What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Sunday!
Finally Sunday
Tom came close to getting a good ***** slapping. I was painting a birdhouse, he made toasted Italian bread
with peanut butter and offered me a slice. Ohhh how twmpting. Politely, I declined. He kept offering, I finally got pissed off and lost my temper.
My reaction was completely out of proportion to the event. Can't even blame PMS any more. He will survive, me too.
No menu changes today. Apples are not the best right now. Other fruits are tasty and I may have to substitute for something more in season.
Grumpy Old Annette

Linda...good morning sweetie!!
I went to that Wild Game Feed yesterday. I found out real quick that my pouch does not like wild game!! I have never gotten sick before but I did yesterday. Two bites is all it took. As soon as it was out I was fine again. I stuck with fish and did fine!! So many good people were there. It was a blast!!
On my way to my daughter Carrie's in a little bit. Just waiting for my friend Pam to get here. She is like a family member to us. Kyleigh was sweet 16 this last week and Amanda was 14....they are getting sooooo grown up!! Gosh I love those kids. Their liittle brother Lucas (9) is my Sugar Boy...he says I am grandma's sugar boy because I am sweet as sugar!! He really is!!
The sun is actually shining today...wooohooooo!! I am looking forward to those temps in the 70's this week. I soooo need the warmth.
I am really missing Jamie, Nic and little Gracie. Nic texted me a bunch last night...he was missing his Nana too!!
B-yogurt w/ kashi and string cheese
L-on the road trip...we will be stopping some where
D-whatever Carrie makes
Hope you are okay today...you were going to do some cleaning yesterday. Didn't do too much did you?
Love you much dear friend......Boo to you
Hiya Boo, had some antelope once..not for me!! You have such a close relationship with your family,it is just so wonderful.
My stepdaughter brought my gandbaby over yesterday,she is one and walking and talking a bit. YES they grow so very fast. It was just the excuse I needed not to do much housework,and it made my heart sing!
I also did some marathon sleeping. I will do some work today,but with these allergies and asthma...rest and I mean guilt free rest which is hard for me, is on the top of the list!
I loves ya,my Boo.
Linda....I am so happy you got to spend time with your daughter and grandbaby...how special !!! Welove our grands sooo much!
Hope your allergies get better. The season is just about to start here.....can't wait....ugh!! I have asthma and allergiies too.
I am glad you are taking time to get the rest you need.
love ya...Boo to you
Can I talk about what is eating me? My husband. Grrh! I am trying to get my eating under control. He is concentrating on me not getting my eating under control. He does not want to eat right and is fighting it subconciously. Soooo, he is always suggesting things neither of us should eat. Yes, I know. He is not stuffing it in my mouth. But it comes to a point you stop fighting it. I want the goodies toooooo!!!!! We talk about it. He knows we both need to eat right. I know that I need to do it for myself and let him do what he wants. I am trying. It is so hard though when you have that in the house. It sounds like I am not alone in this.
Gastric Sleeve on 2-19-13
The oranges are so delicious right now, but found out if I ate one, it made my blood sugars go sky high, so I am not eating them for a while. Had a few pineapple chunks for lunch and they were good.
Made some delicious beef stew with lots of good veggies in it for lunch....yummy.
Made some delicious beef stew with lots of good veggies in it for lunch....yummy.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good Morning all! It is still morning and I'm at the computer because mu dh is watching sci fi movies. Talk about sabotage, he and my son brought home Popeyes chicken, mashed potatos and cole slaw last night. ARRGGHH! I did have a taste of the mashed potaos though. Nothing bad happened, but I won't be doing that again. Today's menu is pretty much like yesterdays. Coffee, (helps with the plumbing) with a scoop of protein. B- 2 oz yogurt. L- 2 oz sf pudding. D- 2 oz cream of wheat. S- 2 protein shakes, and lotsa water. I'm getting in about 60 grams of protein, so I think I'm doing ok. Also take a Multi vitamin and calcium and a b12.