What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Thursday!!

on 4/17/08 3:13 am - Tucson, AZ
Good Morning my angel Linda!  Cup-o-ambition.  B-2 oz sf pudding. L 2 oz 0% greek yogurt. D- 2oz cream of wheat. I can cut down from 3 protein shakes a day to 2 because of the protein in the greek yogurt. I'll get in 64 grms of protein. One multi, 1 calcium, and a B12.


Connie D.
on 4/17/08 3:46 am
Good afternoon sweet Linda!!  My work day is hectic again today. I just now am taking a break and checking out the board. My work week is done now so I can sit back and relax alittle. My wonderful cleaning fairy is here doing a terrific job as always. She just finished my laundry and is cleaning now. What a joy she is!! I thank God for her every week!! B-yogurt w/ Kashi and string cheese S-crackers with peanut butter (2) L-Tuna, cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes S-fruit D-steak w/ mushrooms and onions S- SF pudding Have a great day!! Love and hugs.......Boo to you!!
Cajun Angel
on 4/17/08 5:25 am - New Orleans, LA
Aaa choo!  Me too!  I thought I was catching another cold, but as the day wore on, it feels more like a touch of allergies.  Hope we all feel better soon.  I guess it's the price we pay for spring weather! While all y'all are looking forward to Friday, I AM NOT.  It means I'm that much closer to having to face Monday and the ogre.  I vow to make the most of my last few days of freedom.  Thinking too much of my return to H3LL, got me in trouble earlier.  I found some leftover Easter candy hidden in the pantry and I ate 1/2 of a 1 oz bunny before stopping and throwing that darn thing in the garbage.  He's history, buried under coffee grinds - hum mocha flavored bunny might taste good!  I'm kidding sistas!  He's staying buried! B - protein shake S - .5 oz chocolate bunny L - piece of fish with onions and salad S - apple w/ p'nut butter D - fish with onions, cheese grits, brussel sprouts, maybe some mushrooms S - yogurt with All Bran cereal and strawberries.  Our Pontchatoula, LA strawberries are in season and YUMMY!  Bought some at the grocery this morning Last night I had a yogurt with All Bran cereal, and as soon as it went down, it made a repeat performance   What's up with that?  I've had it many times before without any problem. Love to all, Debbie
Nancy B
on 4/17/08 2:24 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Happy Spring, everyone! tho I do miss those gorgeous azaleas down south...

B   1 cup of  LF cottage cheese w/ crushed unsweetened pineapple = 30 grams protein

S   cheddar cheese = 12 grams

L   homemade high protein chili= 25 grams protein

S   protein shake w/ skim milk powder= 30 grams protein

D  5 tiny meatballs in tomato sauce & cheese = approx 15 grams protein

S  banana ( I need the potassium)


Nancy B  & Rufus

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Cajun Angel
on 4/17/08 4:01 pm - New Orleans, LA
Nancy I agree azaleas are gorgeous.  Ours were in full bloom about two weeks ago.  The only problem with them is they don't last long.  Within 3 -4 days, they are ugly shriveled messes. I had a banana for a late snack too - been having leg cramps.  I remember as a kid, mom NEVER let us eat bananas after dinner.  Supposedly they were too heavy to digest and would sit like a lump in our tummies - an old wives tale left over from grandma's days. Debbie
Nancy B
on 4/17/08 4:06 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

I remember, at one time, being told that ripe bananas were the perfect food for infants.

My doctor told me to eat more bananas since Im taking a fluid pill..the same one that Joyce S gave me in Dallas only not as potent. In 1999, when I had cellulitis in oth legs, the internist at the hospital had put me on serious fluid pills to get rid of the excess lymph fluid.

Only problem was that he neglected to consider the potasium in my blood which the fluid pills leached out to the point that I almost had a heart attack...boy, was my family doctor upset!

I had temporary heart damage at the time, he said and now he worries about me and fluid pills..so I try to eat a banana a day plus take potasium pills.

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Cajun Angel
on 4/17/08 4:33 pm - New Orleans, LA
It's like everything else, one day something is bad for you and the next it's the miracle cure or vice versa. When I was on 4 - 5 blood pressure meds per day, I was also told to eat a banana per day or drink a glass of orange juice for potassium.  Bananas don't seem to upset Oscar as long as I stick with the smaller ones.  On the other hand, pears kill poor Oscar - strange thing is apples go down OK. Nite nite Sweet Nancy!  I'm getting up early in the morning and it's after 1:30.   I'm so glad you decided to come back to your sistas!
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