What's New Thursday..

annette R.
on 4/10/08 7:05 am - ithaca, NY
Connie,   and   for all of you.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 4/10/08 8:50 am
Thank you Annette!! Hugs, connie d
Laureen S.
on 4/9/08 11:04 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning OFF Sistas & Brothers! Not to much new here, just checking in reading posts.  I'm tired and glad my work week is over, Dillinger woke me at 3:45 in the morning which robbed me of my last, much needed hour of sleep, hopefully I'll be able to take a nap on the way home tonight! I have spring cleaning on my list of things to attend to this weekend, along with some lawn work, shopping, cooking and other errands, how did I ever manage when I worked a full 5 days ?  It seems even with 3 days, I always have too much to do, but then again, I guess being gone on vacation for the last 2 weekends must have something to do with it all (lol)!   Have a great day! Prayers going out for all.  Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 4/9/08 11:23 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Howdy OFFers... Is it really Thursday already????  Can't believe it is almost a week since the Palooza...hey y'all want to do it again this weekend???  I'm game! I've got tix to see the Wedding Singer at the Benedum.  Supposed to be a great musical!  Am I tempting you?? Today, I am off for more bloodwork and then a much needed session and hopefully will meet up with Mary for a Panera's marathon.  Then off to my DS's Track Meet (he came in 1st again yesterday in the 100m and 2nd in the 200m--just needed to brag a bit).  Sadly, he had to withdraw from the 4x100m relay cause his stomach was acting up again!  Darn it!  The doctor wants him to get his sonograms and maybe a MRI done asap.   In-laws are about the same.  MIL is starting to adjust to the care home, and FIL is still in critical care and very depressed about his wife and himself.  He needs to get stronger so they can reschedule the cancer surgery.  OMG!!  Still can use prayers from my OFF family!! Thank you! Well the sun is a shining...it is an invitation to get my butt in gear and soak in some Vitamin D from its rays. Hope your Thursday is fantabulous!!! Hugs and more, Lora
on 4/9/08 11:25 pm - CA

HI Marti and Everyone! Great to see you start us this morning, Marti.  Sounds like your office is new and fresh.  I love to rearrange furniture and make it seem new.

Took hubby to Cardiology yesterday.  Seems something is definitely going on that is contributing to his increased difficulty with breathing.  He'll have a Nuclear Stress Test next week to see what that tells.  His cholesterol is out of sight so he's definitely going to see a change in the way he eats.  He's never had that problem before so at 78 years old, that's something new in his life!  It'll all work out I'm sure.  It is what it is.  There are several tests scheduled for him over the next few weeks.

Having an Employee Appreciation Day at work and management (including me) must work two shifts - 7 a.m. for the night shift and then a lunch this afternoon for the day shift.  I'm working the breakfast in just a few minutes.  That's a nice distraction and it will be interesting to see everyone.  They all come out when there is free food involved! Have a great day!  It's Thursday and you never know what the day might bring. Kathi


