Morning Jan...
You felt so much a part of the group/weekend because you were. Dinner on Saturday was probably the most "intimate" of the weekend, and you certainly contributed to it. I found you to be exactly as I expected with one exception.....I knew you were bright, witty, sensitive and lovely...didn't know you were MODEL material...look out Mrs. America! Now don't go blushing on me, you really are stunning, Jan! Change that avatar NOW!! And your DH couldn't be more perfect! How did his interview go?
Hopefully great, cause I would love to have you near the 'Burgh so you can join Mary and me for our Panera marathons!!
Can't wait to be together again...Have a super day, Girlfriend!!
Hugs, Lora

I'm a day late getting on the puter here but I gotta tell ya Lora,,,,,you could be a writer! I'm all choked up and snifflin! You have a gift here darlin so you may want to take advantage of it in your spare time....LOL...like you have any. You are an amazing woman my dear. And in case you forget that, check back here often and we'll all remind you.
You are too kind, Judy! Thanks for the compliment! Choked up and snifflin??? Here's a cyber tissue and a great big Pittsburgh Palooza hug!! Spare time?? If I took the laptop to the bathroom, yeah maybe...on second thought..that is my ME time!
So glad you made it to the GTG, and Judy...CHANGE THAT AVATAR NOW!!!! Me thinks it resembles your older (much older) sister!
Hugs, Lora
err ahh, uhhhhmmmmm May I attribute writing Mary (who is sweet too!) to the left over anesthesia and pain meds of last week? LORA, that was tone of the sweetest things anyone has ever written about me! Usually it is HEY YOU LOOOK OUT! LOL
just joking, but seriously sweet Mary Lora, er Lora Mary, Oh heck, YOU know who you are!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.