OT: Pittsburgh-Secret Pal
Well, to think that with all the fun everyone was having at the GTG in Pittsburgh, I received yesterday, a post card from Pittsburgh. SO......now it is narrowed down that my Secret Pal was one of the attendees! How sweet to take time out and remember me.
Thanks ever so much....I would have loved to have attended, however as it worked out, I was where I needed to be...with my friends at THEIR time of need. Perhaps next time?????
Bless you Secret Pal!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
Hey Terri...
As one of the Pittsburgh GTG attendees, I don't want to burst your investigative techniques bubble. But I happen to think that some of those women weren't just sending postcards from themselves!! Me thinks they were doing deeds for others!!! AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Sorry....and have a great day!
Hugs, Lora

Oh, well........Nancy Drew I'm not! lol
Have a good day!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader