What's New Thursday!

Aime B.
on 4/16/08 7:36 pm, edited 4/16/08 7:41 pm - Baltimore, MD
Yes, I know what day it is! Good morning! It is Thursday! I am once again cognizant of the day of my surroundings. I did have to go into work for a half day. I handled the things I needed to and then came home and slept. I slept and slept. My youngest son G stopped over. He wasn't aware of my ER incident. He hung around all evening. I ate a little dinner with him and then went right back to bed.  I am awake and alert this morning. I still need to replace the flagyl that I now know I cannot take. I am a little concerned about taking any antibiotic these days. So many of them give me allergy type reactions. Never have I had the experience I had Tuesday afternoon though from one. Since my need for one has to do with a female issue, I wonder if thereis a more topical antibiotic I can use. I don't know if I want anything inside my body.  I hope everyone has a great day. LP is 4 months old now!!! Smooches to all my great OFF family!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Joan M.
on 4/16/08 8:17 pm - Lexington County, SC
Aime...I cannot take Flagyl either.  Sorry about your problems and so glad you are doing better today. OK Everyone, Joyce posted under my name with FUN FUN FUN check it out to find out about visit with her at my home. A little tired this morning after staying up later than we normally do but the  FUN with her and John is sooo worth it.  I am looking forward to this morning with them.  I now feel a part of the OFF group that is experienced when you meet one of your own!  It is precious and priceless to meet a fellow OFFer and we were blessed with two!  I didn't remember John also had surgery.  Wi**** was warmer this morning so we could sit on the screened porch and have breakfast..maybe we could go over the Maui Karen's for breakfast! Love you all and hope your day is as blessed as mine....

It is His love and grace that saved and sustains me.
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Before/current/Surgeon's Goal/normal BMI 290/130/150/132     I am 5'

annette R.
on 4/16/08 8:41 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning Aime and all, I have had many allergic reactions to antibiotics since WLS too Aime. It has reached the point that I don't dare take anything and my doctor wants me to see an allergist. I have procrastinated making that appointment but your experience has given an over due nudge. Smooches back at you. For some reason I am not receiving messages from the OH board. So, if I fail to respond, that is the reason.  I had a thoroughly UN-WOW moment. After months of feeling poorly, I am getting my energy back and feel the return of good health. I ran into one of my favorite aunts and she was in tears when she saw me. She thinks I look "sickly and like HELL". She has seen me regularly since WLS, so it was not the usual reaction of people seeing the 204 pound weight loss for the first time. That felt bad to see her cry.  Annie was in rare form last night. At night each furbrat has their special spot on our bed. Thank goodness it is a king size or Tom and I would be on the floor. Annie decided that HER spot was in my arms, on her back, and none of the others were allowed. Not only did she chase them away but she bit Tom when he attempted to rub her belly. Annie is one of the smallest but what a forcefull temper. This morning she has guarded all the window perches and won't let the others look out at the birds. My lap is off limits too. Tevia - come get your bride to be - she's being naughty. My 9 year old granddaughter Lindsay is a girly girl and PINK is her favorite color. We share the September birthstone - a blue sapphire. The last time I was in Virginia she and I roamed a jewelery store and Lindsay had her first glimpse of a PINK saphire. She was all giddy as she oohed and ahhed. While perusing my favorite jewelery store yesterday, I spied the perfect necklace for her. It is pink, heart-shaped sapphires with small diamonds as accents. Now I have to decide whether to give this to her for a special occasion or wait until her birthday. Granddaughters are such fun! (grandsons too but in a different way) Have a great day Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/08 9:24 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Well, Missy Annette, I know about jewelry and granddaughters, but if decide the weight on YOUR hand is too much, my address is.................................and I'll go to the mailbox...:) Glad you're doing okay.  Wish we'd had more time together.  I think we could have gotten into some serious trouble. Janet
annette R.
on 4/16/08 10:21 pm - ithaca, NY
Janet, I think we had the discussion of how I got the weight on my fingers.   SOMEDAY ... we will get together again and share some trouble - we would make a good team.  Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/16/08 10:11 pm - Bradenton, FL
Annette, Tevia is on his merry way!!!!! He did the toilet paper thing again. I woke up to it all over the house and a comb in his mouth. He wanted to be comed!!!!! Is he wanting to go to Beauty School!!!!! Maybe Ill send him so he can pay the rent!!!!! Or for Pink Now you have to go and get Lindsay some Pink Converse Tennis Shoes. They are so cute on timy feet!!!!! I got lily some the other day..... Carla
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annette R.
on 4/16/08 10:28 pm - ithaca, NY
Carla, Tevia and Annie can live with you for six months and me for six months. Maybe they should live in their own condo year around. Two of them in one household would drive us to drink.  Lindsay seldom wears any color but pink. Even her baseball mitt is pink. Isn't it fun to dress them up all pretty and girly? Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/17/08 8:23 am - Bradenton, FL
Annette, We would have to buy them the Condo and I am poor!!!!! Tevia has no education and couldnt make a living!!!!!!! Maybe his cuteness will get him some money but I dont think So!!!!! Yes it is fun to dress up the little ones!!!!! Carla 
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Eileen Briesch
on 4/17/08 7:31 am - Evansville, IN
I like that, Tevia with a comb. It reminds me of when Kittle and Cinnamon were kittens and decided to redecorate my Christmas display ... greeted me at the door with little packages from a rattan Christmas sleigh display. Cinnamon looked so cute carrying around the little package from his mouth I had to laugh (even though I was pretty miffed at the destruction). They were my first cats, and I learned not to put pretty things where the cats could get them.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Eileen Briesch
on 4/17/08 7:28 am - Evansville, IN
Don't our furballs get possessive? Scooter insists that only he can sleep curled up next to me. If Nettie or, heaven forbid, Diva, tries to sleep next to me, he swats them. But, of course, Scooter had to wait his turn ... when he came in, Cinnamon always slept with his paws around my neck or under the covers (if he was hiding in fear from Scooter, the little terrorist). So when Cinnamon died, Scooter decided he had my full attention and he got the prime spot ... then I brought in Nettie and Diva. But Scooter wasn't about to be denied, no ma'am. Nettie has tried to worm her way next to me, and he has swatted her and hissed. So she just saunters over to my other side and I get stereo purring. I like that. Then Diva gets under the covers with me ... and let me tell you, that little girl throw off the heat! Boy, she is warm. Almost don't need the furnace on with those three fur blankets around me.  My 6-year-old goddaugther, Erin, is into the sparkly things too. Last time she saw me, she remarked on my jewelry (her mom used to wear dangling earrings but quit when she had the kids). I'll have to start buying her some pretty things when she gets a little older. Usually I just send gift cards because I don't see her that often.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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