What's New - Saturday!

annette R.
on 4/18/08 9:11 pm - ithaca, NY
Laureen  and all - Good Morning Tony sounds like he has a future with you. Slow and easy, that's a good idea. Tom and I sat on the deck and enjoyed the first nice weather. Two years ago the chairs were a tight squeeze, hurt to sit in fact. Now I have room to spare.  I cleaned out a load of clothes from the closet --- again. The task is not completed but there is now plenty of room and empty hangars. I need to get serious and buy Summer clothes or go naked. That's not an option, don't worry. For Mothers Day we are going to a fancy restaurant and I want a smashing new outfit. I found a new pair of heels and need an outfit to match. That's backwards shopping. I think we are supposed to find the outfit first, then look for complimentary shoes?   Matthew, Melanie and I have a play date. The weather is supposed to be perfect. We always take out three mugs of water but the kids prefer to drink from mine. Share the water and the germs. Today I will take a pitcher of water and one mug. Once we get outside, neither of them want to go inside for a refill. On Thursday, I started to get woozy from the sun and needed to drink. They had a fit and didn't understand. Today I will be better prepared. Must remember sunscreen for me too. The kids got slathered but grandma forgot that her skin burns easily.  ta ta Annette
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Aime B.
on 4/18/08 9:26 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good morning Laurren and all! I think it is great you have met a person that is bringing out some of those good ol' feelings. I know the time I have spent with my friend lately has given me a glimpse of those feelings. Yesterday seemed to last forever until I shut the office down 10 minutes early. I was so tired of answering calls and repeating read the directions. People are so quick to call someone for help these days instead of trying to help themselves. I have always been a person that wanted to know how to do it myself. I read the directions and the manual. I am listening to birds singing on a lovely cool morning. I am supposed to pick up lp and N for a day at the zoo. I may actually bring the kids next door. Am I insane??? Yeah, I am.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday and weekend!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

on 4/18/08 10:07 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Here I thought I'd be one of the early ones, and there are a bunch of posts already!  Hopefully, it's because the Spring weather has everyone up and moving, not because of our old friend Insomnia... It's been a crazy two weeks for me.  I haven't even had time to read all the posts as I usually do, let alone reply to any. I've been in the middle of helping to plan my 40th high school reunion, which I am really looking forward to.  At the last one I looked like everyone's mother.  Not this time.  A new body and a pretty new dress, too...  What a come-back! I got back from Pittsburgh ready to settle down into my ho-hum life and hang by my fingernails till Spring arrived so I could get out into the yard and start playing in the dirt, to recharge my soul and reacclimate my body to exercise.  Well, in the absence of Spring, I found myself on an all-out quest for a a new job!  I got a couple of canvass latters for a promotion, close to home, where I worked before a big layoff over 10 years ago.  I loved the job, but didn't have enough seniority to be kept on, so after several years ended up still working for the State, but in the Dept of Corrections.  I'm pretty well settled in DOCS, but not really very happy with the nursing situation at my location.  So.... I responded "interested" to the canvass letters, and meanwhile found out they were looking for between 1-3 people to fill positions that would be lateral transfers for me.   I've spent the last week frantically getting papers in order, updating my resume, FAXing them to the main facility, making phone calls, setting up interviews, all with a computer who's printer has unexpectedly s*** the bed.  I'm hoping that one of the positions will be offered (especially the promotions), and will take pretty much what is offered.  It's community work, which I love and am pretty good at.  If I enjoy it as much as I hope to, my retirement may be put on hold for a while.  The main reason I've been so adamant about retiring in 2 years has been the work situation where I am now. However, my planned vacation in 2010 will still be a "go".  Wouldn't miss that for the world. Well, that's my life recently.  Since I spent yesterday's beautiful weather inside working on the job situation, today will be for playing in the dirt!  Spring cleanup awaits.  I feel absolutely giddy with anticipation!   Two years ago I never would have gone into this job hunt with the self confidence I have now.   What a life! Candy 


Connie D.
on 4/18/08 11:09 pm
Good Morning Laureen and everyone....... Laureen I am sooooo happy for you. I am glad you are taking things slow but it really does sound like you have a keeper there!!! I am going to meet a bunch of ladies from the MN board for coffee (water) this morning. The meeting is in  town here so I don't have to drive very far....with gas prices that is a good thing. I have company coming over for the afternoon and evening. I need to make sure I have what I need to make dinner tonight. Hope your weekend is a fun one!! Hugs, connie d
on 4/18/08 11:21 pm - CA
Good Morning, Laureen, and Everyone! What a nice story to read this morning that you have found someone special in your life!  It's so very nice to see such happiness.  Good news and bad news for me today.  Mostly good news.  Hubby's angiogram found there is no heart clogging or damage of any kind!  The only thing they said was sort of funny was his femoral artery was sort of large at the top and very narrow at the bottom.  They also had difficulty with a pulse in his legs.  The heart dx is very good news.  The bad news of that is it means there isn't an easy fix to his shortness of breath and inability to be active.  The cardiologist says he doesn't even need to follow him in any way and will discharge him back to his primary care doctor.  So, we're back to the Pulmonary doctor.  Monday is the breathing tests and Wednesday is an ultrasound of his legs.  He'll see the Pulmonologist again the end of the month. It's a very quiet weekend at home for rest and relaxation.  I have two errands to run and some friends coming to visit.  Nothing big but a lightbulb went out in the vanity and, of course, I don't have one like that..... Take care and Happy Passover to those who observe..... Kathi
Margo M.
on 4/18/08 11:39 pm - Elyria, OH
you and hubby remain in my prayers..oh and here's a hug for good measure!
karen C.
on 4/19/08 12:42 am - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Laureen and friends,

I'm going to be an off and on poster for a while I guess. I try to slip in and read to catch up but sometimes (often) don't get back to post myself.

