What's new Monday!
Thank you, Debbie...I was feeling so bad. I KNOW I need y'all! (how was that?)
Yes, JB can be a (insert appropriate description here) but its quite a relief that it wasnt cancer. It took two months to clear up but he is back to his own miserable grouchy..er..sweet self ...again! *sweet innocent smile*
Just wanted to let you all know that JB and I just got home froma great 3 weeks down in Texas and New mexico..I thought we were headed to Florida but the weather channel showed that there was alot of bad nasty weather down there so we went to Texas instead..the decision was made on the way and I hurriedly texted my son, Derek, to check my computer for Janet's number...I wanted to surpise her. Some surprise, Janet was in PITTSBURG for petes sake!
Amie...Im so sorry that I didnt realize who you were..I was thinking that somebody named "Amy" was at Janet's place..I was so confused..I didnt realized Id somehow been given YOUR phone number (thanks, Derek) and who I had reached..that was really wierd, wasnt it!!
I sure was kicking my butt when Id hung up and realized it was you. Darn..I do have to admit I was wishing that I was in Pittsburgh instead of on vacation with hubby (Im so bad)...Id have so enjoyed that.
Nancy B