What's New Monday!
Well, here we are with another week and a new day! So what is new with you today?
Nothing new for me to add since I posted last night. I will be teaching a driver's ed class this week. I was called to fill in as one of the regular teachers is very ill. This will give me the opportunity to visit LP at least 3 times this week.
I wanted to thank Joyce and her husband John for a lovely time spent on Friday evening. Good luck today Joyce!! I will be thinking of you. I hope you enjoyed your crabcakes!
I hope everyone has a lovely Monday and a great week!
Post away~~~~~
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Guess nobody wants to talk this morning.....I am sitting here ready to go to the pool and checking OFF messages.
It was a gorgeous day here again yesterday. Went to early church, and then my usual trip to Wal Mart to shop.
Found a cheap pedometer and will see if it works at the pool (will try not to get it wet). In the afternoon I went out to my DS's and visited .... he was busy trying to catch up on inputting track stats (he's head boys coach at Centreville H.S.) as they had four meets this past week.
So the DIL and I played bowling on their Wii.....what fun!
I actually beat her both games.....well years ago I did bowl on a league, but havent bowled for a long long time.
Today is work at the bank and then home and get outside to start on the flower beds.
Didn't lose any wt this week, but measured and lost another inch around my hips -- hurrah!
Hope all have a blessed day.
It was a gorgeous day here again yesterday. Went to early church, and then my usual trip to Wal Mart to shop.
Found a cheap pedometer and will see if it works at the pool (will try not to get it wet). In the afternoon I went out to my DS's and visited .... he was busy trying to catch up on inputting track stats (he's head boys coach at Centreville H.S.) as they had four meets this past week.
So the DIL and I played bowling on their Wii.....what fun!
I actually beat her both games.....well years ago I did bowl on a league, but havent bowled for a long long time.
Today is work at the bank and then home and get outside to start on the flower beds.
Didn't lose any wt this week, but measured and lost another inch around my hips -- hurrah!
Hope all have a blessed day.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Pat, My son Nathan just turned 27. He's a middle school teacher and head track coach there this year. My kids both became distance runners in college. Erin ran sprints in high school, Nate thought walking to the fridge was exercise. Since high school he has completed two marathons! Erin regularly (pre twins) ran several miles a day. She's getting a twin jogging stroller so I'm sure Hannah and Clara will get introduced to it early on. Karen C
Karen C
Good morning, Aime. It is good to be home since having a sooooo busy week end and not having time to post. I missed everyone. Hope that everyone had a wonderful week end. I am so very sorry that today is Monday. I think that we should have a week of just week end. Oh! I guess that is called vacation week.
Saturday I had a church meeting about an hour away. We got there in about 40 minutes. Coming home Fern wanted to take another way other than the expressway and so we took the country way home. Well, needless to say we got lost. Thought we were going in the right direction (I am at the mercy of anyone else since I loss my sense of direction when I get away from home and the lake!!!) and was on the right highway. We were just going and going and had just said that Aberdeen should be coming up soon and then we come to it!!!!! The "Welcome to Illinois" sign. Both of our jaws dropped and I said "How the h3ll did we get to Illinois?". We turned around and then ended up going all the way back and got on the road that at one point I started going down and was told I should turn around and go the way I was. We went down that road again and ended up getting home. It was a funny day and we laughed most of the day. I guess you just have to have one of those days sometimes and God only knew that I needed it. We had a lot of fun and just kept laughing hysterically all the way home.
Spent the evening with our DH. When I got home he was here eating me out of house and home. But then again DH was joining him. I had made chicken fajitas in the crock pot on Saturday and there was a lot of leftovers. I thought that I could eat that during the week. I never tire of those. Well, think again. Those are all gone. Got home and they were chowing down on them. Shawn then told me that he loved them and wants me to make them for his birthday which is coming up in a couple of weeks. He is going to be 28. I should teach DDIL to make them. So needless to say we know what I am going to be making a couple of weeks from now. Oh well, I guess you have that when you have kids.
Today is my day at the PCP. Ick!! I just hate going to her. I did get a name on someone else from my heart doctor and I need to call her. I am just not happy with the one that I have. I have to go see her every month and I think that is nuts when nothing is wrong.
I have to finish my church fundraiser today. I have to make out the master order form and it is a doosey! It is from Dutch Mill Bulb Company and it was a very profitable one. I have had a lot of people ask me to make it a yearly fundraiser. I guess I will. It was a very easy one for me to do and that is a change. Usually they take so much of my time. As you can tell that is another committee that I head. I do about 4 of them and I am on several others.
I guess I had better get going. I have gone on and on and now it is someones elses turn. I hope that the week end went well for everyone. I am having to go through some of the threads that came up. I need to catch up on what I missed. I am sending love and hugs to everyone.

Brenda, I so understand. I want my own personal GPS "thingy!" But I probably wouldn't believe it either. I will sit with a map, figure out my way, and then not trust it. When I head out going the way I think I should, IF I would make an about face and go in the opposite direction I THINK I should I would be right more often than not! Karen C PS If you end up in SE Washington some time on one of your "drives" be sure to stop by!
Karen C
Hi Aime and all,
Aime, I spent my eighth grade year in Baltimore and have very fond memories of it. I love crab, and crab cakes.
I cleaned out our closets, 3 of them, and organized them. I cleaned the bathroom, bedroom, and cleaned out the fridge, got groceries, found some really nice pants and tops at the thrift store, and was also able to have a couple of naps, baths with reading and so had a very productive and relaxing weekend.
I realized that I have replaced my wardrobe with all second hand stuff, except underwear and socks. I have only bought one new dress (for Christmas party) So...I decided I should be able to get MORE stuff at the thrift store. I have learned to be very choosy, only getting certain, brands, making sure they are color, style I love, and are in excellent condition. Otherwise, I will have a ton of stuff I don't wear.
We are still having very cold weather for April and it's getting VERY old.
I also discovered I do NOT dump. I had a Margarita (lots of sugar) and nothing. I did get a bit tipsier than usual...but nothing too drastic. So...I will just have to be very careful not to go to the dark side. Darn! I kinda new that I may not be a dumper but was hoping I would have that deterrent.
Work is good. Gotta get ready for it soon.
Have a great day.
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
We must be sisters born of different mothers! In Tijuana last year Janet, Nancy B and I had little tiny margaritas with our dinner. Janet and I led innocent Nancy astray! Dang they were good. In Dallas there was a margarita machine in our hotel (!!) Shall I say happy hour was memorable. But. . . . about 1/2 and I'm done. If I sit still for about 15 minutes I'm sober again. It's a quick one, but left no visible after affects for me either. Let's see: old houses, antiques, anything vintage, the great state of Washington, teaching, reading, anxiety and needless worrying, and now margaritas. See what I mean? Karen C
Karen C
lol..I WAS such an innocent then! I will never be the same again!!
As if that wasnt bad enough, in Dallas, Janet seduced me into a CHOCOLATE MARTINI one night..I think I have about 4 handsome strange men coming to see me this summer in the Falls...at least I REMEMBER inviting them(hate to think how many more I may have invited after that!)!
Janet, Im SO relieved that you chose a CLASSY bar for us to have those drinks.
I have such wonderful adventures with my friends!!
Nancy B