What's New Sunday?

on 3/29/08 11:29 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Susan The co-worker you shared your feelings with sounds like she's OK, just concerned, as you knew.  The upside of you speaking frankly to her might be that she quietly (or maybe not so quietly) shares how you feel with other co-workers, and they all shut up about it!  Sometimes it just takes one well-placed comment to get our point across, instead of just keeping quiet and stewing about it.  It worked for me.   As one who kept losing and losing, down past my goal, I understand.  It took me a while, but I bounced back to close to my goal, and I'm maintaining now.  Hopefully things will even out for you soon. Candy


on 3/29/08 10:34 pm
Hi Annette and Janet and all, I am going to read the paper, do laundry and try to scrapbook. If I can just get up there and start, I get in the ZONE and am very happy. It is just getting started that is the hard part. Nothing too exiting here, more snow...I am getting so very tired of it. My poor little tulips and daffodils and lilacs are getting confused.   I went through all my shoes yesterday and threw some out and found some I forgot I had. Well, again, let me just whine and pout about not getting to meet ya all at the Pittsburgh do dah! I will be there is spirit and maybe next time if it is closer to Washington state. Meeting Karen C, was wonderful and I know it would be so so cool to meet you all! sniff sniff TTYL, Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Aime B.
on 3/29/08 10:37 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good morning! Ah- a full night of uninterrupted sleep. I don't think I even rolled over once during the night. I really needed it as I return to my work routine in the morning. While I didn't get to do many of the things I had thought of during my break, I enjoyed every moment I was able to rock my grandson.  I may get together with Joyce this morning. She surprised me with a call yesterday. She is about 30 minutes away from me. I didn't realize she had so much family right here in the Baltimore area. I may also spend a little time with this new gentleman I mentioned previously. We have met for coffee a few times this week. He even met me while I had my oil changed in my car. Now that is a date!!!! We have good conversations. No pressure or stress at all. We shall see. I hope everyone has a lovely day. The sun is shining. It looks like a good day to spend outside.

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Margo M.
on 3/29/08 10:49 pm - Elyria, OH

well good morning! i am up- and i have had a part of a cup of coffee- last nite's leftovers- so am heading for fresh! we are going to my youngest son's house at 10 am for coffee and monkey bread- dear thing that he is knows that i cannot have sugar so --well- it's the thought--they have their house on the market and are really cramped for time- my daughter is "up" with them for the weekend so it is a good time to get together...i can't wait for a snuggle with baby alaina- haven't seen her since Christmas so it will be a shock to see if she is walking or riding a bike already! (NOT! she was born nov 1st!); her brother aidan has double pneumonia so i am sure he will be cranky pants.... roxie isn't too sure what is going on right now-she knows she was a bad girl yesterday when she ran away...jeez she just cannot seem to be saved from herself when she gets loose! once she was finally allowed to be unleashed in the house she clung to me like super glue...and i told her to think about this cuz if she runs away she won't have mamma to snuggle with! there is at least one driver who hauls arse down our street- would run her over w/out even knowing it--and worse would be if she ventured onto bernie's porch ( the demented tree cutter across the street!)--thank goodness she has her license and (trinity's) tag on with my cell number...still haven't figured out how the ppl got her to actually "come" to them to tie her long enough to wait for us...wonder if they ever got lil mr chippymunk outta their downspout?all i know is thank goodness they did! she's still be running --she is so funny to watch when she gets running...full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!!!!!!! well- it's 33* and the sun looks pretty...i'm hoping that the rain for pittsburgh is superficial type stuff cuz my trip starts out with a walk thru a cemetery to take pictures of family graves...and the drowned rat look won't be good to meet up with terrib and her hubby mike!!!i agree rain is better than snow but hey-- my hubby keeps thinking that there are gonna be men in pittsburgh and i finally had to say- yes; there will be- but those are the ones who live and work there and they aren't coming to our party! i guess we off women are a sexist group, eh??!!! probly should go get michael up and get our day started- really wishing i could do this morning's trip in my jammies!!!!! not warm enough for shorts and i am tired of jeans...may just spend the most of the pittsburgh trip in jammies with you, annette!!!!! thanks to all for the compliments on my new photo--i had michael take it the other nite before i went to the DAR dinner/meeting--i hadn't worn makeup in so long that without my glasses it looks a tad harsh but hey! i have always prided myself on my hair and there have been times it has been extremely dry and frazzled...but i love it when it's "fixed"! i chuckle at marti's commenst about teh frizzies- oh gosh i can be a walking frizz bomb!!! carla is gonna add some golden highlites in pittsburgh--should be a fun excursion in room!!!! some entertainment for all to watch!!!! susan was able to get the new pic up on here and it wasn't showing up for her...hope she hit refre****he avatars are fun but it is so nice to see who we are talking with! and to watch whatever progress is being made in losing -or not! anyhow- well- hugs and prayers for now and i'll check back later to see what is new with everyone else!

