WHAT'S NEW-FRIDAY.......................

on 4/10/08 10:46 pm
Hi all! Three great things! I slept in till 5:30am this morning! yay!!!! Feel great! It's Friday! It's going to be 70 this week end! No more snow! Take Care, Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Margo M.
on 4/10/08 11:22 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning! i was up earlier and just didn't have the oomph to post--still not really sure that i do...nothing wrong just no oomph! it is wonderful to see you, lora, sneaking out of that cocoon ever so lightly....such a beautiful woman you are inside and out and that is how i will always remember you!!!! the sun is poking thru britely so we are looking better! had the drearies yesterday and rain..not sure what is coming for today--- it is such a bummer to think that it has been a week since the palooza..ahhh the memories!!!!!!! well- nothing new at all but the day is young so i'll stop back later; coffee is done -need to fill my cup! will be thinking of you all! agenda= cleaning- hugs and prayers!
on 4/10/08 11:58 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi All, Well, Gary's out the door to work and I'm still in jammies. Will probably stay that way most of the day. Just icing my swollen face, applying vasalene every couple of hours and watching movies. AHHHH the life  LOL   Can't wait for enough swelling to go down so I can read or knit to pass the time. It's gonna be a long three weeks at this point. I did manage to get all my liquids and food in yesterday, so glad of that.  It's been a worry for me with the upcoming gallbladder surgery. Don't want to lose any weight during this whole process. Nothing much else going on. Glad to see that everyone is ok   I'll pop in again later,



on 4/11/08 12:59 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Good Morning everyone!  Good Morning 

Not too busy for me right now. I was just hanging out here at home when Lora called. We are going to meet for lunch at Panera at noon. Very gloomy day here in Pittsburgh. It just started to rain again Rainy  I have to drop my sons baseball equipment off at school but I'm going to wait a little while to see if the game is cancelled. Tomorrow night is the annual school Baseball Boosters Night at the Races. I big fundraiser for the teams. Most schools don't support baseball as much as football and basketball so we have to raise a lot of $$ for equipment and uniforms. The boosters also provide an end of season banquet and all the players get a gift. Last year they all received a nice all weather jacket with the team logo and their names.

I worked with another baseball mom yesterday making up baskets for the chinese auction. Does anyone know why its called a chinese auction?

I weighted myself this morning and I have hit the 41 lb mark. Hurrah for me. I just hope my doctors scale is the same as mine next week when I go for my 3 month check up.

My neice in North Carolina is going to have a baby in July and she asked if I could make her a Pittsburgh Steelers quilt, bumper pads and window treatments. Naturally I said ok. What I didn't realize is that her shower is THIS SUNDAY ! I think she knows that everything will not be done by Sunday, she only asked me about making it this past Monday. I want to at least try to get the quilt done.

Big Pittsburgh Penguin game on tonight. We have season tickets and tonight it my husband and a friend to go. Son and his friend went the other night. There is a big screen tv in the parking lot of the Mellon Arena and a lot of people take lawn chairs to watch the game there. Son and friend are going to watch it there if it doesn't rain.

