What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Tuesday!
I gotta be awake because general anesthesia is dangerous and any case where the doc can get by with local, they try to do it. I've had bad reactions to general in the past, and this is only a minor, little, same-day, out-patient surgery (so they say)! I have visions of being carted off to the hospital across the street and knocked out because of some weird complication. That's just me and knowing my track record.
I like sauce with lots of veggies (onion, celery, garlic, and tomatoes) in it, cooked down real thick.
Linda, thanks for the thoughts, prayers, hugs, and tickle. My middle is quite squishy and ticklish!
Love you,

Isn't it great to have this Tuesday, Linda! They say the sequel is never as good as the first one but I think we're out to prove that theory wrong! LOL It's a GREAT Tuesday. No reason for it not to be....
Six donuts, huh? I could so easily go for that right now...... Donuts actually account for more than 50 of these excess pounds I have....