I need help getting back to working out.....

Marti O.
on 3/31/08 1:24 pm

.....I have not worked out for almost two weeks and I am really really feeling it already in my knees....why is it that we don't do what we know works for us and makes us better.....I am getting back to the same old personality that got me in this condition....putting my health needs last and putting my business first....it is really a very bad habit.....I put on a pair of pants the other day and they felt a little snug........[they were jeans, but they shouldn't feel snug]

I start out okay in the morning with a protein shake and I had to be in my car a lot today, so I took a big jug of diet cranberry juice and a large cup. I also stopped twice and got cappachino [that was 1/2 decaf] and I stopped and had a cup of egg drop soup at a Chinnese take out place and ate it there with no liquid. I did okay until I got home late, tired and my husband had made some super good smelling Chicken and Dumplings....and as I sat down with a glass of wine to watch Dancing with The Stars....I ended up eating a BIG cup of Chicken and dumplings........

BUT....I came home without working out.....and I didn't eat well today...very little protein.....I guess I will just try angain tomorrow, but I am very very discouraged with myself.

Any suggestions to get my butt moving again. Hugs, Marti


"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Aime B.
on 3/31/08 7:46 pm - Baltimore, MD
When you find them, will you pass them on to me!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Marti O.
on 4/1/08 9:01 pm
read on sweetie...there are some great suggestions..Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



annette R.
on 3/31/08 8:12 pm - ithaca, NY
Marti, A very wise woman encouraged me with her wonderful advice "JUST DO IT". When we are tired, stressed, hungry, etc, those old habits come knocking on our door and we eat. Sure we need to eat but those times we eat without thinking or planning. Excercise is often a chore not a pleasure.  You have taken the first step by identifying there is a problem. Now it is time to think of a 'livable' solution.  Could your hubby make a meal which is more WLS friendly than the enticing chicken and dumplings? Mmmm, that does sound tempting. Perhaps he could broil some chicken and make a side dish of your favorite veggies?  Can you find a form of exercise that feels good to you? Try to find something that FEELS good, not a chore. For me, working out in a gym is just that, working. I do enjoy walking though. Outside walking is best but plain Mall walking works just as well with the cold temperatures.  Planning ahead helps me. If my day is extra busy, I know I will be too tired to make good choices. The truth is that my home doesn't have any unhealthy choices for me. By planning my grocery shopping my food choices will be handy.  My will power is nil but I am a good Food Police. If Tom wants to eat cookies, cake or other trigger foods, he has to have them some place other than our home. He's not starving and I have less temptation. That doesn't work in every home, maybe not yours, but that's the rule here. If I can't resist a food, it is NOT allowed in the house. Rather Regal of me, don't you think?? giggle When you posted your daily "Just Do It", many of us were inspired to get off our butts and exercise. You were also. Just a thought - get out your whips and push us along as it worked well for you before and we reaped the benefits. Many kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Marti O.
on 4/1/08 9:17 pm

Thanks, I needed that....a little reminder of how I got to working out.....and I really do love it when I am there at the Club.....I do the weights one day and my legs seem to really need the weights and I walk in the warm water the next day....;and I really like that. That is the surprising part to me.....I really like it and I still have not made the time for it. It seems to be so easy to slip out of a good habit.....even after a year.....last fall I was fighting with my knee surgeon about going back to work out at 4 weeks......this week I am just paying for the membership and not going....stupid. Perhaps it is that I am pre-occupied with work. I have a family coming in this weekend to buy a house and I am rather pre-occupied with finding the right homes for them to look at......so that mentally I am not there....I don't know.......it that it?....I am actually having pains in my legs now and that still hasn't gotten me there......just spending the last two days in the car driving, previewing some homes, going to meetings, luncheons  etc has made my legs hurt more. Well, girlfriend, I am up early to try to get in my two hours [an hour working out and an hour showering, doing hair etc.] I have been carrying my stuff in the car ready to go, hoping that I will feel the call....but not working so far. My hubby cooks whatever HE feels like.....he would just say..don't eat it, because if I cooked something he didn't want, he wouldn't.....we gave up cooking for each other long ago....it is just easier.....we keep such different hours. As far as keeping anything out of the house that is bad for me.....that is not an option here. You have a much more cooperative husband than mine. Thanks for thinkin' of me and thanks for your suggestions, they are always great as usual. Love, Marti


