OT: Update on my health issues
Thanks so much for all your good wishes. Sorry I did not explain it better. The shaking of my head is going to be the therapy they use to help the Vertigo. Vertigo is caused by calcium crystals or other debris falling in between the soft tissue bones in the middle ear that determine balance. So they are trying this therapy - no guarantee it will work - to shake the crystals and debris free by hanging my head upside down and manipulating it.
The Lichen Sclerosis is another issue altogether. My dermatologist told me the same thing girls - usually they see this in the vaginal/anal area (sorry TMI) not on the shoulder and back. But my gynecologist has been treating this for me in that area for six months now but she never gave me a name for it. But it seems the cream she gave me is listed as one to be used on Lichen Sclerosis and it has worked.
For all you girls that have had the Lichen Sclerosis, please do send me your secrets to getting rid of it/controlling it in a PM. One thing though is that I cannot take hormone supplements because of my having had Uterine and Cervical Cancer - so that suggestion won't work for me.
Thanks to everyone.