on 4/7/08 12:57 am, edited 4/8/08 3:30 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Howdy OFFers!       (long..but a must read!!)   Hey 
Yes, the Pittsburgh Palooza is a thing of the past, but the memories will live on through infinity! You have already read lots of posts and stories of the weekend, but I thought I would stick in my 2 cents...well maybe my $10 here!  My update is from my menopausal memory with some help from my heart!  Bear with me and here goes.....

So, my intentions were to arrive at the hotel before everyone else (with Mary of course), but as life has it, I was about the last to arrive....you know it takes a while when you are traveling a couple of miles!  It was so exciting to walk into the big hotel lobby and actually recognize faces of people you have never met..but more amazing was the feeling of already knowing them!  Kindred spirits connecting...hugs that were mooshy and fuzzy and squishy...smiles that were warm and eyes that glowed and twinkled.  Yep, that all happened in 30 seconds!!
                   Heart Eyes 
Our greet and meet and eat was in our room (Mary's and mine) with aromas that were as diverse and sweet as the sistahs!  We ate and talked and ate and shared photos and ate and giggles and ate and....oh my...was that a knock on the door?   Texas Yep....Thelma and Louise reunited!  Priceless!!!  That Texas twang was a surprise like no other and how fabulous to see Candy's face.  Good thing we had tissues handy!                Jump For Joy 
To wrap up the evening of Mary's famous crustless mini quiches, salmon spread, tuna with TLC crackers, mediterranean bean salad, Judy's succulent shrimp, salsa and soy chips, pistachios, sliced bbq chicken, sliced oven roasted turkey, an array of cheeses, 
coffee, teas and waters, fruits & veggies, and more, we also shared photos of before/after WLS, kids, grandkids, pets, etc. etc.  Mary and I also presented everyone with a "Welcome to the 'Burgh" tie dye shirt with "OFF Pittsburgh, April 2008" on it (refer to our lovely models wearing them in one of the posted photos).  Plus we made sure all received a handy tote bag for their wares.  Boo also brought New England Yankee Candles for all, and many participated in clothing exchanges.  Needless to say, after all of these activities and hot tubbing/swimming, Friday evening quickly became Saturday morning!!!