LET GO PENS ! Penguins 


          Spring Text  





Brenda R.
on 4/11/08 1:10 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to all OFF sisters and brothers. I hope that this finds all you having a great day.  Nothing much happening here today. Bill is sitting in his recliner and I am in mine. I am waiting for the view to come on. I love that show and love the talking at the beginning the best.  I ended up meeting myself at the door going in and out yesterday. I think that is why I am so tired this morning. I got up at 5 and thought that I was doing to stay up but ended up sleeping again and getting up at 8. So I slept in a long time for me. I am usually a early bird. I am just so tired this morning. I know that I just over did yesterday and I have to remember the heart problem. I may feel lots better  but the problem is still there and not going anywhere. Sometimes it is hard to remember things when you feel so good.  I am making my meatballs for dinner tonight. I was suppose to make them yesterday but didn't. I ended up going to dinner with Bill's cousin and it was not a real good dinner. We went to Pepe's and was there for 2 hours. We waited over 1 hour for the dinner to get to us. I ended up being so hungry that I ate chips and salsa and then when dinner got to us I wasn't very hungry. I brought most of it home to Bill but he enjoyed it. But let's face facts~chips and salsa is not a good meal for me. lol I don't think I will back there for a long while. If they need more help in the kitchen then maybe they should hire it.  I hope to get some things done around here. It is finally starting to shape up a bit and looks better~mostly if you close one eye!! I will be able to do things but sit and rest when I get tired.  I got a new cell phone yesterday. I have never had one. I got one that you pay the minutes as you go. I don't forsee me using it much but I wanted to have one for when I was out and about by myself. I got a good deal on it. I saved $40, since the phone was on sale and it came with 300 free minutes. I was putting numbers in it last night and getting so frustrated with it. I really hate dealing with cell phones. But Bill told me I needed something to carry with me. So now he is happy. When he is happy so is Misty and I. lol I better get going. I am going to be eating breakfast soon I think. I am not hungry but need the protein. Have a wonderful day my dear family. I will check in later to see how everyone is doing and what they are up to. I am sending my love and hugs to all.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 4/11/08 1:19 am
Good morning Lora and everyone...... My daughterJamie, Nic, and Grace started to head back to Minneapolis for Nic's round 5 day of chemo. They got about three miles away and had to come back. We got close to 10 inches of snow yesterday and last night. We are supossed to get another 8 to 10 inches between now and tomorrow morning. Jamie said cars were in the ditches and the roads were really bad. Hopefully they can get out tomorrow and head back to Iowa. If not they will stay intil the roads are clear. I am secretly happy for the snow because I get to spend even more time with them!!! I have to spend sometime doing my job today....I am behind but I will catch it up in a couple hours. I have had to do most of my work this week in the evenings. Need to go for now...hope all is well with all of you!! Hugs and love....connie d
J Brown
on 4/11/08 3:50 am - Omaha, NE
You all make me feel so "out of it" I have never ever been an early riser, I am just going to bed when some of you are starting your days. Chuck and I were going to leave right after work for a Conference on the other side of Iowa, so I got up early( for me) colored my hair, packed the car and got every thing ready so I could just pick him up after work. I was going to call for a hotel reservation but forgot the number, so I called him. He said he decided we wouldn't go because the weather is suppose to be bad. ( See Connie's post)and there isn't much worse driving that I-80 in a snow storm. So now I have to unpack every thing and I could have slept in some..grrrr   My spring Conference is next weekend. My district was assigned White as our color for the year and I have to wear a very dressy white dress. I bought a perfect one at Sears last summer, Iknew I needed to lose another 10 pounds for it to look good, it is very form fitting but it has a sheer white coat that goes over it and covers flaws. Well last night I thought I had better try on that dress, yikes, it looks terrible, instead of taking off I put on a few pounds over the winter. I don't think I can lose enough in a week to make it presentable. I hate to waste an $80 dress and now I will have to go out and find another. I am kicking myself. When we went on our cruise I had a whole body shaper( torture device I called it) I remember putting it someplace "special" when I came home.. You know, I will put it here so as not to forget it.. But I can't remember where it is. Liquids and the torture device and just maybe I could wear the dress next week. I really want to eat right now, Thank goodness I have a V8 in the fridge. I'm off, have a great weekend. blessings
on 4/11/08 4:50 am - Manteca, CA
Hi All, I've had a crazy week- the last two months of school are always wild whsks en you work in Special Ed. You have your regular day-to-day tasks plus all of the end of year testing and meetings.  Tomorrow we are having a big party at our house. We are still putting things away after the bathroom renovations and painting, so I feel pressure. I want the house to be looking PERFECT! I'm going to have to close one room from view for sure. It has my craft stuff and I just can't face reorganizing in there before tomorrow. My husband and daughter are tackling the patio today. After school (work) I need to shop for food for the party, then run home and do the last minute cooking and cleaning. And on Sunday- it's TAXES!  By the way, thank you for all of the kind comments about my daughter's weight loss and award. You are all very sweet.  Julia 
Jan C.
on 4/11/08 5:38 am - Cedar Creek, MO
I havent posted in a while because we are fighting flooding and high water all around us. We so far are fine but all the lakes are going to flood stage now that all the rivers and streams have flooded and all of tha****er has run into the lakes. We have what is called a chain of lakes with dams in between all of them well the first one overflowed and was causing wide spread flooding so they let off enough water that it wasnt flooding there which caused flooding into the next one and that one is a big tourist attraction so they didnt let it flood much at all till they were opening the dam into the next one which is a rather small lake and they flooded several comunities doing that now they are getting ready to open the dam to the lake we live beside all the time the others up above are still letting water out too because none of them will reach flood level until about Tuesday of next week. We have had 23 inches of rain since the first of the year more than half of our yearly total. Now where we live is up on a bluff on our lake but the run off water itself has ours up more than half way on the bluff so dont know what will happen when it starts comeing in from the other lakes. We are getting prepared for the worse of it and have a u-haul reserved just in case. We will know something or should know what they predict for us in our area by this week end. which will give us plenty of time to get our stuff out of the house and sheds. Pray for us please. and all the others that have had to let flood waters cover their homes. 



Marti O.
on 4/11/08 7:19 am, edited 4/11/08 6:41 pm
Hi Lora....good for you...I was also up actually until 2:30 am CDT...but so busy in my home office I didn't check in....I finally have it all back together.....but I have a few cords left over....I just put them in a drawer and thought well if I run into something that needs a cord...I've got it. I accidently hooked up the phone cord to my sound system and it got really really hot.....guess it was not enough voltage....that could have been bad..Glad I caught it.....I actually took my sound system apart twice because I didn't like the location.....It is so nice and clean and I have all white furniture and harwood floors so I like it better now.....looks very "Martha Stewarty"...which everyone says my house is...but I guess that is appropriate since my real name is Martha. I had to be at the office at 9am ....what a push that was, I was sooo tired...then I had to come home about 1:00pm and take a shower and wash my hair as we got our pictures taken at 3:00 for our Church Directory. Thank God they re-touch for "only" $40. Sure is a big difference from the last one in 2000.... I am going over to babysit my babydoll Wyatt...15 months....who his Daddy says is one night away from a snowsuit and a crib in the garage.....he is very noctural..just like his Mama was.....I tell her all the time...."what goes around comes around..you deserve him" but he is so cute that we all forgive him....although with her MS.....Mark tries to get up with him in the night. We are playing cards tomorrow night...and we love that....after going out for Pizza. Hope your weekend is great. Hugs, Marti ps. Annette I get my Ezekial Bread at Whole Foods....do  you have one of those. It is refrigerated.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



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