it's Friday! What's New???

Connie D.
on 4/3/08 11:47 pm
Good Morming Margo and everyone...... First of all CONGRATS George on your 100 pound loss!!!! Yesterday I was without computer service until 9:00PM last night. My internet provider was having a problem and it took them that long to get it figured out. I was soooo lost with out all of you! Thank you all again that responded to Nic's Cariing Bridge site. My daughter was so happy was Nic. He loves to hear from people he doesn't know....makes for a good day! Jamie (DD) did journal a thank you to all that left messages....thanks again. I have a fasting lab this morning so will be heading out for that soon. Then I have to come home and get back to work. I only wor****il noon today then it is weekend time...woooohoooo!! I sure wish I was able to go to Pittsburg. You ladies would be so much fun to be with. Hug each other for me!! I look forward to hearing all about it when you return. Love and hugs to all.......connie d
Debi R.
on 4/3/08 11:53 pm - CA
Just wanted to stop in and tell all the lovely ladies headed for Pittsburgh to have a great and wonderful weekend. I wish we could all meet someday. Be safe and wild. Cannot wait until I read all the great stories. Heading out the door for the gym. Going with a friend tomorrow up to a lake by us. Just plan on sitting and relaxing. Guess what, I will be able to sit in a lawn chair this time and not on the hard picnic table bench. LOL Have a great weekend. Debi
J Brown
on 4/4/08 12:01 am - Omaha, NE
Wow, it isn't even 9 AM and already we are on page 2. George, Dang man that wa sa fast 100. Congrats !! Like someone said before me, you will feel so much better when the Gall bladder is gone gone gone.    Thank-you gals for putting  us in your pocket. You are going to have such a great time. My car is all packed, I have to leave right from work for ann American Legion Conference. 6 hour drive, well with Chuck driving it will only be a 5 hour. I would rather be  home working in the yard. only 3 more months and my reign will be over yipeee..    I'm In for Branson !!!   Have a super day and a safe and blessed weekend.
on 4/4/08 1:07 am, edited 4/4/08 1:08 am - Pittsburgh, PA
You want to know what's new... In a few hours, I'll be meetin' my OFF sisters!!  That is big news!  Pretty anxious, fairly excited, and real crazed here!  Quick update on the in-laws for those who have asked..MIL went to a care home yesterday, FIL had his 2nd heart surgery (quadruple bypass on Wed. instead of today-long story) and is not out of the woods.  They don't know when to reschedule the cancer surgery yet...that is a worry!!  So please keep the prayers coming!!  They are so appreciated!   I am trying to put it out of my mind for 48 hours, but at least I am closeby.    My DS had his first track meet  yesterday and actually came in first place in the 100 meters.  His team was second in the 100X4 meter relay and he didn't fare too well in the 200m.  But that is okay!  He was sooooooooooooo excited.  Just had to boast  a little.  Okay....                                    Wow...sounds like every Paloozer is ready but me!!  Good thing I live 5 minutes from the hotel.  Been up since 4 am and went to bed at 3.  Sounds like everyone had little to no sleep except for Debbie and she used a little help.   My adrenaline is raging and just wanted to safe, have your cells handy and be ready for a big "Burgher weekend with the works!!                                        See the rest of you on Sunday nite or Monday!  We'll miss you...however, there is still time to head on in to the Palooza...we will be happy to entertain latecomers & drifters!  Hugs, Lora        
Brenda R.
on 4/4/08 1:17 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, sisters and brothers. I hope that today is treating you all good. So far so good here for me.  I hope that everyone heading to P'burgh will be safe and have the greatest time of your life. I am glad that I am going in a purse since I love them so much. My best freind calls me the Emelda Marcos of purses. You can never have to many of them.  
Custom Smiley
  I am staying home today. I am so cold and it isn't getting any warmer here. It is suppose to be in the 40's today and then it is going to be in the 60's for several days. I want the sun and I want it NOW!!!!!! I can't wait for a true spring to be here with no returning to winter.  Bill has to work tomorrow and I don't like it but what are ya going to do? I guess some big shots are coming in this week and week end and so they need to make sure things are done. So it is going to be a funky week end here. Not sure what I am going to do but I may play hooky from church on Sunday to spend time with him. I am litergist for the month of April so after this sunday I have to go since I don't have much choice there.  I  better get going. Things to do and no people to see. I am not seeing people since I am staying home with just my furmonster Misty. She is all curled up by the patio door. She is a monster but I think she is a good one. At least someone has to think so. I created the monster so what other choice do I have but to love the peices out of her. She is my baby for sure.  Have a good day and I will chat with you all later on. Love and hugs to all.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Cajun Angel
on 4/4/08 1:53 am - New Orleans, LA
Hope everyone headed to Pitts has a safe and fun trip!  Anyone hear from Susandoeshair or our other AR friends?  Bad weather there yesterday.  We're expecting some strong winds and heavy rain later today.  Thumb is better, typing with bandage is getting better - still takes a long time to type accurately.  Better not let the boss get wind of that.  Would you believe he called twice Wed.  I called work to tell them I was home and all had gone well.  He called about an hour later to say he was glad I was home and OK.  Called again at 11:15, George anwered the phone and made signs it was him.  I made signs to tell him I was sleeping.  George said, "OK, I'll see if I can wake her and have her call you."  After much on my part, George called him back.  Seems he forgot I can no longer fax from my new computer.  I told George to tell him he'd have to get up and walk to the departmental fax and physically fax the report.  Luckily I haven't heard from him again.  He could have asked any of the others for help, but NOOOOOOOOO, he has to bother 3 hours our of surgery.  Grrrrrrr BUTTHEAD!  Even George was pi$$ed. Oh YEAH Zephyrs won their season opener 5 - 2!!!  Going again Sat. nite!
Karen S.
on 4/4/08 3:02 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good morning OFF family!

