Whats New Sunday!!!! From Sunny Florida
Good morning my OFF friends
First of all I'd like to thank everyone for the good wishes and prayers. If I have ever wanted a lap top computer it would have been the last few days while in the hospital. I missed all of you so much!
My doctor failed to tell his partner who took his cases for the weekend that my surgery was more complicated than just a lap gallbladder. Of course, I didn't feel the need to tell him when he came to discharge me since he had my chart right in front of him. So they took out the epidural and sent me on my way. Well, all of that wore off about noon and I thought I was going to die. I called him and he said I shouldn't be in that much pain for a lap gallbladder so I informed him about the 6 inch open incision, hernia and bowel resection. I could tell by his tone that he was surprised, so I don't think I'd be here at home if he had been better informed ( OR if he had actually READ my chart!!!) So the liquid lortab that was prescribe 1-2 tsp every 4 hours became 2 tsp every two hours!! Wasn't sure if I was going to make it through the night without having to have dear Gary take me back to the hospital. I took the last dose with a sleeping pill chaser and slept like a rock. Only woke once to potty and put the binder back on (how did that thing come off in my sleep?) and slept all the way to 7:00.
I feel much better today than yesterday, but I'm still not out of the woods by any means. Hopefully I can cut back to every 4 hours today and start getting off this stuff altogether.
Gary's bringing the dogs home from the kennel today. I sure miss them being here, they are such a big part of our lives. But, Gary's right, I didn't need some overly happy 70 lb dog running to greet me. I'll stay in the bedroom while they settle down for a while.
Well, if anything new comes up I'll let you all know. Gonna hang out with movies and my blankie all day. Everyone take care and be good.
Love you all bunches!
Susan......sorry you were in such horrible pain. That doctor obviously wasn't doing his job. Why bother if you aren't going to at least skim over the chart. Please tell your regular doctor about this so it doesn't happen to anyone else.
So glad to hear you are feeling better today. Rest as much as possible. I am sure Gary will take good care of you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Hugs, connie d
Good Morning Carla and everyone..........
Carla....I have a pic of Nic when he was about that age eating BBQ ribs so I know just what you are talking about. Lily must be just as cute!!
Annette lucky you being able to paint like that. My daughter Jamie is the same way. She has never had a lesson but she can paint the most beautiful things. She didn't get her talent from me!! You will have to take pics of your gargden with the beautiful birdhouses. I would love to see them.
Not much happening for me today. I am just going to read the Sunday newspaper and relax. Wow do I need that!
Yesterday was crazy!! My nephew came over and fixed my computer...YAY!!! He and another friend were here from 1:00PM to 7:00PM. Then my girlfriend and I zipped over to a huge garage sale that was open until 9:00PM. We each got a bag of things for $2.00. I got a really nice pair of black dress pants and 4 tops, 1 sweatshirt, 6 paperback books and other odds and ends. What a deal!!
Hope everyone is doing well today. Prayers to those that need them and hugs to all!! connie d
Good morning!! 
I have another busy day. i have to work for a few hours, I promised my daughter who is supposed to stay off her feet I would come over and make potatoe salad, do laundry and a bowling banquet tonight. I also asked my estranged husband to come over and adjust a seat on a 3-wheeler bike I recently bought, but I cannot count on that! He is so angry I left him in January.

I have another busy day. i have to work for a few hours, I promised my daughter who is supposed to stay off her feet I would come over and make potatoe salad, do laundry and a bowling banquet tonight. I also asked my estranged husband to come over and adjust a seat on a 3-wheeler bike I recently bought, but I cannot count on that! He is so angry I left him in January.
I think I'd be a bit leery of asking someone to adjust a seat when he is still so ticked off! He might just adjust it the wrong way and you would become a flying object as you go around a steep cliff! Just kidding there, as I'm sure you know him way better than I do! Wow, when you decided it was time to take care of you you really did it. I've been married 37 years and there are many times when I feel so taken for granted by this big lug. He can be such a teddy bear, but also so oblivious at times. They don't change easily do they? I tried to change him for so many years. Finally came to the realization that I'm the only one I can do anything about! Karen C PS Please check that seat out carefully before taking a long ride! Maybe stopping by a bike shop on a ride might be an easier solution.
Karen C
Good morning Carla and everyone....another beautiful day here in the Ozarks i am really having to fight with myself about not planting anything yet. You never know we might have a horrible freeze yet after all it is still April. Last year we had one the last few days of April and the first few days of May. Was bad. lots of things didnt produce at all .
Hopeing for better luck this year.
Carla we filled our truck up the other day was 72.00 can you believe that? I just keep thinking about all the poor people that work for min. wage. how in the world are they going to manage???
well got to get up ad get outside and clean more on flower beds and spread Preen so wont have weeds this year.
Where ever you are have fun and hope you are having a great day too.
and then there are the poorer ppl like me who aren't working and still have to pay for gas to go to drs etc!
we are struggling not to plant etc--michael wants tso badly to do so and i have to remind him ohio gets frost even in early may--my rule of "thumb" has always been to wait til mother's day !!!!
Good Morning Carla and Everyone!
Sounds like fun to share ribs with a 3-year old! LOL They are so cute.... Don't even get me started on the price of gas..... $55 for me last time. I went by several gas stations in the morning only to drive by them later that evening and the price had changed by 5 cents in one day..... yikes....
Hubby is recouping nicely. It was sort of hard to keep him quiet yesterday but we did it! He's back to his normal self now. Today, we're going to try an outing for him as he's getting a little "house bound" being idle for so long. Going to take him to Red Lobster with some friends since that's his favorite.
Take care and hugs to all who need them. Enjoy your Sunday!
Hello Carla and OFF'ers!
a cool gray Sunday here in NW Ohio. I had a backyard fire in my fire pit Friday night and it was nice. Yesterday was the doggy event of course and then church. Today I put together 10 forms into order for red folder stuffings, (one of each form goes into a red folder for our adopted dogs new parents. Has advice and stuff like that in it). So did that, also stamped a good 150 red folders with Planned Pethood's logo and information, and on the 50 I stuffed, got the labels and cutesie sticker of dogs/bones on them. Then got cleaned up, ran to store and came home, scrubbed family room floor. Dogs just got fed and are snoring that meal away. Stopped at parents house for a few minutes yesterday I knew my brother and his kids would be there and I wanted to say hi. got there in time to get a few outside chair frames so have those to macrame' now. dug out my cord, found the 2 crochet hooks I need for it and found the patterns too. (WHEW!) Now to get going on them. Now I have 4 chairs and a lawn chair to do. That's something I can do outside or inside whichever the case may be. So many projects to do and so little time! Story of my life! LOL! Hope you all have a great Monday and week ahead!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Debbie, I love those chairs. I know it's best if you can find a really sturdy frame so that all of the work is not in vain. When we get our chance to meet in the middle for a camping trip you can teach me how! I used to crochet with my mom when I was little. I'm a leftie and learned sitting across from her and just reversing everything. Now they have books with left handed illustrations! I really am on the lookout for a motorcycle trailor or one of those little lightweight teardrops that can be pulled behind a car. That way Maggie and I can head out for weeks on end. Not this summer definitely. Between puppies, babies, and houses to sell and build I think I'd better stay a bit close to home. But perhaps in a year or so! Karen C
Karen C