Why can't things just be ok?

on 3/25/08 8:28 am - Omar, WV
Just when I think things are ok I run into another problem.  My pcp said she will not release me for surgery until I see the Rheumatologist, (sp) had a pap smear, and the cellulitis goes into remission.  On top of that I was upset and when I gave my insulin shot in the stomach I must have hit a vein and there is a big knot there and it is all kinds of colors, hurts like the devil. Been putting moist heat to it and that has helped some.  I just want to have my wls and be done with it before anything else pops up or I get too sick to have it.  I am so embarrassed to leave the house with a cane I know I'm over 50 but I just want to look and be healthy again. I get sooo tired of it all sometimes I feel like giving up and let things be the way they are andd what ever happens-----happens.  Thinks for letting me vent Hugs fto all  Sharon D.
Wanda R.
on 3/25/08 8:46 am - Peachtree City, GA
Sharon, Hang in there!  Don't ever give up. When it happens you are going to be living in a different world filled with all sorts of wonderful possibilites.  Wanda
on 3/26/08 8:30 am - Omar, WV
Thanks Wanda, I can hardly wait because this world I'm living in now is full of pain and disappointment.  I will hang in and just wait for it to happen.  Hug's Sharon D.
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/08 9:02 am - Columbus, GA
I was a basket case waiting for my surgery... I have ZERO patience and it was frustrating as all hell putting up with all the delays and having to jump through hoop after hoop after hoop... Oh, that hoop wasn't the right hoop, you'll have to jump through that one again and the earliest appointment I have is 6 weeks from now... and on, and on, and on... The only thing you can really do is make sure YOU do all of the things they ask you, WHEN they ask you, HOW they ask you... because you aren't going to change them one little bit. Let me look into my crystal ball Sharon.... Look! ...  it's you! ... skinny as a rail and happy and healthy! .... and it's not WAY in the future either... just around the corner... Relax, jump through their hoops with as much patience as you can muster... and be positive that it will happen.
on 3/26/08 8:40 am - Omar, WV
Hi Marc, I can be patient it's the pain I'm having and the diabetes giving shots and injuring myself (I;m so silly)   I guess I am having a pitty party.  I have already seen the Nut. and Pschylogost (sp) All my surgeon is waiting on is approval from my pcp. I finally got my appointment with the rheumatologist (sp) for April 3rd.  So hopefully all my hoops will get less and less.  Insurance has approved the surgery already..  By the way...I just love your crystal ball  keep looking into my skinny future for me.   Hug's Sharon D.
Connie D.
on 3/25/08 9:16 am

Sharon....what ever you do don't give up. When the time is right everything will fall into place.  I had so many hoops and was so fed up and didn't think it would ever happen for me. Well it did...all that jumping and jumping through those hoops and here I am over 100 pounds lighter!! Try to keep busy and keep your eye on the PRIZE!!!! Hugs, connie d

on 3/26/08 8:42 am - Omar, WV
Hi Connie Thank you for the kind words you don't know how much they mean at a time like this.  The PRIZE sounds good to me Your input has helped m e already I intend to be busy, busy, busy...Hug's Sharon D.
Laureen S.
on 3/25/08 9:34 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Sharon, I know it's hard to take when you are looking so forward to the new life this process can give you, and I was once in your seat, not the same set of stuff going on, but understand nonetheless about your frustration.  Just hang in there, your time will come and then one day you'll be writing to someone about how worthwhile the wait was. . .  it will happen in God's time, so hang in there and we're all here for you!  Big Hug Big Hug Big Hug Big Hug Big Hug Big Hug 

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/26/08 8:45 am - Omar, WV
Thanks for your advice and I know you are right I hope to be right there helping some one else in my very near future.   Hug's Sharon D.
Brenda R.
on 3/25/08 10:49 am - Portage, IN
Sharon, I know that it sounds like nothing is ever going to happen, but it is going to, that I can promise you. I had to go through a lot of things too but in the end it worked out and here I am almost 6 months later and so happy. You too will be telling someone this and it won't be as long as you might think either. Just continue to bear patiently. I go with the old saying that patience is a virtue for which we all must strive. You are better off having a doctor who covers all bases and knows that things are good to go.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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