(deactivated member)
on 3/30/08 5:08 am - Somewhere IN, TX
Dear Michael.... Trust me, no man would WANT to be around this group.  This OFF group love the comraderie of just being 'gurls' again.  They don't WANT a man around.... they LEAVE their hubby's at home so they can have 'connect' time..... this is an old ladies version of a slumber party.... hair, nails, dirt... and good clean fun....  and plenty of show and tell for the PS. Margo behaves.  I saw that firsthand.  You have no worries. Janet
Jan C.
on 3/29/08 11:03 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
well what is new? Rain again, no that isnt new. not here in Missouri anyway. There is flooding starting up again ,at least the ones that were flooded out last time havent had time to get back home again cause it is flooding there again and if it isnt right now it will be since we are predicted rain allmost all week. We had another 2 inches last night , and thunder !!!!! Lord it has been so loud all night that i have been awake most of the night.  We are going to Lowes today to get some things for the house. since i cant get out into the garden to work we have decided to do some trim work in the house that has been needing to be done . We arent in any danger from floods where we are , on top of a bluff unless we have Noah rains.  Thats about it with me. Have a great Sunday.



Joyce S.
on 3/29/08 11:36 pm - Dennis, MA
Good Morning Annette and Family !     We've been up since 5 , finished breakfast , sent John off to work ( he's got the duty this weekend and week - has to check all the wells, pumps, gauges,ph levels etc.) plus be on call 24/7. So I've been loafing around and have tp go get dressed and get something done - even if it's wrong...lol.    It's coming down to thew wire for us too.... we leave home next Saturday morning about 4 am to head to Washington, DC to visit and go out to dinner  with friends, we'll stay the night with them and then be in Pawleys' Island by dinnertime Sunday.  We hope to connect with a few of the OFF family while we're travelling. We expect to see Pam Wooddell again and hoping to connect with Joan M and then Aime  B. on our way home - we'll be gone for 2 weeks and would love to meet more of you if we can......we normally take I-95 for most of our route.  We'll be heading for home April 18.   The sun is shining this morning and the wind finally has calmed, we're expecting a high of 41 today, so I better go fill bird feeders and get something out to thaw for dinner. I'll  check back again later.

Joyce S.

on 3/29/08 11:40 pm - CA

Happy Sunday, Annette, and Everyone, We have rain here in Southern California.  That's a good thing.  It's helping my sinus headache and that's a very good thing! Hoping to see our grandson today but the rain may keep us nested inside with the jigsaw puzzle and watching movies all day.  Yesterday, I got some more storage containers to try to put some of my yarns away.  Been having trouble with my thumbs and wrist after crocheting too much so I put things down for a bit.  I hope to get back with the projects soon.  IN the meantime, the yarns can't just sit around.  I have several projects in progress.  I may try again soon.  Take some extra Tylenol Arthritis and have a go....... Take care and do something just for yourself this wonderful Sunday! Hugs, Kathi

karen C.
on 3/30/08 12:15 am - Kennewick, WA

What's new??? Did you say What's new Annette? Hannah and Clara are coming home tomorrow that is what!!!!! Erin called last night to report that they are both eating like little pigs, have been placed in little cribs instead of the isolette, are maintaining their temps and most of all are remembering to breathe while eating! So instead of heading to another hospital closer to home they are coming home!

Erin and Josh want a couple of days by themselves which I totally understand. I'll wait for the call for reinforcements before I go over. I'm sure after a few sleepless nights they'll be more than glad to have Granny arrive!!

Erin and I had planned on seeing Cabaret on Wednesday in Seattle. Now I'll have to find another date! I think I'll ask my niece Shelly to meet me for dinner before the show. She's a great person and so busy that I don't get to spend much time with her. Hopefully she'll be able to attend.

Puppies are starting to get frisky. I took some more pics yesterday and will post one on my profile when I finish here.

Have a great Sunday everyone. Karen C

Karen C

Karen S.
on 3/30/08 1:13 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha KK......WONDERFUL about your babies coming home!! That's great news. You are going to have so much fun nuzzling those little necks soon. I say that as I'm almost out the door at 5:30 to go to the hospital and see what little munchkins have been born since yesterday!

Enjoy, enjoy!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
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