In the AM, we all went to the famous "Eat 'n Park" restaurant..."the place for smiles," and not only did we have breakfast and a lot of laughs, we figured out our total weight loss which exceeded 1600 lbs.   Dieting Of course we needed to boast and boast we did...to the waitresses, hostess, manager and all within the earshot of our table...I do believe the whole restaurant knew cause even with smaller bodies, our voices are big!!  (Can't believe that the hostess thought I was serious about the Transgender thing!)  And I must remember to take Janet along with me to bargain....we got discounts at the restaurant cause she charmed the handsome manager!  (Candy did it on Sunday at Brunch....must be a Thelma and Louise thing!!).  After breakfast and lots of coffee, tea and lattes, we headed to the STRIP!  Not that strip you perverts....the Strip District in the 'Burgh.  It is an area that stretches for about 10 blocks filled with produce markets, street vendors (jewelry, t-shirts, hats, stuff), restaurants, food vendors, and an eclectic array of international shops (clothes, arts, jewelry, foods, etc., etc.).   Syria  Peru  China  India  Italy  Spain  France  Greece  Israel  Poland  Ecuador  Germany  Ireland  Saudi Arabia  Saluting The Flag Lots of free samples, too! We made stops in Italy, Greece, Peru, Ecuador, (Candy got a BEAUTIFUL DRESS--very out of her box....can wear it braless...oops-TMI..and she looks HOT!!--got matching earrings and necklace, too), Spain,Poland, Slovakia, Africa, Middle East, USA, etc.  We stopped and noshed (soft shelled crabs, biscotti, macaroons, salads, hummus, tabouleh, feta, artichokes, bean dip, salsas, etc.  and drank lots of coffees.  We spent over 4 hours there and ask Janet to share the photos of the famous Pittsburgh Primanti Brothers sandwich!!  Hard to believe....but quite a site!! {At this point I must add that alot of my vignettes are about Thelma, Louise, Aime and a few others cause that is who I managed to be around more in the Strip excursion}  And before ending my STRIP story, we must mention the amazing specimen of a man in the coffee shop who made us (Janet, Aime, Carla? and me---Candy somehow missed him even though she was close enough to him to smell him), all drool and sweat!!  Ohhhhhhhhh myyy...Aime wanted to run her fingers through his hair and Janet wanted to jump his bones...errrrrr body, and I was content staring....well, maybe a bit more....He looked like an Adonis on the front of a scrappy romance novel!!  YUMMO!! Hello Handsome  Were You Arrested? 
After the Strip, we went to the South Side of Pittsburgh cause a few wanted to go to a bead shop.  So we parked near it, and the rest of us were going Thrift shopping.  Unfortunately, the closest one was over 8 blocks (lonnnggggggg blocks away).  But we trekked (good exercise) and stopped in some of the little obscure shops along the way.  Candy got a lovely wrap for her hot tamale dress, and Aime got a Belly-Dancer skirt-thingy for a friend and they managed to bargain again for the two items...I was impressed!!! You go girlssssssss....!!!   You Go Girl 
We made it to the thrift shop, although Laureen and Annette hung out on a bench and people watched, Aime, Candy and Janet and I checked out the store, got a couple of things and then trekked across the street to Caribou Coffee.  Aime and I ventured into the Men's Restroom...'Ladies' was a wait.  After meeting up with everyone, we headed for a small tour of some upper priced real estate.  Then back to the hotel (new pretzel shop pit-stop for some first).  A well deserved rest and a little refreshening...then the Palooza Princesses    Dolled Up Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy (we clean up pretty darn good) headed to Station Square for some Chinese cuisine!  There we met Jan (Janice53) and her sweet hubby.  He didn't join us, but we feel like we know him---seems like a peach of a gentleman (hope his interview goes well today, Jan--let us know!).  We invaded the Sesame Inn Restaurant, and thank goodness Albert, our waiter (soon to be betrothed), was very patient.  Chinese Restaurant  We were there for over 3 hours, and ate, laughed, ate, cried, ate, chuckled, ate and sniffled.  The stories were right out of diary entries...reveals so personal that only are shared with sisters.  Anecdotes that were snippets from our lives that many of our loved ones and dearest friends don't know.  Dinner was more than food...it was a bonding like no other.  I think we all walked away from the table with an understanding of each other that is so unique and wonderful....we probably could have managed a few more hours, but they flickered the lights so the staff could go home.  And wasn't it amazing how appropriate our fortunes were!!  (Not "in-bed"...just straight fortunes.)  Chinese 
After dinner, we headed back to the hotel, and adjourned to the bar/lounge area.  It was interesting to see what a chocolate martini   Martini was, but more entertaining to witness Candy after her  Margarita Margarita!!  Hey Candy....do you even remember some of things you told me?  Don't worry, I will NEVER tell!!  We both can have secrets...oops, I mean private moments!!   Melissa, Janet, Candy, Aime, Annette, Mary, Carla, Laureen, Debbie,Margo and I were again "kicked out" of the establishment...they wanted to close and go home...we wanted to hang out a little more and chat!!  So some of moved on (some a little better than others...achum...) to our room and chit-chatted a bit longer.  Laureen and Mary outlasted all others!!  I started nodding off, sitting up, so I adjusted my sleep number bed, and was out in a nanno second!   Sleepy 
When waking up Sunday morning, I felt so full...not food wise, my heart Heart Beat  was full of such good stuff!  I also felt a bit sad...the Pittsburgh Palooza was about to end and I wanted more.  We all met for brunch and dined in our private room in the hotel restaurant.  What a great opportunity to share final thoughts, stories, reminiscing about the weekend and a bunch of hugging, a bit more tears,photos, and a lot of smiles (did you happen to see mine in the group photo?).  I would have to say that the time flew, but ohhhhhhh  it was so worth the planning (even with the gliches that Mary and I have been experiencing in our personal lives).  I vow to never miss an OFF GTG and you should too.  No matter where in the country it takes place, you must do it.  Afterall, the hotel costs are about $100 shared, the food is minimal since we don't eat much, and the transportation costs are $50 - $250...but the experience is PRICELESS!!!  Start saving today.  Put a buck or two away each day, just like a "Christmas Club" or a "layaway" cause I can assure you that there is no other trip like it!  We deserve to splurge!  We deserve to  venture!  And we  deserve to "get out of the box" once in awhile!   Ladies Night 
Before I end...here are a few things I think about the Pittsburgh Palooza Participants...

AIME-you are a gem!  Caring,genuine, sincere and strong!! You rock GF!!
ANNETTE-you are a sweetheart! Warm, loving, kind and thoughtful!  Tom is LUCKY!
CANDY--you are perfect!  A meshing of sensitive and comical, reserved and bold (nice tatas, too!).
CARLA--you are a character! Accomodating, helpful, flexible and gracious.  Keep your demeanor!
DEBBIE--you are so sweetly altruistic!  Kind, knowledgeable, and generous.  Stay strong!!
JANET--you are incredible!  Fireball, spirited, sweet, spicy and a total doll!  My saving grace!
--you are lovely..inside and out.  Change your avatar NOW!! (I know..I shouldn't talk!)
LAUREEN--you are a HOOT!  Funny, sharp, direct and sensitive!  Truly my SISTER!
MARGO--you are benevolent!  Sensitive, witty, charming and kind.  Don't change!!
MARYAN(BOO)--you are a character!  Unique, social, personable,and firm.  Love your underwear, butterflies, and fairies..oh yes..shoes,too!
MELISSA--you are kind-hearted! Sweet, caring, maternal, loving and sensitive.  I loved getting to know you and can't wait to reunite!
JAN--you are genuine!  Gentle spirit, nice, pure and kind.  You are the real deal!!
and finally....
--you are my sister!!!!  Honest, genuine, caring, passionate, loving and calming.  There is nobody else that I would have enjoyed planning this with.  And I am grateful to have met you because your friendship completed a void in my life!

My weekend ended with a jaunt to the airport with Carla, Janet and Laureen, who by the way...somebody(ies) was/were big sneaks...I found the "tip" in the car...thank you, but it was totally unnecessary!!
I appreciate all the kind words that have been shared, uttered, posted, etc.  It was a pleasure ladies to do this and I can't wait to meet up again.  I must add that it was a great diversion from my life, and I actually had a great time...laughed and cried and smiled so much...great and much needed medicine!!  Heart Beat Heart Beat 

Hope you all had fun and until we meet again....
Hugs and smiles!
PS-Thank you also for your respect of my "requests."  You know what they are and WHAT HAPPENED (AND WHAT WAS SAID) IN PITTSBURGH, STAYS IN PITTSBURGH!!!! Thank you and bless you all! Big Hug  Double Kiss  Blowing A Kiss


Margo M.
on 4/7/08 1:07 am - Elyria, OH
lora...sweetheart...thank YOU and bless you as well.....nuff said i hope for now!!!!! oh-and the very last personal converstaion that you and i had; we had once before online somewhere-or i dreamt it cuz i remember the info you had shared...hmmmmmmmmmm.....
on 4/7/08 4:14 am - Pittsburgh, PA
HEY GIRLFRIEND... Must have been a dream...hope it was a good one...especially with that pretty man in it...{{{hotflash}}} !!! Glad you enjoyed the weekend...all of it!  I did and one of the 13 highlights was meeting Y-O-U!!! Hugs, Lora 
on 4/7/08 1:25 am - Bradenton, FL
Lora, You explained the weekend to a teeee!!!!! Keep up the good work. You should become a party planner!!!!! Carla
image hosting site

on 4/7/08 4:18 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks Carla!  But as for the "party planner" thing...NOPE!!! I get stressed out too easily...OH YES...betcha figured that out this weekend, didn't you!! HEEHEE!! Glad you made it home okay, despite the airline fiasco. Til the next GTG...so nice to meet extended mishpacha. Hugs, Lora 
on 4/7/08 1:41 am - CYGNET, OH


You have described everything so well.   I had a wonderful time and you were such a great tour guide.  

I loved just listening to your life experiences.    I'm not as wordy so all I can say is it was just GREAT!!   Even if I was a little weird on friday night.  haha       I can't wait to meet again! Pittsburgh isn't that far!!   I might even encourage Greg to work out that way so I can visit some time.  

I also have some wonderful pictures! 




on 4/7/08 4:21 am, edited 4/7/08 4:22 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Melissa, I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself...next time you come to the 'Burgh, I would bring some dramamine.   By the way, you may not be so "wordy," but it's the quality not quantity that matters!!   And you weren't "weird" on Friday nite...you were perfect!!!! Would love to have you revisit the 'Burgh with Greg.  That way we can do a couple's thing!  Might be fun. Relieved you made it back okay, despite the puppy thing.   You are the B-E-S-T!! Hugs to ya sweetie! Lora 
on 4/7/08 1:48 am, edited 4/7/08 2:56 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Look everyone I changed my avitar ! 


You are able to put into words everything I wanted to say. Your details made me think we were all still there. I also had wanted to make a little summary of each one of you but I was so tired last night that I crashed after my last post. Lora summed up each one of you perfectly. But, words cannot describe each one of you. So many lovely personalities came together over the weekend.

I didn't get to see the Adonis with the long hair but I plan on going back to the strip soon for some tea at that shop. I may stay and drink a few cups if he's there. I may even take my camera so the sistas that need another look will have him nearby at all times!

Deb and Melissa, my daughter LOVED the sea turtle. I warmed it up last night and she said it was still warm this morning. My son loved the picture of the Pittsburgh Penguins too. Not that he doesn't have enought sports memorabilia in his room already. I enjoyed hanging out with both of you at the strip. Deb take a big bite of the biscotti for me!


          Spring Text  





on 4/7/08 4:26 am - Pittsburgh, PA
on 4/7/08 12:20 pm - CYGNET, OH
Mary, I wish I would have bought one for Greg.  When I got home he asked what I got him and you know what I said??   Spices.   LOL   Well I kinda got them for him.   Deb offered me one of the biscotti's on the way home but I was afraid it was one of the dog ones. No not really I am to chicken to try new things.    I stopped at Starbucks before we headed out of Pburgh and she was happy.  


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