Margo M.
on 4/9/08 11:47 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning!!!!!!!!! so nice to see marti on here all smiley and proud of the new office!!!  i really wish that i would get a burst of energy from somewhere -i have so much that i want to do around here! some of my lack is desire (not a priority i guess would be better term!)  -some is confusion about where we are planning on "being" and i think we need to "be " where we are for now- some is money and some is simply lazybuttedness..... had a surprise call from my son last nite- seems that there is a "Thomas" event at toys r us saturday and he has to work so can i come hold lil baby alaina?? well sure !!!! aidan needs to do something alone with mommy so it will be a nice opportunity for me-IF jenny doesn't get someone else to do it--i can sure use some grammy time since alaina doesn't really know me! we did a bad thing for supper last nite- stopped at a wonderful little pizza place that michael has been telling me about for years- it was yum but now i need to get self even more motivated toward the right direction of protein first!!! i do believe that you have to indulge sometimes otherwise you go over the edge when you finally let loose! i am not sure what the weather is doing-lora--i cannot be held responsible for your weather !!!!!!!!!! hehe!!!!! -we aren't getting what they are predicting for us!!!!!  two days ago we were to get rain and still haven't seen it--so we need to water my freshly moved lilacs.... it is very pretty out right now-not sure of temp --- was t shirt weather yesterday! i told my SIL that by phone and she was in winter coat in wisconsin! i guess i should get the day started -bill paying and such ...i'll be back i am sure! hugs and prayers to all of my sisters and brothers!
Margo M.
on 4/10/08 4:10 am, edited 4/10/08 4:11 am - Elyria, OH
ok- now it's raining! just enough to need wipers- nuisance rain--and it's only 44* -temps are falling--look out lora and mary!!!!! michael is making some soup-he uses ramen noodles and adds veggies and stuff- i had him put in some turkey from the freezer--hoping it's ready soon-cuz i am chilled to the bone from going to loew's!
Brenda R.
on 4/10/08 12:13 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to all my OFF brothers and sisters. I hope that the day so far is good.  I am sitting here waiting for them to come back and do something with this bathroom. As you know the man upstairs had a leak and some of the problem was when he showers he doesn't close the shower curtain all the way (helloooooo!) and so we had a leak in ours. They have taken a large peice of my ceiling out and I have a tornado fan going in my bathroom since yesterday morning. I had to close the bedroom door last night in order to sleep. It is so loud to me and it's giving me a headache too. They are suppose to be here this morning to do something with it. It seems to be drying out well. I am concerned about mold but it doesn't seem to a problem. But I think it still needs more time to be open so we can see. But then again what do I know? I was the one who told the guy the other day that his toilet is leaking upstairs and he told me no it wasn't. Guess who was right! You got it.  I am planning on doind something around here today since yesterday was pretty much a total loss with all these people coming in and out. I hope today is a more productive day for me.  I better get going. I have to get my medicines and vitamins yet. I am running late. I hope that you all have a wonderful and blessed day today. I will check in later to see what is going on. I am nosey and I admit it!!!!! I am sending you all love and big hugs.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


J Brown
on 4/10/08 2:21 am - Omaha, NE
I know it isn't all that new but I just have to say how much I love your picture Marti. It is pouring rain here and so dark out, Ijust want to crawl back in bed, I am sitting here shivering, they are talking snow tonight, no fair no fair Mr. Winter your time is up . Go Away!!   It is so gloomy it really effects the mood, I am feeling very down. Then I read Annettes post about the cat peeing on the phone and I just cracked up.I wish I could get another cat to keep my cat( Coffee) company, I am gone so much and she is lonely a lot of the time. When I come in she is all over me, If I bend down to pick something up ( something I was unable to do before this wonderful surgery) she will hop on my back and immediately lay down in the crook of my neck. She is such a sweetie and really no bad habits. I do think it is odd that she would rather get her water from sweating piles than from her water dish, but to each is own. I thought I had an overly busy life but I must say I have never been the last one  a party I gave. What a great bunch of friends you are.. Have a great day
Eileen Briesch
on 4/10/08 7:45 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Marti and everyone: Marti, I love your new photo ... someone said it wasn't new, but it is to me .. .I have never seen it. Wow, you look great. Still living without my computer and having to use work or the library. Sunday, I won't post because I'm not going to go to the library. I'm going to sit at home in my jammies. It's my only day off this week because I got Monday off so I had enough time to travel home and now I have to work Saturday.  Thursday, of course, is payday, so I was busy getting money. I had to get my license plate tags because my birthday is tomorrow and the plates have to be renewed before the birthdate or you have to pay more. And you can't use debit or credit cards there ... you can if you do it online but I was saving all my money for vacation so didn't renew early enough. So I had to go to the bank, argue with them about the foreign ATM transaction fee I got charged, cash a birthday check, get money, go to the secretary of state's driver office to get my tags, then do my grocery shopping. On the way, I forgot to go to Walgreen's and get my prescriptions. So I had to get them on the way to work this afternoon. Then I went to the health food store and got my AchievOnes (was out of them after buying four cases in February). It's raining buckets here now and in the 40s ... the kind of chilly, damp rain that makes you want to sit by the fireplace and snuggle under the blankets. Unfortunately, I have to be at work and we have a review tonight ... we weren't supposed to have one until tomorrow but my boss was wrong, and I didn't bring anything to read.  Not much else new. Paid my cleaning lady for last week's cleaning ... she told me she and her five girls adopted a white kitty from the animal shelter. I think they'll give that cat lots of love; I know they love my kitties when they come over.  I think I'll try to take myself out for lunch tomorrow for my birthday (since I have to work); I have a $25 Applebee's gift card so I can really treat myself because I won't have to pay.  Well, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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