"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 3/31/08 11:48 pm - CA
Hi Marti, I wonder in reading your post....... how did you get started working out in the very beginning?  By that I mean when did you decide what to do for the workout?  I'm pre-surgery and have debated these many months about how to go about this.  I used to go to Curves and considered doing that again.  I, too, have knee problems and think what would be helpful and not harmful. What did you get out of the workouts in the beginning before they became so rewarding to how you feel?  How long did it take you to build up to reap the benefits? Just asking because if you explain it to me it might help you to remember the rewards and that might help you to move it up on the Priority List! Hugs, Kathi
Marti O.
on 4/1/08 9:29 pm
You know Kathi, I think what made me move in the beginning was my fear of having a lot of hanging skin as I was losing weight. I have had friends that have had PS and I just did not want to ever have to go through it....and I also had weak legs and knew I would need knee replacements as soon as I could get my diabetes under control and wanted to be as strong as possible when I had surgery. It worked too, my knee surgeon said that he could tell that I had been working out as my tendons and muscles in my knees were in better shape than most people with such diseased knees. I also had a very quick recovery from my knee surgeries. You know the sad thing is that I really love to go to my workouts......it is just getting there right now. I am even starting to have pains in the side of my left calf and I know it is a lack of working out. As I talk with you, you are right, it helps me remember......I think it is the time......I am looking at it in too big of chunks and I just don't want to give up two hours......BUT, I will come home and veg out in front of the TV watching Dancing with the Stars etc.and waste two hours there. I tried Curves, but it was kiind of like pretend working out for me....but I say whatever works for you is great...and whatever is available to you is great. Not everyone has access to a big Health Club 5 minutes from their house like me. I really need water walking and weight lifting for my legs. I KNOW exercise is the real key to aging well and this is helping me get it back into my mind again. Thanks Kathi, Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Cajun Angel
on 3/31/08 11:54 pm - New Orleans, LA
I need help too!  My lazy butt sits in the recliner too much.  I'm tired, haven't slept well in over 3 weeks, stressed at work, trying to get things in order before I go out on medical leave...Excuses, I've got thousands of them.  What I need is one good excuse to do the right thing!  How about, "I don't want to be what I was before wls."  Best of luck to you dear Marti. Debbie
Marti O.
on 4/1/08 9:34 pm
You know Debbie, I think we become what we are thinking about....what we make our mental priorities......I am like you, stressed at work etc.and that is what has been occupying my thoughts and I seem to shove my workouts into the background....JUST BECAUSE I CAN.....I need to realize that I will have less stress if I go workout and do my gratitudes while I ride 8 miles on my bike or walk an hour in warm water listening to music and do my gratitudes......I really do enjoy it....I just need to move it forward in  my brain.....Thanks honey. Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 4/1/08 12:06 am - PA
I hate exercise, I'll admit it... but I do it because I won't get/keep the results I want without it. That being said, I really wish I had an answer.  I actually became a certified Zumba instructor and teach a class two times per week and it forces me to exercise.  Maybe you need an exercise buddy, someone who motivates you when you're not feeling it, and you motivate them when they're not feeling it also.  My doctor recently called me the "poster child of weight loss surgery" and I started exercising when I was just 4 weeks post-op. I have had a one or two week stretch when I didn't go and it scares me to think how easily I could slip back into those old habits that got me weighing enough to qualify for surgery.  But I also think that anyone who weighs enough to qualify for surgery has food issues to begin with so we are MORE likely to slip into the old "habits" because they are more than habits for us.  Ya know what I mean? Good luck to you.  I am willing to call/e-mail you and harrass you into exercising if it would help - let me know.  I have a friend who does that for me and sometimes I ignore her calls, but most times it works. Lou P.S. was it yoda that said, "there is no try, just do" 
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