Preop liquid diet starts tomorrow!
hey jill you can do it!!!! the food isn't that bad and if you want the new life after WLS you can and you will do it!!! we have all been through the before diet and we made it and we lost weight to boot while doing it too!!!! and those of us that went to MMPC didn't have to do the colon clean out woohooo!!!! LOL the days will fly by so fasy doing this pre op diet you will be amazed!!! also drink lots of water to get you through the hungry times...i never had any when i did it...i was lucky i guess but then i had my mind made up i wanted this surgery and to be helthy again....and here i am now 140 pounds lighter!!!
so hang in there jill you will make it ok....we are here for you!!!
The hardest thing for me on the MMPC diet was giving up caffeine (ask my coworkers ... I worked an early morning shift and was getting in at 4 a.m. I was a bear!) The food wasn't hard at all. I had primed myself for it by doing two SlimFast shakes/bars two weeks before. Kind of got my mind in the habit. By the time I had to do the pre-op diet, I didn't care what they gave me, I was ready. I was so ready to start my new life, I would have drank prune juice for three meals.
You can do this. The bars are actually pretty good; I liked the chili too (actually still have the chili occasionally when I want to jump-start my weight loss again). It's two weeks of your life, then you will have the surgery and trust me, you won't want to eat ... you won't feel hungry for a long time and will have to force yourself to do the liquid diet they give you.
This is the start of your new life, so make it work. And as others have said, you don't have to do the bowel prep, because this cleans it out for you. A two-in-one! Plus, you'll lose weight! (I lost 23 pounds ... probably some friends because I was cranky without the caffeine).
Well, it's almost evening and I am feeling good!! I have stayed on plan all day. I even made it through the guys deciding to have pizza tonight for dinner! Nothing of the food has been too bad. I really haven't craved anything at all. I may miss my popcorn with Dancing with the Stars tonight, but SF gum will get me through that, I bet.
Okay, you all were right! I can do this.
Day One.............almost done!!
Thanks all for your support.

Good for you, Jilly! I've been on my 2 week liquid diet 6 days now and it is killing me. I'm on Medifast. I've been surviving on the protein bars, pudding, chocolate shake and chicken and rice soup. I've been eating Sf popcycles and drinking ice tea and water, Had to give up my fountain cokes. This is definitely the hardest thing I've had to do.
One day at a time.......... Good Luck!