Thumb update

Cajun Angel
on 4/8/08 5:31 am - New Orleans, LA
The orthopedic surgeon removed that cumbersome bandage to reveal --- ugly stitches!  He removed half of them and place a large Band-aid on the incision.  I can now get it wet, so no more trying to wash my hair one-handed!  In fact, he wants me to soak it in warm water and start moving it.  That is a little painful with the remaining stitches.  Those will come out next week, then I guess it'll be time to head back to work    I feel like I haven't been away from work - Dr. Butthead called me @ 3 hours out of surgery last week to ask how to do something.  One coworker called me yesterday 'cause she didn't know how to send patient material off campus, and another called this afternoon with yet another "how do you do such and such".  The business manager called me yesterday afternoon to ask how I was doing.  He made sure to say it was a "how are you doing" call, not a "when the heck are you coming back call".    I swear, next time I have surgery, I'm going out of town!  It's nice to be needed but gee! After the doc visit, I stopped at Big Lots to walk around, then to the pharmacy to get big bandaids.  It felt too good being out and free to come back home.   Not that I had too, but because I wanted to, I put on a pot of beans - managed to cut the celery, onions, and garlic without cutting my fingers!!!  Well, my timer is buzzing to check the beans. Thanks for all your prayers! Later, Debbie
Marti P.
on 4/8/08 6:13 am - San Jose, CA
Debbie, Don't you just wish, for once, you could screen your calls, and not take the ones from work?  Glad to hear your thumb is healing well enough that you can make soup -- my favorite occupation! Hugs, Marti in San Jose
Cajun Angel
on 4/8/08 7:46 am - New Orleans, LA
Thanks Marti!  I do try to screen my calls, that's why I let George answer the phone when the boss called.  There was a time when I thanked my parents for instilling such strong work ethics in raising me, now I wonder     If I didn't answer the phone, they'd keep calling back, or think I was playing hookie.
Brenda R.
on 4/8/08 7:23 am - Portage, IN
Debbie, I am glad to hear that the finger is getting better. I am not really surpriased about the Dr. Butthead call. I think he has his head up his so that is a fitting name for him. Like you said is nice to be needed but enough is enough. lol Take care and eat a bite of soup for me too. I love bean soup.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Cajun Angel
on 4/8/08 7:49 am - New Orleans, LA
Thanks Brenda.  We've got a church dinner tonight.  The beans are probably going in the freezer as emergency meals. 
on 4/8/08 9:47 am - Caldwell, ID
Stitches are nasty. Moveing the thumb has got to hurt. You will do it, however. It will be worth it in the end. What would they do without you at work. My lands you'd think they would not bother you, but I do know how it goes. Don't go back too soon. You should be able to take some time off.  Take care, Diana



on 4/8/08 11:29 am - CA
Debbie, I'm so glad it was a good day at the surgeon for you.  Sounds like your thumb is progressing like it should.  Won't be too long now.  Good that you can use it! Be careful and take care of you! Kathi
Debbie G.
on 4/8/08 11:46 am - Derby Line, VT
Hey girly girl!  Glad to hear the Thumber is getting better!  (didn't really rhyme did it?  LOL!)  Maybe you will need a long course of therapy for the thumb, you know 6 months or so.... Then what would DR DEAR DO????  Maybe see your worth someday?  HA! 

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

annette R.
on 4/8/08 8:18 pm - ithaca, NY
  Debbie, I am happy to hear you are feeling better. Getting rid of the bandaging is good progress.  Until you HAVE to go back to work - use caller ID and screen your calls. Jeepers, you are out to recouperate.  Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 4/8/08 10:59 pm
Hello Debbie....thanks for the update!!! Hope you thumb is better soon. I would keep track of the time you take calls at home and put it toward your work hours when you go back to work. Hugs, connie d
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