What's new Monday!

Cajun Angel
on 4/14/08 3:13 pm - New Orleans, LA
Nancy, it's so good to see you.  You have no reason to apologize, at one time or another, we've all fallen off the wagon.  All you gotta do is promise not to leave us again!  Glad JB is doing better and that it was an infection rather than cancer. Debbie
Nancy B
on 4/14/08 3:31 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Thank you, Debbie...I was feeling so bad.  I KNOW I need y'all!  (how was that?)

Yes, JB can be a (insert appropriate description here) but its quite a relief that it               wasnt cancer.  It took two months to clear up but he is back to his own miserable grouchy..er..sweet self ...again! *sweet innocent smile*

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Nancy B
on 4/14/08 5:39 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Just wanted to let you all know that JB and I just got home froma great 3 weeks down in Texas and New mexico..I thought we were headed to Florida but the weather channel  showed that there was alot of bad nasty weather down there so we went to Texas instead..the decision was made on the way and I hurriedly texted my son, Derek, to check my computer for Janet's number...I wanted to surpise her.  Some surprise, Janet was in PITTSBURG for petes sake!

Amie...Im so sorry that I didnt realize who you were..I was thinking that somebody named "Amy" was at Janet's place..I was so confused..I didnt realized Id somehow been given YOUR phone number (thanks, Derek) and who I had reached..that was really wierd, wasnt it!!

I sure was kicking my butt when Id hung up and realized it was you.  Darn..I do have to admit I was wishing that I was in Pittsburgh instead of on vacation with hubby (Im so bad)...Id have so enjoyed that.

Nancy B


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Eileen Briesch
on 4/14/08 7:50 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Aime and everybody: Boy, it hurts not to have a computer at home. You guys have been chatty and I feel I'm missing something, not being able to join in. Well, Saturday night I had to work, Sunday I was going to stay in jammies all day but they were too warm so I switched in to sweats so I could wash the jammies. I was actually pretty productive for a lazy Sunday one-day weekend: stripped the bed, washed the comforter, sheets, fleece thrower that protects the comforter from kitty vomit, put new sheets on the bed, then did two loads of regular laundry, did dishes (in the dishwasher), dumped one litter box and scooped other two, cleaned out AeroGarden so I could replant it today, put away suitcase from trip, put away Easter decorations. See, I told you I was productive. Then I also watched baseball games, talked to my brother and my friend Margie in South Dakota.  Today, I actually got out and did something in the morning: went to the stores to get more cat litter and treats, to Hallmark for cards, to the grocery store for a few things I needed (although they didn't have the chicken spread I like) and gassed up the car. Gas went up to $3.56 but was still $3.39 at the gas station near the store, so I lucked out there. I was ticked off at Starbucks in the store ... they are making only house blend coffee now and not brewing anything interesting anymore. I may have to post something on their suggestions board or find another place to get my coffee while I shop. The house blend is rather boring. The woman at the counter told me that was a new Starbucks policy ... only the house blend all day but a third regular brew in the morning until 1 p.m. ... I said it was still 12:30 so where was the other brew? She didn't have an answer and put a shot of espresso in the house blend to beef up the coffee. It was a little better. It's a crappy new policy. Good to see Nancy back ... we've missed you! Don't beat yourself up on the getting off track ... we all do. The big thing is knowing the reasons and being able to get back on track. That's something we wouldn't have done in the past.  Aime, I'm not much on pedicures or manicures, but I sure could use a massage, too. My chiro helped me a little this afternoon before I went to work. Hope it helps alleviate my headaches (three straight days of those). Well, I guess I should see if I have any work to do. Today's a later night. Have a good day

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 4/14/08 9:04 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi ladies and gents,   Hello  MY day started off with the alarm buzzing at 4:30 am and I thought it was a mistake.  Thought it was 4:30 pm.  I am so wacked when I am tired.  Good thing I pushed the snooze button and not the off.                                   Alarm Clock 2   My day started like any Monday...slow and unmotivated.  Just needed rain to be a double whammy (Rainy days and Mondays always get me down....)  After the kiddo went to school, Mary called to join me on my walk.  What a pleasant surprise.  We walked for over an hour on the track, and when she left, I felt some odd energy that made me go a bit more.  Felt like a force to be reckoned with. So I power-walked 2.5 miles more.  It felt good!                               Walking 2  Was supposed to hook up with a friend to lunch, but when I got home, had no desire to eat lunch and my DH was so mopey.  We actually had to get some things in order to file an extension for our taxes.  Never did this before, but with everything going on in our lives lately, coupled with our accountant being short handed on staff, we have no choice.  Oh well...what's a few more bucks to Uncle Sam.  After school was my DS's Track Meet.  He is doing so well, and I am really proud of him.  The only dilema is the time commitment.  Especially on Mondays (interferes with religious school time-6:30) and Tuesdays (Scouts is at 7).  But hey...we do whatever it takes for our kids....just seems like I am a hamster on a wheel.  DH just left to stay at his parents' house again.  Status quo situation there.  Geez...sort of a time warp.                                Same Time  Well...gotta run. Time to eat....think I will have some of my homemade veggie soup.  Will put some shredded asiago cheese in it for some extra protein.  Gotta think protein, protein, protein since Wednesday is my 1 year check-up even though it is 13 months.  Hooking up with Mary and two other ladies who are at about 1 year and we are going to a celebration lunch afterwards.  They also want to get dolled-up to "show off" to our surgeon.  We'll see....                                Model  Have a good evening and a restful sleep. Hugs, Lora 
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