Hey Marc I found it!!
Hey Marc I found it!! Marc told me about this forum and told me what great support you all are and that I should check it out and you know what he is right!!
So I wanted to just stop and say hi
to you all and I hope to get to know you all!!
Take care!

Live each day as if it were your last, you never know it just might be!!
Yah know marc that is one thing I always liked about you... your ability to speak your mind
Gotta love that!!
Yeah I gotta say them OH get togethers caaaan get kinda crazy and that is all I gotta say about MYYY get togethers I have attended.
Just got back from GB last Tuesday and MAN I really hate coming home it is SUCH a let down!!
Oh well I have made some GREAT friends and we always keep in contact and get together as much as time/money allows!!
Thanks again Marc

Live each day as if it were your last, you never know it just might be!!
The surgery went well... the doctor said that the last surgery she had on the same shoulder was not done right.. the tendon was attached too low and part of the tendon was dead. He had to cut it and reconnect it, plus sew up the tear in the rotator ... She is with you in that pain killer fog and will be out for a couple of weeks even though it was done lap...
Thanks for asking about her... she'll like that

Whoooo hoooo FINALLY someone else from MN!! I can never seem to find anyone on here from MN that sticks around to long. LOL I was startign to get a complex
Yup I sure did have Dr Shapiro. He is retired now so I need to hook up with a different surgeon for my follow ups. I REALLY need to get on that.
Thanks everyone for the welcome it is always great to see/hear!

Live each day as if it were your last, you never know it just might be!!