said this house project is her way of helping to stimulate the economy. My only other news for the day was a trip to the podiatrist; he says my little achilles tendinitis was better; the other thing I noticed was I don't seem to need the little padding by my little toe on my right foot anymore with my new orthotics. Still need new shoes, though, because these shoes are too big with my new orthotics.  Well, guess I should see if there's any work to do. No reviews tonight, so I can get home early. We have reviews Wednesday and Thursday so at least one night is light. Have a good night.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 4/22/08 10:02 am - Somewhere IN, TX
Boy, not much going on around here.  7 p.m. and I'm down to 18 tasks and 1 email.  That's not bad for a day.... six contracts to sign but my little new hire is supposed to do those tomorrow. I'm keeping her pretty busy. Heading out the door.  I'm on the pouch test and flubbed... well, okay, maybe not entirely but I had a package of those darned peanut butter crackers yesterday AND today.  I was doubling over with just liquid and, of course, nothing else here.  Did it two days..but I'm not hungry... and I've had 86 g of protein today... so I'm okay. Catch ya on the downside.  Janet
karen C.
on 4/22/08 12:51 pm - Kennewick, WA
I was about to nag you about "where's the new pic?"  Dawned on me that maybe I better hit "refresh" first. Voila! Cute photo!!

Karen C

Nancy B
on 4/22/08 2:08 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

I love the new picture, Janet!  Look at that brilliant smile! Who could ever resist you!

Doing that five day pouch thingy too...what a BAD week for it...Out of lunch Monday, Dinner meetings Tuesday and Wednesday evening, dinner out Thursday.  I may have to start over on the weekend...but even being MORE AWARE of what goes past da teef is  good for me. Already two pounds have faded away anyways.

And what did my SECRET SISTER at sorority give me tonight? CHOCOLATE BISCOTTI! arrrrggggg! 

Well I am making up gift baskets for a special charity event so I tossed the package into a box with a gift mug, various flavoured teas, a package of gourmet hot chocolate, a spicy mug rimming mix, some pretty napkins, a relaxing Zen kinda music CD and some incence aticks and holder..voila! a nice fun package to win at the Silent Aiction...I wrapped it all up in cello and ribbons and Im NOT going to open that up after all that fancy typing and taping *s*.  Temptation defeated!

It's hard being a Saint!, isnt it, Janet!?

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Joan M.
on 4/22/08 8:17 pm - Lexington County, SC
Good for you Janet and I agree it is hard.  Never thought it would be but once those carbs start calling your name you really have a struggle. I am fighting them myself.  But today is another day and I am doing more ptotein since I made some shrimp for myself and took my vegie soup out of freezer even thought it is 70's here today.  Keep going Girl you can do it!

It is His love and grace that saved and sustains me.
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Before/current/Surgeon's Goal/normal BMI 290/130/150/132     I am 5'

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