Gastric Bypass Surgery on 60 Minutes, Sun., 4/20/08
Hi OFFers,
60 Minutes has scheduled a segment on gastric bypass surgery. Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports on the effects of gastric bypass surgery this Sunday, April 20, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
Check it out:
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Hi Connie,
I hope it will be a good segment. I read the summary of the piece and it seems positive. It would be great if the mainstream media could open the public awareness to the positives of weight loss surgery procedures and the health benefits. Yes, we lose weight but we also regain and improve our health.
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Hi Annette,
I'll watch too with my fingers crossed that they are objective and fair. The public needs to see that it isn't the easy way out (ugh!!!) and that it is a tool not to merely lose weight but to regain our health.
Thanks, Cathy
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Hi Debi,
I think it'll be a good show!!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
I hope it is a positive show...
I just saw part of a show that Montel Williams did on weight loss... some girl lost about 115 pounds and everyone applauded... then she yells "and I did it without surgery!" and got a huge round of applause!
I guess that was worth a louder round of applause... but it sure made the surgery seem like some sort of cop-out ...
.... or maybe I was grumpy!