I need help getting back to working out.....
.....I have not worked out for almost two weeks and I am really really feeling it already in my knees....why is it that we don't do what we know works for us and makes us better.....I am getting back to the same old personality that got me in this condition....putting my health needs last and putting my business first....it is really a very bad habit.....I put on a pair of pants the other day and they felt a little snug........[they were jeans, but they shouldn't feel snug]
I start out okay in the morning with a protein shake and I had to be in my car a lot today, so I took a big jug of diet cranberry juice and a large cup. I also stopped twice and got cappachino [that was 1/2 decaf] and I stopped and had a cup of egg drop soup at a Chinnese take out place and ate it there with no liquid. I did okay until I got home late, tired and my husband had made some super good smelling Chicken and Dumplings....and as I sat down with a glass of wine to watch Dancing with The Stars....I ended up eating a BIG cup of Chicken and dumplings........
BUT....I came home without working out.....and I didn't eat well today...very little protein.....I guess I will just try angain tomorrow, but I am very very discouraged with myself.
Any suggestions to get my butt moving again. Hugs, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Thanks, I needed that....a little reminder of how I got to working out.....and I really do love it when I am there at the Club.....I do the weights one day and my legs seem to really need the weights and I walk in the warm water the next day....;and I really like that. That is the surprising part to me.....I really like it and I still have not made the time for it. It seems to be so easy to slip out of a good habit.....even after a year.....last fall I was fighting with my knee surgeon about going back to work out at 4 weeks......this week I am just paying for the membership and not going....stupid. Perhaps it is that I am pre-occupied with work. I have a family coming in this weekend to buy a house and I am rather pre-occupied with finding the right homes for them to look at......so that mentally I am not there....I don't know.......it that it?....I am actually having pains in my legs now and that still hasn't gotten me there......just spending the last two days in the car driving, previewing some homes, going to meetings, luncheons etc has made my legs hurt more. Well, girlfriend, I am up early to try to get in my two hours [an hour working out and an hour showering, doing hair etc.] I have been carrying my stuff in the car ready to go, hoping that I will feel the call....but not working so far. My hubby cooks whatever HE feels like.....he would just say..don't eat it, because if I cooked something he didn't want, he wouldn't.....we gave up cooking for each other long ago....it is just easier.....we keep such different hours. As far as keeping anything out of the house that is bad for me.....that is not an option here. You have a much more cooperative husband than mine. Thanks for thinkin' of me and thanks for your suggestions, they are always great as usual. Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"