What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Thursday!!
Hi Linda!
I sure hope you get to feeling better. Allergies are really bad right now for me, too. Medicine to stop the nose causes the sinus headache. No in between........ drip or headache bad enough it's tough to see! I much prefer winter for this very reason.... oh well...
B-cottage cheese & fresh strawberries
L-the last of the chile
D-out with hubby!
Have a good day. Hugs comin' your way!
hope u feel betr soon
b - WC oatml w p'nut btr
s - shake
l - whtevr I can mange to get opn r heatd - won't strve 4 sure
s - shake r cotge chese
d - same as l
s - shake
heavy on protein to heal faster
typng slow sucks - it's my profesion & i pride myself on my speed & accuracy - it will get betr but not gnna hapn for a few days.
Lortab ain't working. Doc told me take before pain starts - shoulda listend
bye - geting my shke, pill, and nap!

Debbie, I am glad that you are feeling good enough to post for us but make sure you get a lot of rest and relaxation. You need it and you deserve it. Hope that things get back to normal for you real soon. I am sending healing love and hugs to you. I know they are healing because God blessed them for us.