I went to see Dr Villares yesterday and he said that everything looks good and we are on for the 4th of April! I am soooooo happy I think I 'm gonna puke. We were discussing things and I said that "yes, I know that I have to go on a liquid diet the week before surgery," and he said," you can eat some protein, lean protein like chicken, it's just to shrink you liver before surgery, but you can eat some protein." I felt like the skies above me opened up and a choir started singing beautiful music. (I know I heard them, don't laugh) I felt like I was given a gift, and I was. Don't get me wrong, I was more than willing to do a week of liquids, but now that I don't have to, I'm stoked! Thank you God. When I was signing all the forms, you know, the ones that say you can go blind or die if you have this surgery, I asked the one question that I was dreading. Am I going to have to have a drainage tube, and he said "no". Again, the choir. I know that sounds weird, but having something hanging out of my body just kinda freaks me out. Yesterday was a good day!

I'm doing the happy dance for you, it won't be long now before we are welcoming you to the losing side of things and you will do great!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Congratulations Reggie...that is great news....won't be long now.
We are sitting here on the Losers bench just waiting for you!!
Lucky liquid diet...I had to be on one for 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after...UGH!! Actually I didn't think it was so bad. I felt great...very cleansed.
Hugs, connie d
I'm so EXCITED for you, Reggie!
I was able to move my appointment with the surgeon up to April 8 but that's still a long way off for me. I can't believe you can get a surgery date so quickly! You're very luck.
Sounds like it was good news all around. I agree that the drainage tube wouldn't be something I will want either. Yuk....
Oh happy day!
Hey Kathi, I have been going throught this process since September. My first surgery date was suppose to be November 19th, then it got postponed through no fault of my own. So I wouldn't exactly say that I got this date so soon. It's been a loooonnnng journey, and I will be glad to get to the losers bench. You're right behind me! We can compare notes when it's all over. do you have any kind of prep that you have to do, or do you even know yet?
I started this in May of last year. Referral took a while through insurance. The surgeon's office has requested every sort of test they could think of. Then the surgeon's office dropped the ball about requesting the colonoscopy in spite of my frequent phone calls. They finally put that in and I had that last week. That's supposed to be the last of the tests before seeing the surgeon to schedule a date for surgery. So, unless they have some surprises for me when I go, they should schedule me then.
I'm guardedly optimistic. You're going full board and I can't wait to follow right behind you!
Very good news all the way around. I didn't have a drain either, but I had to have one with my knee replacement surgery. I'm glad I had it. I would have had to be given blood transfusions if it wasn't for the drain. They recovered my blood and gave it back to me. Over 2 pints. I was down over 1/2 of my blood. Those 2 pts made the difference for me. I still have blood in my knee after 6 weeks of healing. The tummy has a little more room for blood to collect and not be affected like a joint would be. I know because I bled internally after both of my abdominal surgeries. I only had to be on clear liquids for the day before surgery and NPO after midnight. I celebrated like you. I'll be watching to see how you do after your surgery. Your big day is just around the corner. Diana