I have survived!!!

Sharon J.
on 4/14/08 10:04 am - Pensacola, FL

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your concern and support.  I had soooo many messages waiting for me when I got home from the hospital, it actually overwhelmed me.  Please forgive me for not answering personally, but I am just beginning to feel human again. I went into the hospital severely dehydrated but they did start potassium and fluids and did the surgery.  I also had my gallbladder out, which is probably a good thing, but because of the dehydration I had to stay in the hospital five days.   On the up side, I have felt some stronger each day.  This is day 7 and I hope day 14 finds me much much better. I am struggling with the usual things, drinking all my water and getting in 2 protein shakes a day.  I know it comes with time.  Also, the exercise thing is not happening right now.  I am piddling around the house some, doing up a few dishes, putting in a load of clothes to wash, but that is about it.  Tell me I am not a complete woose! Thank you again for caring.  It means a lot to me.  And thank you Carla for being my Angel!!


on 4/14/08 10:26 am - Tucson, AZ
You are NOT a complete woose.  I haven't been exercising either.  I have been doing about the same things you're doing, a little bit around the house, walking to the other side of the neighbor's house and back, but not a whole lot. Today I had my dd take me to run a few errands.  Went to the bank, beauty supply, Target, Office Max, Old Navy and Joann's.  Then she started whining that she was hungry!  It was good to get out.  I was starting to get cabin fever, so this  little jaunt did me in. I'm still getting a handle on the water and protein shake thing.  I did take my water bottle with me today, but we are in Arizona, and it is 90 degrees today, so that means MORE water.  You're doing fine, hell WE'RE doing fine! I have been losing about 2 lbs a day now.  I put my pants on that I wore to the hospital and they are baggy! Amazing, just amazing.  Take care.


Sharon J.
on 4/16/08 4:43 am - Pensacola, FL
Thanks Reggie!  Sounds like you are doing just fine.  It is a little bit of a task to get the water in.  I am doing pretty well on the protein though.  I see my surgeon tomorrow, so hopefully the foods will open up a little more.  Congrats on the baggy pants!  Isn't it just crazy??

on 4/14/08 10:43 am
The first 6 months all I did was walk for my exercise. Walking is the best exercise there is.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Sharon J.
on 4/16/08 4:46 am - Pensacola, FL
Darlene, First of all, let me tell you how sorry I was to hear about your mother's accident.  My mother is 85 and driving.  She seems to be taking it carefully with only driving to close things in the neighborhood and not risking driving in mall and business traffic.  I know that an accident can happen anywhere though.  It is very stressful to deal with their need for independence and their need to be dependent upon you.  You have my prayers. I plan to use walking as my basic exercise for a while -- probably the first six months.  The weather here in pretty nice most of the time although it does get hot quickly.  I would prefer a longer spring, but oh well, take what you get.

karen C.
on 4/14/08 11:21 am - Kennewick, WA
Sherry, I don't think I even tried the protein shakes for about 2 weeks. I lived on jello, broth, cream soups and eventually yogurt. Also, popsicles. Sounds like you are doing well. It DOES get better and better  with time so be patient with yourself. You have a lot of healing going on. So glad to see you posting.  Take care, Karen C

Karen C

Sharon J.
on 4/16/08 4:48 am - Pensacola, FL
Karen, I do seem to be doing okay with the shakes so far.  I haven't ventured out too much  -- just chocolate and vanilla.  I have added strawberries or banana to the vanilla though.  I am glad to hear it does get better and better -- I know it does.  I am being patient with myself.  Time is the best healer.

Eileen Briesch
on 4/14/08 11:44 am - Evansville, IN

Isn't IV potassium so much fun? NOT! I had to have that too, and I didn't even realize I had low potassium until I got in the hospital. Do you have to take potassium at home too? If you do, and they give you this powdery stuff that is supposed to be mixed with water and taste orangey, here's the trick that makes it taste a little better: mix it with Crystal Light orange. In fact, CL Orange will mask the taste of just about any yucky medicine, I discovered post-op (liquid zoloft included, which is really horrible tasting stuff).  Glad you are home after five days. I got stuck in there for two days because of a heart glitch that was probably due to low potassium, so you have to watch the potassium levels. Good luck to you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Sharon J.
on 4/16/08 4:50 am - Pensacola, FL
Eileen, IV potassium so noooo fun.  It hurts like crazy.  They tried lidocaine in the vein first and it helped some, but it was close to putting me under, so that was that.  He did not sent me home with potassium, so I suppose my levels were good when I left the hospital.  I see him tomorrow, so I am sure he will go over everything then.  Thanks for your concern.

Connie D.
on 4/14/08 1:46 pm
Hi Sherry...so glad you are feeling better. Do the best you can to get that protein and water in.....walk, walk, walk as you can! Hugs, connie d
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