Just Too Freaking Much
There has been talk of replacing one addiction with another and while I don't drink or smoke or take drugs, I have found that I love shopping and walking. Sometimes, I think I shop so that I can walk the malls. I found that I cannot just be still. I walk about 4 and half miles three to four times a week; although, I am fighting the urge to walk everyday. Sometimes, I wal****il my legs feel weak. My husband wants me to talk to my doctor about the not being able to sit still thing. I get up in the middle of the night with the intent to read or write on my dissertation and I end up taking off and before I know it, I'm fast walking my route. I know how dangerous it is to walk at three in the morning but I just get so restless. I share an office with four other teachers and they laugh at my constant movement and cleaning and walking and bouncing. I think that in the grand scheme of things, walking isn't a bad addiction but I am thinking that the walking isn't the problem but the constant restlessness. I don't know. Oh, did I tell you guys that I am under 200 pounds. Yep, I am only ten pounds away from goal, or the goal that my doctor set; however, I am going to go a little further. Gotta go, walking calls.

I am feeling really good. Most of the time, I am on the go. Hubby and I still rock hunt and since he has lost weight too, we have been doing some hiking. If either one of us ever has the time, we think we are going on a vacation. We spent a week in New Orleans for a College Composition Communication Conference. I cowrote and presented a paper and I think it will get published in the journal this organization puts out. I'm hoping so. But writing, working, teaching, and walking is about all I do. How have you been?

Oh, I get you. I can't stay still, can'****ch a movie on tv, can't even bury myself in a book for hours like I used to. I sometimes wonder if it's hormonal or metabolism changes.
How about a treadmill for the middle of the night thing? How about posting to us in the middle of the night? Are you still writing? And I don't mean school stuff? Creative writing, journaling whatever. You have such a creative, fertile imagination it certainly needs to be kept busy!
I agree 3am walking is probably not the best idea depending on your location.
Under 200 lbs! way to go Jeannie. By the way rock collecting with you will be on my list for our next visit. Karen C
Karen C
I am still creatively writing and still in my writer's group. I do more academic writing but sometimes the urge to really write takes over. I can't wait until you get back to this area and we'll go hike and hunt and do all those wonderful things that I was unable to do when you were here last. I have lost 160 pounds. I still only weigh when I go to the doctor, so I can't tell you if I ever had a time when I wasn't losing. I have gotten where I have to remind myself to eat and when I eat, it's usually when I'm on the go. But today, I'm cooking and am going to sit down and eat. I miss food, I really do. I think I miss the way that food soothed me.LOL, but no more. I use food for fuel and that's it.
So, how have you been doing? I sure do miss the board and when I come back, it's nice to see the familiar.

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.