What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Wednesday!!
"Wake up, and stumble to the kitchen,pour myself a cup of ambition" (Dolly P. "Working 9-5)...LOL!!
B- Cereal Bar L- Swedish Meatballs, and last of Pepper Cheese..sigh D- Broc and Beef Chinese Style S- Yogurt S- Orange...sometimes I do not get to eat all, but if I am hungry and it is on menu, I am good...smile.

Hi Linda, dear,
Thank you for your kind post yesterday...
what I did at work, was go into the restroom and say a couple of prayers throughout the day, for peace and calm, and various other things. It helped very much. I don't think He minds if I sit on the toilet to pray. I will be fine; I just have to get used to ALL of the people. I was used to having an office by myself for so long...it got lonely but there were advantages. I will get used to the heavier workload too I just have to figure out that it's OK not to get finished with everything....
I really appreciated your thoughts...
I am sorry for the loss of your sister... I can't even imagine...
and how do you know about me and hugs??
I made Hamburger with a small amount of sausage, blotted the grease, and cabbage and a cheese fresh mushroom casserole last night. So it was yummy. My husband never wants to say when he doesn't like something so it was entertaining to see him eat it (he gets this funny look on his face that always cracks my daughter and me up) He finally acquired a taste for the mushroom casserole well, I guess ya had to be there.
I will be having my same for lunch the meat and cheese roll ups really keep me full and my yogurt and Kashi is my treat!!!! Thanks again for the Kashi idea! My strawberries are still outa this world.
Have a good day,

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Dearest Cheryl...
HUGE SMILE, prayer works...and I just KNOW HE does not mind us being on the toilet...LOL!
I am so happy for you, God is so good and there anytime we need Him...smiling again.
I have social anxiety disorder, so I do understand about being less than comfortable around people. I work with so many, but I am so comfortable now, as I have started my 6th year...so I am high on the totem pole...LOL! You will learn to be both focused and friendly...I just KNOW it.
The hug thing, well, I can tell about your posts..also it is something I had to learn to do, and I am sincere when I give them now, but again, I had to get used to them. I did not come from a "huggy" family....grin!
I am glad you made something for yourself, your hubby sounds funny, and lovable!!!
I hope you have a blessed day, and that you do resolve the need to finish all your work in one day,and I hope you do not take it home on a mental level..
HUGS!!! (tee hee)!!!
B - Pure Protein Bar, Applesauce
L - Smart Ones Chicken something or a Wendy's Chili
S - yogurt with blueberries
D - Pork Chop and veggies
S - Glass of Fat Free Chocolate Milk
I need to make me some meatballs! Don't know why but I am so tired lately. Taking all my vitamins. It's time for a shot of B12. Filled my finch feeder this morning because we have have six yellow finches at the feeder at a time. Even the house finches are here. Have a great day.
Good afternoon all. My dd Cheyanne works at Trader Joe's, so yesterday I went there and bought some 0% greek yogurt which has 22 grams of protein per serving (1 cup). I am only allowed 1/4 cup per meal, so I had some this morning with a little vanilla and splenda, and what a nice change from the key lime pie that I have been eating. so that was breakfast. L-2 oz sf butterscotch pudding. D- 2 oz cream of wheat. Lotsa water and S- 3 protein shakes. Am taking a Bariatric Advantage multi vitamin, a Citracal calcium chew, and a B12 sublingual every day. So, how am I doing?
Where do I find the pot that makes AMBITION"?
I've been out, back home for a few minutes, then it's off to work this blasted Wednesday routine again. Getting up at 3 AM is for the birds. yawn, or maybe I should say tweet
B - Blueberres, cottage cheese and Kashi
The rest of the day is up for grabs. I'm off and running. Just grabbing some water first.