Have been super busy with the hammer, hole filler and touch up paint. Removed every picture from the walls in the living room, bedrooms, and hallway. Filled holes, touched up paint the best I could and now await the homestager's return. She'll advise how many and what to put back on the walls and we'll store the rest. Nothing personal, most pictures were too high on the walls. Mike's viewing level not mine. She says since women are the ones who notice what's on the walls things should be at female level.  Don't know that I agree with all of the minimalist stuff but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Hope to get carpets shampooed late in the week.  In about a week I'll take puppies and head to Erin's for a few days. House goes on the market about May 12th. Still have a bit of time. Mike needs to do some outside painting and I'll wait to put annuals in the front beds until he'd finished. He does NOT look down when he moves so they would be smushed in a matter of minutes.

Mike brought home new baby pics on a cd. I'll try to figure out how to transfer them to my computer and post a couple later today.

Must get the protein shake and supplements in and hit the shower. Another fun day of decluttering and trying to spiff up this place is in store. 

You all take care, Karen C

Karen C

Karen S.
on 4/19/08 1:11 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Laureen and all of my OFF family! Oh happy day, Laureen....you are on an adventure! You have a good head and heart, and I know you will take it slow and easy and enjoy your new friend and let it develop as it will. Listen to your "little voice."

It's early here.....5:00 a.m. and I'm showered, and almost ready to head to the hospital to test my babies. I've read many posts and wish I could respond to lots of them, but there is just no time to do individual responses like I would prefer. So I'll just HUG all of you tightly and tell you how much I love you and appreciate you!!

My time is quickly moving toward when I leave for Calif. to spend two weeks with my son, DIL and grandbabies! The newest one should be born while I'm there AND my kids are moving into a new home as well. The timing is not the best, but they found a nice, bigger house (which they need with 3 little boys under age 4!) that is between San Jose and Santa Cruz. I have a feeling my stay with them will have me being a babysitter slash pack mule!! That's OK with me.......but I just need to remember to EAT. Last time I was there I lost 11 lbs....and I don't have 11 lbs. to lose anymore!!

I've been decluttering like crazy and yesterday took a car full of stuff to Savers. While there it was "green tags 99 cent day." Well, I found a darling, fitted black jacket .... size 8!!!!!!!!.......that had been marked $9.99 for 99 cents!! The size 8 blew my mind........it seems like yesterday I was wearing 2X's and 3X's.

Time to put on my face and get out the door. It's still dark outside, and my drive to the hospital will be beautiful as I look down on the harbor and see the twinkling lights of the the cruise ships docked there.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend....and that something magical happens to you.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 4/19/08 2:00 am - Manteca, CA
Hi All, I'm so happy for you Laureen! I do remember that feeling! My husband and I have been married for almost 25 years (in October) and "that" feeling is long gone, but we are a good match. I do wish for that feeling though.  Today I am going to a play again. It is a musical about the life of Hank Williams. It should be great. While I'm gone construction will reign again! The contractor is installing our passive water heater. I wish him luck in our garage! I am feeling really good about my weight loss too. The restaurant that we frequent was hopping last night and I got so many WOWS that I was beaming most of the night. My scale isn't moving as fast as my inches for sure. I switched down another size yesterday and my face is definitely shedding lots of fat. People that I know well are doing double-takes, and the changes are flattering so far. Yeah! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday.  Julia
Nancy B
on 4/19/08 2:38 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Finally! the WEEKEND!  I have been standing at the bedroom window watching..literally..as the tree leaves are popping open..its amazing! I guess that means that Spring is finally here. It was Tshirt weather yesterday and tho I havent been outside yet, it loks like another amazing day out there.

Today I have to go to the plant and pick up my pay cheque, get an ink cartridge for my printer, and we are supposed to attend a Memorial servive at the nursing home where JBs mother died in lare January.  He isnt feeling good about going there so I suggested that , maybe, he ight perfer to come with me to the garden centre and get some beautiful plants and flowers and take them to his parents gravesites instead.  He hasnt decided yet.  I need definites...I hate maybes.

Well, the scales is doing me dirt. Ive been on the straight and narrow so good this week and the numbers are going up instead..three pounds..what the heck???  However, I also remember that the body fluctuates and as long as I am honest with myself, the weight will come off. So I refuse to et myself feel badly..no one will notice a three pound addition to me right now and soon it will be gone..likely jus****er..I noticed my feet were terribly puffy last night...I remain well under 1200 calories..on high protein and drinking lots of water so all I can do now is to stop weighing in daily and just continue eating well and be patient.

Im off to see the Wizard!

Nancy B

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