What's New Wednesday?

Karen S.
on 4/16/08 3:01 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Annette......I don't have time to write a long post like I'd like to, but I had to tell you a quick story about my furry huntress, Ms. Popoki. She is a terrorist! Yesterday a little bird was out on my lanai resting...I think it was a teenager just on a toot. Well...my Poki came flying through the room, out her kitty door in the screen and jumped six feet in the air and snatched that bird in mid flight!! Then, of course, she brought it in to me. Thankfully she had killed it and put it out of it's misery.

My big fat cat, Nicki, ate the bird while Ms. Poki just sat and "smiled" over her athletic prowess.........sheesh!

I think the lioness has NOT been bred out of my supposedly domesticated little feline. Sigh.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
annette R.
on 4/16/08 7:56 am - ithaca, NY
Karen, What a sight that must have been! Ms. Poki does the hunting and Nicki reaps the success of the hunt. Smart cats. When the furbrats do "what comes naturally" it is hard to know if we should praise or scold for the behavior. When they present with a LIVE critter, I tend to raise the roof. Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Cajun Angel
on 4/16/08 3:47 am - New Orleans, LA
Let's see - one good thing I'm doing for myself today - I'm staying on medical leave until Monday.  After da boss called in a huff yesterday afternoon demanding to know when I thought I might be ready to return to work, I decided I was not going in until Monday.  What the heck can he do to me?  Make life miserable?  He already does that!  I have a doctor's slip saying return to work Monday, and by God, that's what I'm going to do. Debbie
annette R.
on 4/16/08 8:01 am - ithaca, NY
Debbie, I hope you are staying out until Monday because of spite (with doctor's orders of course) and not necessity. Your boss is a horses you know what. What nerve to call when you are on sick leave. Enjoy your next few days at home. Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Cajun Angel
on 4/16/08 10:15 am - New Orleans, LA
Annette   you got it sista!  I can be very spiteful when I want, good thing I'm not really like that.  In this case I have no choice.  If he says anything Monday, I'll remind him that after my last 3 surgeries I disobeyed doctor's orders and went back to work after 3 weeks.  At no time was it appreciated, in fact I caught H3LL because I wasn't working at 100%.  After being out 3 weeks and attempting to work 1/2 time for 2 weeks following brain surgery, he had the you know whats to tell me I had to make a decision whether I wanted to work or quit.  He definitely is a piece of work! Thanks for the kisses - right back at ya! Debbie
Marti O.
on 4/16/08 8:14 am
dEDBBIE dARLIN'....HANG IN THERE....I bet Dr. Dumhead never called the Princess and told her to return......she is probably not as good as you.  Love Marti.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Cajun Angel
on 4/16/08 10:25 am - New Orleans, LA
Marti, thanks for the kind words.  The princess is still out on maternity leave since mid Dec.  She has exhausted all her sick, annual, and FMLA.  She's officially on leave without pay.  In all fairness, he has no control over her.  She's a departmental secretary.  Even if he were able to tell her something, he wouldn't - he knows she'd report him on some type of racial discrimination or possibly sexual harrassment.  My boss and the Dept. head are the only two who have personal secretaries.  The Dept. Head's sec. doesnt' do work for anyone else, but I do work for several of the other doctors simply because they know if they give it to me it will get done.  If given to one of the others, it could be DAYS before they get it back for signature. Debbie
Eileen Briesch
on 4/16/08 7:28 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Annette, Aime and everyone: The sun is shining, the weather is gorgeous, but I feel lousy. Trees must be pollinating. I'll bet the pollen level is high because I have a big headache and I've had it since I woke up. I wish I had my Imitrex because that could knock it out, but I'm out and have no money til tomorrow. Nothing has really worked. Think it's a sinus headache because it's in my check. Plus my knee hurts. So it's been a bad day. Slept fairly well until the phone rang at about 9:30 (gyne doc office reminding me of Friday's appt. ... didn't answer the phone, just let it go to voicemail and went back to sleep til 11). But it's nice to see warmer weather. Gives me hope that spring may be here to stay (naw, in Michigan you know that can't really be true).  Just tired and worn out and hurting ... can't wait til the weekend so I can do nothing for two days. Still no computer and it doesn't look like it'll get done anytime soon. I feel like I should just get it back and be done with it; this seems to have been a bad idea.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 4/16/08 8:59 am - Elyria, OH
is it still wednesday??? did not sleep well-actually  was up (meaning out of bed out of bedroom!)at 330 and again at 5--at 5 i called mygf and cancelled out on our day--she was going to ft wayne indiana to a library for genealogical research and asked me to go along--i know i regret not going but i did not sleep last nite and feel absolutely like crapola today--have slept off and on all day--long sleeps not kitty naps...my legs feel like they are in concrete- my left knee is buckling and my throat is sore-sinus/allergies like eileen.. ok- nuff whining the sun is out and it is still amost 70 * here in lindsey- just fabulous michael's brother had his bowel reattachment today and all went well-thank goodness.. nothing else to report i guess-need to find work or hit the lottery prayers and hugs going out...
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