
on 4/16/08 5:01 pm - Tucson, AZ
Tonight, at the urgings of my seventeen year old son, he, myself and our greyhound walked around the block.  At first I told him I was only going to go to the corner and back, because I thought I wouldn't make it, but I did!  Around the whole block, probably 1/4 of a mile!   And not alot of pain either.  I haven't been doing alot of walking lately because I just couldn't seem to get motivated, but Adam is a good motivater, and I told him so. I hope he keeps it up, because I just can't seem to do it for myself.  I'm glad it didn't hurt.  Could that be from the weight I've lost already?


Aime B.
on 4/16/08 7:32 pm - Baltimore, MD
Keep up that walking!!! Each step will be easier!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

on 4/16/08 9:25 pm - CA
Hi Reggie, Way to go!  Get out there and do what you can.  It's nice your son can motivate you like that!  Whatever the reason it didn't hurt, enjoy it!  Now, find one thing today that motivates you to do something.  Walk to that corner all by yourself if nothing else!  Walk, walk, walk! You can do this! Hugs, Kathi
Brenda R.
on 4/16/08 11:14 pm - Portage, IN
Reggie, keep up the great work. It doesn't matter why it just matters that it is. You did it and you did it well. So who cares why? Hope that you get what I am getting at. So today you just find something else to get you motivated. You can even think that Adam is there with you if that works. You are doing great and keep up the wonderful work. You will get there one step (so to speak) at a time. Love and hugs to you, sweetie.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Karen S.
on 4/17/08 2:38 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Reggie....You are on your way, babe! It all downhill from here on.....and what a ride it will be.

You are very lucky to have a son who will walk with you...and support you through this. I am happy for you.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Connie D.
on 4/17/08 3:39 am
Hi  Reggie....keep walking is so important after this surgery. You will lose more weight and feel more energized. Good for your son...tell him he did a good job getting you going!  Glad things are going so well for you! Hugs, connie d
Joan M.
on 4/17/08 4:44 am - Lexington County, SC
Yes, even the amount you lost so far will make a difference and my surgeon said a lot of people right after surgery notice a change in joint pain being much less even w/o losing a huge amount of weight and they couldn't really explain it..just another benefit.  Good for you and your son!

It is His love and grace that saved and sustains me.
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Before/current/Surgeon's Goal/normal BMI 290/130/150/132     I am 5'

Dave Chambers
on 4/17/08 10:46 am - Mira Loma, CA
I had RNY in May, 2006. My form of exercise is walking. Start out slow, repeat distance for a few days. Lengthen distance and repeat. I would try to avoid walking too far right at first, as you may be sore, and that will give you a reason not to continue walking. I take one or two walks around my block, 1 1/4 miles per trip each day.  Just do something, not matter what it is, on a consistant basis. it will help you feel better, help with gas, and help you in the bathroom too. Your motivation for doing exercise is to lose the weight at a relatively even rate. Many people who stop exercising (even just walking) will stop losing weight, or the weight loss will be minimal. Exercising during the first 6-8 months is very important, as this is when the most weight is lost from weight loss surgery.

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

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