secret pal stuff
i am wondering how everyone is doing with this?? is everyone signed in to elfster ok? have you all filled in your blanks?? your full name your address your birthdate etc etc????
have you been asked any questions? have you answered???? have you taken a few minutes to ask any????
some of you have been receiving ecards and emails--it is nice to hear on the board when they are rec'd however; it can get to be tedious to post about an email everysingleday....some of you may not be receiving anything yet-could be that your elfster page doesn't give us your address??????
many of you who are playing and think that you know who your pal is had better not get smug cuz we have the pittsburgh gtg coming up--hmmmmm sneaky sneaky....
and some may be receiving things from various sources-just because...aren't you lucky!!! you are really loved!!!
well- i'm too poor to pay attention today so i'm gonna just send hugs!!!!!! i would hope that if ya want em you'll reach out and grab-kindof like the brass ring on the carousel ride!!!! even if you aren't "my" pal...go ahead and grab a hug! i have plenty!!and they are renewable!!!
hey-sorry if i sounded short on the last reply--things are getting to me today- i think it was that agree disagree test at loews! i think it's testing me to see if i am short--um--yup!i'm 5'1"--
ok- so the secret pal thing--usually we play it out til the last minute to send a gift but i don't see harm in what you did--she enjoyed her gift it seems!!! so - send her a nice card or something just cause!! or send me a pen....i would love it!!
i think the biggest thing is to make it fun......
seriously...some folks make it a big deal by making up secret email accts and sending ecards and stuff- i am not taht talented ...some folks send small gifts along at diff times some wait til teh end ...usually it ends up costing mor ethan what we agree as tops-but the cost of postage just keeps increasing!
we have done exchanges for specific holidays in past- we have done them for 3 months at a time- most agreed it was toooo long...
questions?? comments???

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