OT: a scar in the grand scope of things

Margo M.
on 4/20/08 9:08 am, edited 4/20/08 9:12 am - Elyria, OH
There are so many things that we all take for granted in our everyday lives. we cook and clean and then we wash the dishes and we run the errands and go to drs  appts and we try to keep up on the news and we fuss over our yards and our houses and our friends...we work and we slave and we try to pay our bills...some of us have the luxury ( or the incumbrance!) to have a yard to manage..to trim and cut and feed the birds..some of us have the ability to have hummers up to the window where we sit to eat our meals and drink our coffee (*and then some have haleakela sunrises!!*) and some never get the chance to see a bird up close, nor maybe care to......they are dirty they poop on cars they make noise.....after all you've seen one you've seen them all..... Well; Michael and I have to beg to differ on that note! Spring 2006...Michael was home....all of the time except when at drs appts after his fall at work...he had time..he always has enjoyed nature and he has cared for more animals than I can name...he grew up a farmer and raised a prize winning dairy herd; he did bird rescue and we have three, he hunted and he watched and he studied...one of our first conversations online in 2000 was about birds talking to us!!! well,that spring; he befriended a robin--a big boy with a broad bare spot on his dirty brown/rust colored chest..1/2 inch wide by a little over  2 inches long..Michael named him Scar. Scar would feed very close to our slider door off the kitchen and he flew well and he flittered around the box elder and down in the bottom of the yard..he was healthy and strong....  Winter came..Scar had flown.... Spring 2007 and we watched..I saw more robins in one day in our yard that spring than I had ever witnessed in my life..not once did we have that but twice we were honored.....awesome..I spotted hawks in our tree in a rainstorm, I learned to spot the hawks and learned about flight patterns and wind and all....and then there was Scar! Our friend had returned! He ate and flew and frittered and played.... Winter came..Scar had flown. Spring 2008 and we watched and commented and no Scar...Michael wouldn't say it ; however, I think he has been reflecting on all of the mortality we have faced in the past few years...and wondering and counting lost friends. Tonight, at dinner, Scar bobbed around the yard and ate while we did...it's the first we have seen him.....and life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 4/20/08 9:23 am - Alexander, AR
Margo, words to express how this touched me aren't coming to my drug muddled mind, but it did bring tears to my eyes. Thank you



Pat R.
on 4/20/08 10:32 am - Sturgis, MI
How wonderful, Margo.....I love stories like that. .....have one of my own to share.

All week my front porch has been littered with twigs and other stuff to build a nest with....I finally figured out it was a pair of mourning doves trying to build a nest on one of the porch light fixtures and their hard work wouldn't stay put.....I couldn't stand it, they were working so hard, so I went into the garage and found a hanging basket from last year that was empty and filled it with their nest building materials....several hours later I checked and Mrs. Dove was in the basket -- I nearly cried!

I'm such a softie!!


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(deactivated member)
on 4/20/08 10:49 am, edited 4/20/08 10:50 am - Columbus, GA
Wow... wonderful story... I once had a neighbor who saw a newborn bird fall from a nest under her eaves and called me... knowing I knew about taking care of animals from our conversations... Named her Caroline... she was about an hour old... and without help would die quickly. I went online and made myself as smart as I could about Starlings... then got out my baby bird kit that I have used a few times before and went to work... Caroline was amazing... and fell in love with me... the feeling was mutual! But she is a wild bird... and once grown I had to start introducing her to the outside world... she got braver and braver as time went by... flying from her permanent home on my shoulder farther and farther as the weeks  went by... then one day she didn't come back to my shoulder... The next day I scanned the skies.. calling her.. and there she was! Then she stayed gone a couple of days... then a week... then one day she just never came back... boy, did I have a tough time getting over that... and still haven't, although I am very happy to have known her...  My life is a lot fuller having experienced Caroline... I hope she is happy and healthy... View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com
Connie D.
on 4/20/08 11:10 am
Margo and Marc...what beautiful stories. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, connie d
on 4/20/08 1:27 pm

I love the robins.  I think of them as the strong silent birds.  Hubby and I, in the evenings, watch the birds and we feed them but lately, he has been running the water hose in a spot by the tree and I suppose it brings up the worms because the robins flock to the wet spot. 

Your story is very touching.

on 4/20/08 5:47 pm - Phoenix, AZ
We had the great fun of living in the UK due to my husband's job.  Of course, the wildlife there is such a part of the landscape.  One day I was reading and looked out the sliding glass door and saw the most beautiful pheasant in the back garden.  I kept bird seed (for "emergencies") so I tossed some out on the patio for him.  Over then next few weeks I named him "Pretty Boy Floyd".  As the time passed, PBF would show up about the same time every day for his handout.  One day he pecked on the window.  I thought he had eaten all his seeds, but realized he had carefully picked out just the cracked corn.  The next time I went to the store, I got cracked corn just for him and sure enough that was exactly what he wanted...he would peck at the door and I would supply his needs.  We had great respect for one another.....him for bringing such beauty into the day and me for being the Cracked Corn Lady.  He came back the next year and it was like finding a dear friend all over again.  The next year we returned to the US, but I will never forget the gift of beauty he brought to me.
Brenda R.
on 4/20/08 8:52 pm - Portage, IN
Alright guys!! You got the waterworks going here in Portage, IN. I know it doesn't take much to it going.  I love birds, and I got that from my mom. She use to feed them and knew everyone that came. I remember one time when it was about -40 and 3 times a day I was out in feeding them for mom. She loved to watch everyone that came. We had a mourning dove couple that would come several times a day to feed. They were my favorites. I am partial to them.  Thanks so much for the touching stories. I love hearing them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


J Brown
on 4/21/08 12:49 am - Omaha, NE
You are all such great writters. Thank-You Margo for starting this thread and sharing about scar. Michael needed that pick me up, didn't he?  For a couple of years I lived in the most awesome area, I had a huge back yard totally surrounded by trees. Here I was in the middle of Omaha, but I felt like I lived in a park. I set up a "bird station" with feeders and birdbath and would sit for hours and watch them. Igot to "know" one couple of Cardinals that just would crack me up. The female was the fattest bird I ever saw , and her beautiful red husband was the shyest. As I sat on the patio she would come and eat, bath and preen and he would sit in a tree and just yell at her, I could just tell he was saying" human in the area , danger , danger" and it was like she was answering him back "Oh get over it you old fart, she isn't going to bother us, now leave me alone I'm eatting" I got the biggest kick out of them all year, and Inever saw him come to the feeder. And once I had a green parrot at the feeder, I was so excited, I called a bird shop to see if it would be able to live as I had tried to get close to it,, but it was totally wild. They told me many birds fly out doors every year and are lost and if it could find a warm corner to winter in it would have a chance. I hope it did, but that was such a surprise.The landlord sld thehouse so Ihad to move.
on 4/21/08 2:03 am - Manteca, CA
Those are all beautiful stories! Birds are amazing! Thanks for sharing!
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