10 commandants of WLS surgery

(deactivated member)
on 3/24/08 5:53 am - Columbus, GA

I have been digging through all my saved files and found this... no clue where it came from, but thought I would share in case it might help someone... as for me, I have printed it out!

The Ten Commandments of Weight Loss Surgery 1. THOU SHALL NOT DRINK with thy meals. This means never! This is cheating...cheating yourself. It washes the food out of your pouch and allows you to eat more. This will slow and eventually stop your weight loss. PLUS you will not be getting all the benefits of the wise choices you have filled your little pouchy-poo with. 2. THOU SHALL EAT SLOWLY, very slowly. This is not a rule for the first few months post op. This rule is for the rest of your life. If you eat too quickly, you will surely stretch your pouch. Eat too quickly and you will learn the hard way...the nausea is stifling. Oh and CHEW CHEW CHEW!! And when you think you are done, CHEW SOME MORE. Or your food will keep coming back to visit you. 3. THOU SHALL TAKE THY VITAMINS. This surgery is a great tool for weight loss. But, as with all benefits, there are costs...and malnutrition is one of the potential prices of this surgery. Take a multivitamin supplement every day for the rest of your life and it is one you may never have to pay. You will also need to have your blood checked periodically for B-12 levels. 4. THOU SHALL EAT ADEQUATE PROTEIN. What is adequate? I have heard everything from 50-60 grams a day (which equals about 2 oz. Of protein) to a much higher number ...(to figure out the amount of grams of protein equals in ounces, multiply the # of grams by .0353. That will give you an ounce calculation. It may not sound like a lot, but when you get down to brass tacks, and really look at what you eat at a meal, are you getting in at least 2 oz of meat at a sitting? Then filling in with the rest? Meat is usually very heavy and it is hard to digest so it ends up being the last thing we work on at a meal. A lot of post ops tend to take more of what rests comfortably in their pouch above all have some kind of balanced in your food intake. 5. THOU SHALL EXERCISE. Just do SOMETHING. Even if it means starting off simply...take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. Park at the furthest spot in the parking lot. Carry your shopping basket instead of pushing the cart (on small shopping days of course...LOL). 6. THOU SHALL DRINK at least 64 ounces of water, everyday. It seems that some people have problems doing this. Use a water bottle and carry it with you everywhere. Sip all day long. Or refill a gallon jug and drain it every day. Do it in 2 pitchers. Do it with 2-32oz spor****er bottles. Please note however, that if you are drinking coffee or tea with caffeine, you will have to compensate for the diuretic effects of the caffeine. Caffeine robs your body of water, therefore, you will not only be unable to count the coffee or tea, but you will have to drink an extra cups of fluid for every cup of regular coffee or caffeinated tea that you drink to compensate for the diuretic effects of the caffeine. 7. THOU SHALL EAT WELL BALANCED MEALS. I think my friends' doctor said it best: Protein first and foremost, then green/yellow vegetables, then fruit, then starches. 8. THOU SHALL NOT EAT SUGAR, in ANY form....no candy!!! Treat yourself with some fresh fruit!! If I can give up blueberry blizzards from Dairy Queen, anybody can give up sweets! 9 THOU SHALL NOT modify these commandments to suit thy needs. It will not work. You will only defeat yourself physically. 10. THOU SHALL LOVE THYSELF and be happy with the body God gave thee. God did not intend for all of us to be super models, and this surgery will NOT make you one. Happiness comes from within. Be happy with who and what you are. Or you will defeat yourself mentally. Then the battle will be lost before it is ever even begun.

Linda S.
on 3/24/08 6:37 am, edited 3/24/08 6:52 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Very kewl, by the way, I eat 120 gms of protein a day, if you do not eat enough protein, you will not lose weight, and your body will feed on your muscle.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Linda S.
on 3/24/08 6:38 am - PHOENIX, AZ
PS...No white foods, not to be confused with White people...LOL

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


(deactivated member)
on 3/24/08 6:43 am - Columbus, GA
Not even white married people??? ............ KIDDING!! I am glad you added that... that's a great mental guide that is easy to remember...
Marti O.
on 3/24/08 6:52 am
Thanks Marc for the reminders.....and to think I wonder why I have hit a "stall'....it's because I am bad to the bone.......Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Linda S.
on 3/24/08 6:59 am - PHOENIX, AZ
This is most important I think... Happiness comes from within. Be happy with who and what you are. Or you will defeat yourself mentally. Then the battle will be lost before it is ever even begun.


 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


on 3/24/08 7:06 am - Northern, MI
Hi All! Ya know I'm still in the process of wls (have seen internist, seeing surgeon and behaviorist tomorrow), but your knowledge (laced with lots of humor:)) is what is going to help me get through this process. I have a notebook started!  Thanks again for being here!

One Day at a Time

Highest 288/Consult 282/Preop 275/current 150/goal ?????

Linda S.
on 3/24/08 7:21 am - PHOENIX, AZ

Hya Jillysue...yep, we love to laugh here....grin!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


(deactivated member)
on 3/24/08 7:30 am - Columbus, GA
Glad ya giggled... I am basically a 52 year old kid, so ya gotta take what I say with a grain of... sodium?
Brenda R.
on 3/24/08 9:45 am - Portage, IN
Thanks, Marc for the information. I need to reread these every once in a while. I do forget at times.  I too love your sense of humor and I laugh every time I read your posts. Thanks for all the joy you bring to us.You are a cool brother.  Cool 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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