What's New Monday!

annette R.
on 4/21/08 3:16 am - ithaca, NY
Susan, That's encouraging news. I am happy to hear you are maiing progress at last. It has been a long, hard journey. Just a hint about the housework: It will be there forever so milk it every day that you can!!!  
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Laureen S.
on 4/21/08 7:05 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Aime, Hi My OFF Sistas and Brothers! Yup a new week, and the day has gotten old here, as I've been busy with this and that and not able to read the posts, never mind post before now, I always laugh when I'm at work and they actually expect me to do something and today is a unique day, as I was asked to work overtime, woo hoo, extra money!  I do like the sound of that!  Though it means I won't make it to the gym tonight. . .   Glad that you got to visit with Joyce and her husband this past weekend and that your job will bring you the opportunity to visit with LP several times this week, they grow and change so much, so enjoy! Well I certainly had a busy weekend, no time to read or post until a short time ago. . .  but it's all good stuff, Tony, family and then yesterday I did some closet and drawer purging and organizing and now I have one closet that is virtually empty of all the clothing that once fit me and drawers that have some of the newer items I've collected at thrift, clothing exchanges, purchased a few things or stuff that I can still "get away" with, but the time will come when I will probably fill it all up again, only this time, I won't have sizes 22/24 all the way down to size 16 womens ;)  Hoping that one day, size 10s will be the number attached to my clothing. . .  also put away the flannel sheets and heavier winter bedding and reorganized the line closet, then went off to dinner at a g/f's, where we had a meal and then headed to an AA meeting afterwards and then it was back to my place, where my one g/f came by for some talking time, which got me to bed way later than I needed to be for a Sunday night, oh well, seems 5 hours is the average sleep time I've been getting lately, but I'm not complaining, my life is truly good and full and I'll take what I have thank you very much, but I've missed all of you and now I will go back to playing catch up! Prayers and positive thoughts to all, hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 4/21/08 7:37 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Aime and everyone: Here's the beer fact for today from the 365 days of beer calendar: According to historians, The Aztecs prohibited drunkenness except for those who were 53 years of age or older. Oh good, now I can get drunk! I'm 53! I may have to do that when I get home tonight. Unfortunately, we have a review tonight, so it'll be late. (Oh, and getting drunk for me is about one beer, maybe two ... doesn't take much anymore.) That's the only good news I have today. It has been a bummer of a day. I decided I had to do something about my finances ... I just can't live much longer on this budget. I had hoped my bankruptcy attorney would give me some good news. I thought I would be out of bankruptcy by July ... nope! It's a whole year more, actually. I still owe $10,500 on my unsecured credits. The good news (if there is any good news) is all my secured creditors are paid ... other than my mortgage, which is ongoing. But I'm going to be stuck in Chap. 13 bankruptcy for another year and getting half a paycheck. The paralegal who was handling my case said I could rework my budget, but that would mean the payments would stretch out longer, and this has lasted long enough. I don't even know how I'm going to make some payments I need to make now by the end of the month.  The other chore for today was to call the ortho doc and chew him out. I spent a good 45 minutes to an hour over the weekend every day (including today) exercising, cycling, doing my PT exercises, leg lifts, strenghtening, etc. See, I can't even go to the Y because I owe them money and can't pay them. So I'm working out diligently at home. And I'm still in pain most of the time. I talked to the nurse and chewed her out. I said if the doctor can't help me feel better, then I'm going to find one who can. I didn't have this surgery to be in pain while I'm sitting at work all night or in pain while I'm in bed and wake up in the middle of the night and have to take a vicodin to get back to sleep. I'm sick of this. I'm getting very depressed about my situation, both with the pain and the finances.  And then there's my computer. I want it back. I want to be able to communicate, but I can't because I don't have my computer at home and I have to wait to get to work to communicate. And then I can't e-mail except from my work e-mail, because for some reason, the e-mail program from yahoo doesn't allow me to respond at work (must be something work is doing to me). I wanted to get online this morning and "talk" to y'all when I was upset, but I couldn't, so instead, I sat there and cried, and then I started popping peanuts in my mouth ... then I thought, why am I doing this, I'm not hungry, I'm upset. So I put the peanuts down (at least they were nutritious ... it could have been cookies!)  I could yell at the computer geek, but then I can't afford to pay him, and I know his wife had surgery with complications, so I feel stupid yelling at him about the computer. Still, I wish he would have worked on the computer while I was on vacation, like he said he would, so I could have gotten my computer back.  All this frustration has been bottled up all weekend with nowhere to go because I have no computer ... so this weekend I stayed home, watched baseball, did some projects around the house, read, did laundry, stripped the beds of the flannel sheets, spent time with the kitties. Just a nice relaxing weekend and I enjoyed it, but I had hoped for better news today. Oh, ortho doc's appointment is Wednesday. He better do something more than send me to PT ... or give me a reason that PT is going to do something for me, because it sure didn't do anything for me the last time ( and the therapist admitted there was nothing more he could do).  Well, I know this is long, and I'm sorry for venting so much. I know you folks must be tired of reading about my pains and my financial woes (and I know I'm to blame for all of them). Sorry I just had to vent somewhere.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 4/21/08 8:11 am - Elyria, OH
i told you over the weekend-that is what we are here for--if they don't wanna listen/read -they can move to the next post! hugs!
Nancy B
on 4/21/08 8:08 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

I had a great day! I met a friend, Ginette, in Fort Erie about 30 minutes drive away by highway, down at the Niagara River and got a tour of her new house (since her marriage breakup)..she is very happy. Ginette is in her ninth year of studying FENG SHEI, an ancient Chinese art of managing energy....she is also one of my sorority sisters. 

From there, we drove to Port Cobourne, another little known but intruiging town to have lunch with a third friend at her B&B.  we brought her a lively white orchid as a hostess gift.  I got the grande tour of that building as well and it is magnificent.  We have a lively time seated on her wrap-around porch, drinking tea. The owner, Gloria, may be my first client.

On the way back to Fort Erie, we stopped at several some specialty shops to browse around. The road follows the Niagara River and we could see the ice floes floating down river towards the Falls..they had opened the ice booms yesterday to release the ice pack.

I didnt get home til after 5 pm and now Im letting dinner cook while I checked in here. What an absolutely lovely day!

Nancy B

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
on 4/21/08 11:41 am - Bradenton, FL
Well I am back from Ft Lauderdale and got back in time for work. It took me 3 hours and 52 minutes to get back this morning. I had to work at noon. I became a key holder today!!!!!! Who Whoooo I wont have to wait for someone to let me in!!!!!  CArl Taught today that is a plus. Nothing else much going on.  Carla 
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