Secret Pal
Just wanted to say THANKS SO MUCH for the nice card and earrings. So nice to be thought of. Have a wonderful day SP!
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
Me, not like jewelry??????? Is the Pope still Catholic??
Only thing though, I have pierced ears, and I am finding it a bit difficult to wear these new type of clip-ons. They almost look like they are pierced. (Ok, truth be known, I spent a half hour trying to force these cuties through my ear, only to finally figure out, they are clip ons). Duh!
Come on, don't they look like pierced?? I am used to the screw backs or the large clips. Oh, I guess now I am dating myself, right????
Anyway, I think I can convert them to pierced, so......that will be my next project. Love challenges.
Thanks again SP...Whoever you are!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
Color me stupid, I thought they were pierced, but I cannot get them through me ears. Perhaps I have not lost enough weight on my fat earlobes????
Trying again....Oh Wait.........I just got them on!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOORAY!!!!!! I think I was trying to get them on backwards......go figure! Once again, Darlene to the rescue.
Secret Pal.......THE EARRINGS ARE A HIT!!!!! Thanks again...
p.s. I hope all had a good laugh with this one!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
Yes, I posted how stupid I was. Not buying any in a long while, I was not aware they had changed the design. So now everyone can have a laugh on me.........

I posted that they were a that I know how to wear them.
Gosh, I must be getting too old!!!!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader