Pittsburgh Palooza Checking In

Lynn B.
on 4/6/08 8:41 am - San Antonio, TX

Sounds like you all had a great time.  Thanks for posting the picture.  It's great to see you all together and so happy! Hugs,

Debbie G.
on 4/6/08 8:47 am - Derby Line, VT
Oh Pshawwww.  Had a reply almost done and hit the wrong button and whooosh.  it's gone.  GRRRR Anyway, Melissa drove "Miss Debbie G" too and from Pittsburgh in FINE fashion!  She is a wonderful friend.  I wasn't feeling the best Thursday and Friday so she actually came and got me 20miles out of her way to get to Pittsburgh.  Lora and Mary are the hostesses with the mostesses in the Pittsburgh area let me tell you!  What a wonderful weekend we had!  The biggest surprise of course was Miss Thelma's appearance with her big south Texas drawl,......Thelma's here, where's Louise???? Louise of course was totally shocked as was everyone except Aime, Lora and Mary!  little sneaks!  It was so wonderful to reconnect in person with Carla, Candy, Aime, Janet, Margo from the Dallas trip and then to meet up with Lora, Mary, Boo, Judy, Annette, Laureen and Jan.  It was also such a joy to room and get to know Melissa better and to share the room with Candy and her was a great treat!  I wanted to hit the hot tub so badly on Friday night but didn't with the brand new incisions but Saturday we walked all over the "strip" in Pittsburgh, what a NEAT place!  everyone in Pittsburgh evidently goes there shopping on the weekends.  we walked into the spice shop and OH the scent was heavenly.  The coffee place was wonderful.  I don't like coffee, but my son does so I got him a grinder and 3 kinds of beans.  He loved it.  So many unique things about 'Burgh that are so wonderful.  The scenery, the shopping but most of all the closeness and friendship of the OFF "girls" was the best part.  Dinner Saturday night was long and wonderful at the Chinese restaurant.  we were all teary eyed from sadness and joy in the exchange of questions we had during our "post parandial" discussion!  Today we all gathered again for breakfast and goodbyes.  Sad as they are, so necessary.  Mark this weekend down as a Good Un!  Hugs to all cyber sistah's and brotha's out there! 

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

on 4/6/08 9:00 am - Somewhere in, NY
Honeys, I'm home!!!!!! Just got in a little while ago, kissed the kitties, unpacked the car, laughed when I thought of Janet leaving her suitcase from October packed until recently, and decided to check in with my sisters.  I stopped at Grove City Outlets in Pa on my way home, spent about 2 hours and too much money, and decided to come home.  I should have skipped the Outlets, but it was sunny and warm and I was feeling pretty mellow, so I enjoyed myself.  Can't WAIT for my charge card bill to arrive.... Yes, Janet showing up was a mind-boggling surprise!  She called me Friday morning before I left and gave absolutely NO indication she'd be in Pittsburgh.  Aime, Mary, and Lora are VERY good secret keepers... It was a wonderful weekend, but much too short.  Anyone who can possibly manage to get to one of these gatherings should make every effort to do so.  It's a wonderful bonding experience.  I miss my sistahs already. Candy


Connie D.
on 4/6/08 9:16 am
The pic is wonderful. So many happy ladies all together. Wish we all could have been there. Thanks for sharing! Hugs, connie d
on 4/6/08 9:22 am - CYGNET, OH
I'm home too!!!   It was great to get to know everyone.   Mary and Lora did a wonderful job with all the planning and they were great hostesses.   My roomies were great too!!   It was just a perfect weekend.  Only one piece of bad news the  dog that we dropped off on the way almost beat me home!!!    Debbie and I locked the doors and hurried past the exit where we met the new owner on friday and darned if they didn't call and say they were driving her back.  LOL  At least MS. Debbie didn't have to dog wrestle on the way home! Thanks for all the fun!


on 4/6/08 10:40 am - Pittsburgh, PA


Sorry to hear about the doggy situation. Its too bad they didn't give her more time to adapt. Usually it takes a while for a new pet to settle in.

I enjoyed meeting you and knowing we have so mu*****ommon!


          Spring Text  





on 4/6/08 10:55 am - CYGNET, OH
Mary, I felt the same way about giving her time.   They said she won't settle down she keeps pacing and crying so I told them I would give it more time or you can bring her back.   The opted to bring her back so it's ok.   I will be able to place her in the right home when the time is right.    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed meeting you!!  Next time I will bring water proof mascara and tissues!! LOL    I'll even share with Candy!


on 4/6/08 11:02 am - Pittsburgh, PA


Start saving for New York. I'm sure Laureen will be able to pull it off OFF??

Your're right the right family will come along for the puppy. It wasn't meant to be with them. Now you have another warm body to snuggle up to for a while.


          Spring Text  





annette R.
on 4/6/08 10:53 am - ithaca, NY
I'm home...finally. It was tiring crawling outta my box, but good for me.  Mary and Lora THANK YOU so much. You were perfect hostesses and tour guides. Aww gee whiz, we didn't make it up the side of the mountain in the trolly car. Next time? To the rest of my Pittsburgh Sisters, that was the experience of a life time.  Never have I cried and laughed so much in a short space of time. Thank you for being you. My heart is bursting with LVE. Tom wanted to know what we did - I couldn't begin to explain. But you all know. My furbrats are whining and want some Momma love. My big guy isn't whining but he would like some attention too. So I bid you all a good night. Kisses Annette Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/6/08 11:05 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Well gals, after two very late nights up talking to Lora one night until 3am and Laureen until who know when last night, I'm going to go to bed early. I'll check back in tomorrow morning to see how everyone else liked the weekend.


Yes, I am thinging about changing my avitar now that you all found out I am not a cute little grey kitty. The pictures are on the other computer right now.



          Spring Text  





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