WELL........LOOK OUT PITTSBURG!! Can you feel the tsunami heading your way??? They are coming from every direction, and they are full of vinegar!! I can feel the excitement coming through my screen, and I am so hoping that you all have the most excellent time.

Thanks for taking us along in your pocket, Annette...that's where I feel most comfortable. I can peek out now and then and see where you are adventuring, and I can giggle to my heart's content without anyone knowing. Too many people in one place makes me nervous, so being in your pocket will keep me safe and calm.

Last night I think I fought off some kind of a bug. It was COLD here least to me. I wore black leggings, a big sweater, socks and still was curled up under a blanke****ching TV last night. In bed, I used BLANKETS and burrowed in. In the middle of the night, I had to throw off the blankets and bedspread.......I think whatever was trying to make me sick decided to get up and go home....thankfully. It's now 6:30 a.m. and I'm in my typical cotton nightgown watching the sunrise and feeling good.

I have a good friend who is turning 60 on Wednesday, and her son and DIL are going to surprise her with a group of us going to see Ulalena (a wonderful play in Lahaina theater), and then dinner at Kimo's a fabulous restaurant right on the water in downtown Lahaina. I don't know how I'm going to keep it a secret........I guess I'll just meet them there. It will be fun.

I sent my surgeon an e-mail saying that I still haven't heard from our plastic surgeon about my LBL......and I'm ready to at least have an appointment to see what they can do. Being below goal and having lots of hangy down skin on belly and outer thighs, I think they can make a nice difference by pulling everything up. Not looking forward to a MAJOR surgery like that again, but I will do it if it's in the cards.

Time to do chores and get off to Costco. I have a LONG list and coupons.


Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
karen C.
on 4/4/08 5:10 am - Kennewick, WA
MK, By now the big surprise should have been unwrapped! Gosh, I love being here cuddling grands, but I'd love to be there too! Jan, I would definitely sign up for a Branson excursion especially in the fall of the year! Karen C

Karen C

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/08 9:15 am
I keep thinking that when it is time they can just start at my ankles and pull all my loose skin up until it gets over my head, then just cut it off.  I should end up with a nice scar around my neck which would be easily covered with a nice diamond necklace.
Joyce S.
on 4/4/08 11:41 am - Dennis, MA
Hi Everyone,     I know I'm bringing up the rear..... oh well better late than never . I've been scrambling to get packed . do laundry , clean house and be ready to hit the road at 4 am tomorrow. We'll stay with friends just south of Washington DC tomorrow night and be in Pawley's Island SC around dinner time on Sunday. We will try to connect with Joan M, and Pam W while we're down there and with Aime on our trip home April 18. I would love to meet up with any other of our OFF sisters and brothers if possible.     I most likely won't get near a computer till we return so I'm going to be having OFF Withdrawls  - I sure will miss all of you. I hope all who are going to Pittsburgh this weekend will have an outstanding time ! I'm expecting to hear alllllllll about it !     Lotsa love to you all.      

Joyce S.

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