What's New Wednesday?
Good Morning All,
Today's good news & bad news. My health insurance just went from $631 a month to $741 a month - YIKES! The kinda good news is that the Company I am Cobra'd with is changing carriers. So now, as of May 1st I will have new insurance. I don't know yet what the coverage is & I don't know the premium. Today, I am getting a Basil Cell Cancer spot off my face (right on the bridge of my nose, darn it!). Next week, I'll go for my 9 month check up with surgeon's office. I wanted to take care of everything I could before I get this new coverage.
Now that I've had this vacation (I waited a long time before I could schedule it), I'm thinking once again I should be looking for work. My insurance is costing almost 50% of my DH's Social Security income. When, oh when will we do something about health care costs in this country? I feel like I'm in the same place I was last Fall - "Shall I work?" or "Shall I say I'm retired (another word for unemployed)". I know Darlene & Margo have not found the job market to be very good. Don't know what I'll find, but I think I'll throw my hat in the ring & see what happens.
Have a gread day everyone!
Jan, I sure don't mind working I just HATE to give up my freedom and have to conform to someone else's schedule. . . And an employer usually wants you to keep regular hours and schedule don't they????? So until I need to pad my travel fund. . . . .Wish I could find something for just a few months of the year. Like December to March> . ...But then that's a nice time to visit a lot of places too! I should have been a tour director or travel agent! Karen C
Karen C
H&R Block or one of the tax places are a good place to work from December to April, I used to work there way back when, first as a copy girl and then as a receptionist/bookkeeper's assistant. . . just something to keep in mind for next year. . . my best friend was a bookkeeper for them and worked it so she collected unemployment every summer. . . did that for 5 years or so. . . maybe things are different now though with electronic filings. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Finally I get a chance to post. I have been so busy at work. Finally this weekend is My Legion Auxiliary Spring Conference. It has taken over my blasted life. I am getting so excited to have time again, altho soon as it is over I go into wedding Mode full speed. Liz had her final dress fitting last night. In two weeks is her wedding shower. I am as excited as a kid. I was thinking about it today , Both my boys eloped so this is our first wedding. I got the kids a honeymoon at a beautiful country bed and breakfast( their choice) it cost me 3 x what I expected.Oh well I have the rest of my life to pay my quickly expanding credit card bill.
One of the duties of my job is to make sure First aid kits are up to snuff. I have 13 consultants and 4 vans to keep up-to date. It is something no one has ever taken to seriously. It has taken me a month to get people to bring me their kits so I can go through them, and replace or restock old stuff. (just venting here) It is in MY job performance to do this it is no big deal. I can't do my job with out a bit of co-operation.. Thank you, now maybe I won't tear someone a new one.
I got the biggest Loser work out video an dstarted it yesterday. In the old days when I had a Richard Simmonson I was never able to get past just the warm up. On this one I did the warm up.. 20 minute session ( beginners) and the cool down, dang I impressed myself. Gottarun . Blessings