What's New Tuesday
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
good morning Annette and Offers: Our weather is being pretty good until late tonight is suppose to start raining again. I dont think they are predicting the 10 and 12 inches like we got a week ago. but any at all will set off the flooding again. The ground is totally saturated and it will raise the rivers and creeks more than they are. Most havent gotten out of flood stage yet. We havent worried about it as we live on top of a bluff but i guess anything is possible lol if it gets that deep someone can make a fortune selling Arks. My greenhouse flowers are growing really well cant wait to get them in the ground but we still have April to get thru, Last years freeze the first week in May taught a lot of people to not jump the gun with the tender little annuals . I told this one girl to think of them as babies, would you put a baby outside with no coat or blanket when the night air was in the 40s . lol I dont have a whole lot going on right now. when it gets daylight i will go for my walk and get limbered up. Still havent called the ortho guy and made appointment for shot in shoulder, it is really getting bad again. well will get off here not saying much anyway lol you all have a great day , if i can get outside and do anything at all i will have a great day . Smile , it makes people wonder what you have been up to.