What's New SUNDAY?

on 4/12/08 10:32 pm
Hi Annette and all, We had a beautiful day yesterday near 70 and will have one about 72 today, but then back to the cold rainy 40s for the rest of the week :-( I stayed in jammies all day, and napped. It was ok but left me feeling groggy...so probably won't do that today. Will go out and enjoy th e sun a bit and then try to make myself go up and do some scrapbooking, Also want to go through boxes from old job to take some stuff to personalize my office a bit more. I am jealous of all you grammies. I know my son won't be providing me any and I hope it's a while yet for Beth but still sounds so nice to hold a new little baby and play with the little ones. You all are such good grammies! Well, have a great Sunday. I will go to church and listen to husband's worship team provide the worship service today. It's always quite lively and uplifting. Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 4/12/08 10:34 pm - Lansdowne, PA
Good Morning Everyone.... Well, I started my day @ 6AM with a nice brisk walk with Duchess.  I usually jut take her to the park and let her run while I stand in one spot sipping hot coffee.  Today, like yesterday is simply beautiful and I promised myself that when the weather got warm I was going to hit the outside trail. Now I'm sitting at work in front of my computer typing my heart out.  Only working 4 hrs and I have no plans except to curl up maybe with a good book and some televison.  When you live alone, with no husband to cater too and no children, you can do that. Hope everybody has a good day!!!!!
Connie D.
on 4/12/08 11:05 pm
Good Morning Annette and everyone...... I wanted to sleep in late today but 7:00AM it was. I was hoping to sleep until 9:00...oh well...that just never seems to happen anymore. My daughter and grands are back home safe and sound in Iowa. I am missing them soooooooo much. Just to darn quiet around here!! Nic texted me at least 5 times last night....he was missing me too. I am heading down to St. Paul in a little while for Kyleigh and Amanda's Birthday Party. That will be fun!!!  I miss them too. My grandson Lucas called me last night to be sure I was coming....like I would miss that....no way!! He is the sweetest little boy.....always concerned about grandma. The sun is actually shining this morning...yesterday was so dark and dreary. The snow is melting and the forecast is 70 degrees by Tuesday. Yay....the snow will melt once again. We sure got dumped on again this week. Well I need to get in the shower and get on my way....it is about an hour and a half drive. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great Sunday. Marc I hope you can shake that nasty cold real soon. Hugs and love everyone......connie d
Margo M.
on 4/12/08 11:13 pm, edited 4/12/08 11:14 pm - Elyria, OH
i'm up -slept til 7 -convinced myself not to get up til nature won the conversation! roxie already went out to chase the woodchuck--only thing is he is way down in the yard and her lead won't go that far! we had more rain overnite and it's 37* so not gonna be doing any garage cleaning today- we have nothing compared to what jan c was describing-prayers for them! my day with my granddaughter was wonderful! she is a smiley cutie butt-did get a bit testy when she realized that she was getting a bottle not her momma..but she is battling dual ear infections so i couldn't complain about her fussing! we cooed and giggled and played and cuddled-tough life but anyone of ya woulda done it!!! while she napped i made the cassrole that my son asked for- we ate once he got home. my DIL and grandson aidan arrived almost an our before my son..aidan had a wonderful time at the thomas thing and seems much advanced over other two year olds who called thomas a choo choo-aidan knows all of the names of all of the cars etc-so i guess precocious (sp?) could be a better term for him??? mom is an educator and uses big words with him so... we relaxed together for awhile before i came home -michael was very glad to see me- i think he thought i had run away! not sure what today is going to bring-had thought about making some of maui karen's muffins but don't have any apples or zucchini! oh darn ! i may have to get dressed and do some shopping!!!! hugs to all
on 4/12/08 11:52 pm - Wrightsville, PA
Good morning everyone! Happy Sunday!  I spent yesterday cleaning out my closet and figuring out what clothes from my recent shopping for summer excursions.  Lots of returns!  I can't believe I had an easier time finding Size 24 that fit and such a hard time finding 6 bottoms that fit right.  Who would have thought!  I am going to spend the day working from home and redoing my closet.  So much stuff do here.  I really need to start spring cleaning.  I can't believe we will be here a year in June and I still have boxes to go through and tons of stuff to organize and get rid of.  Oh well, I guess it will be here for awhile for me to do. Bill is going in to work today so I will have a day to get alot done here with minimum interuptions. Well got to go and get started.  So glad I went to Church last night. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Hugs, Jan
Margo M.
on 4/13/08 12:46 am - Elyria, OH
forgot to mention- ran into someone at post office yesterday who told me that another guy is interested in the council seat-he'll get it- from what i learned today he runs a water treatment planty in another community so he'll be a shoe in here- now i am embarassed to have put my name in the hat! am now feeling very insignificant and stupid with no education etc...only lots of life experiences..big whooppee..nobody gives a rip aboutthta.....gonna go hide so if i am not around  for a bit--i'm under the bed!
on 4/13/08 4:41 am - Northern, MI
Margo- Get out from  under the Bed!!!! Some of the best people for council seats have just what you have, life experience!!! I sat on our city council for 8 years. I was real stupid, no education, etc and learned more than you can know. My grandfather and mother had both been on the commission and had both been mayor, so when they passed on it was determined I should carry on the family name. Well, I did, like I said for eight years. I was not always the most popular girl there (only 2 women out of 10 seats), but it felt good to do what the people in the town wanted.  Never be embarassed to try something new. None of us are losers!  When you get the seat :), don't be afraid to ask questions! No matter what the good-ole-boys say or do!   good luck!!

One Day at a Time

Highest 288/Consult 282/Preop 275/current 150/goal ?????

Margo M.
on 4/13/08 6:26 am - Elyria, OH
oh jill--i have no doubt that i have lots to offer-my feeling today tho is that they will choose this guy over me cuz of his water treatment experience-we are having issues with ours and trying to make it run more efficiently so i think they'll be short sighted and choose him...my question is where was he at the last mtg when they were looking for ppl--his name never even came up til after i expressed interest!  (funny funny thing is that his last name is my maiden name--but i have no clue if any connection cuz my adopted dad was an only child!!!) our council currently has 3 women - a mother (council pres) and daughter (sec'y treasurer)and another gal who ran for mayor-an older gentleman who may be moving west , the new mayor a nice young man and the open seat- we have less than 500 ppl in the village.... just my insecurities coming out!!! thx for the pep talk!!!!!!!!!
on 4/13/08 12:57 am - CA
Happy Sunday Annette and Everyone! Had a GREAT time at our grandson's birthday party.  The look on his face when Sponge Bob himself walked into the backyard was priceless.  Mouth dropped open and he stared for a long time.  Then he walked up to him and gave him a hug.  They are so sweet at that age!  It was 104 degrees on the patio for this party and Sponge Bob is in a full blown costume.  Amazing he could do that.  Youth.  I attribute everything to youth.  Came home, showered from the heat, and died on the couch for the rest of the day, basking in the a/c. Today is a quiet day -- running some errands and taking our "grand doggie" home to her house.  I hope to get out and take a good long walk but not sure how hot the weather will be today.  Enjoy your Sunday! Kathi
on 4/13/08 1:23 am - Bradenton, FL
Im awake at 11am!!!!! I slept in today as I am off today. Nothing much going on. I dont think we are going to St Augestine!!!!! It is cloudy here today and it is going to rain. AS for plants in my house my cats leave them alone for the most part. If they do mess with them I tell Tevia it is mamas and leave them alone!!!!! I woke up to my knitting all over the bedroom. Seems my Tevia wants to knit Annie a blanket!!!!! Well all is well today. Carla 
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