I need a "wow" fix!

on 3/24/08 9:29 pm - Harrisburg, PA
LMAO!  It's so funny to hear me and tiny in the same sentence.  Have a wonderful day darlin! Judy
on 3/24/08 4:06 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Recently took a two hour plane ride.  My butt had about 3 inches of empty space on each side of the seat!  The young man in the seat next to me was pleasant and it was an enjoyable trip.  There was no holding my arms in or encroaching on another persons space and I didn't have to endure their being annoyed about it.  I could reach down any time I wanted to get my bag under the seat in front of me without using my feet to get the strap to my hand.  The tray table went all the way down and there was actually about 3 inches between me and the table that was free.  YYYYAAAAHHHHHOOOOO.

Karen S.
on 3/24/08 4:13 am - Wailuku, HI
Oh, Bev......I LOVE YOUR WOW MOMENTS!! I so totally understand how thrilling your experience on an airplane was. It is still vivid in my mind when I flew with my son over to Honolulu for my surgery.......I could just barely get the seatbelt around me and buckled by sucking in my belly and clicking it quickly. I was miserable the whole flight...luckily it is only 20 minutes.

My last flight to have my year and a half checkup was just like yours......plenty of seatbelt pulled through and room to spare in the seat. What a wonderful feeling after years of feeling like I was a HUGE intrusion into the person sitting beside me, etc.

Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful change in our lives.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
karen C.
on 3/24/08 4:49 am - Kennewick, WA
Here's a great WOW from me.  Nathan went to dinner with us one night last week and he drove my car. . . Yep, automatically put my keys in his backpack. He spent the night with us, got up early, showered, and was out the door on his bike before I thought to ask about my keys. . . . He called from home (about 4 miles) with keys! He offered to get me a cab. Nope, I said, mapquest me directions to your school. So I got on my tennies, bundled up with  rain gear (Seattle in the spring!) and off I headed. Completely UPHILL 2.5 miles! I won't say that I didn't puff and pant, but I made it there sooner than I or Nathan thought I would. I rested a few minutes in the office, picked up the keys, and headed back to the condo. I must admit that coming home downhill was much easier than going. But, I am woman, hear me roar. Woohooo!!!! Five miles round trip. Kind of like that Bloomsday walk in Spokane without any training! Karen C

Karen C

Karen S.
on 3/24/08 6:15 am - Wailuku, HI
KK.....That is a WONDERFUL WOW MOMENT!! Can you imagine doing 2.5 miles when you were at your top weight??? And then 2.5 miles back...that is just plain awesome.

Not only that, but the independence to even consider setting out in unfamiliar territory comes from being "normal" and not worrying about how you look as you venture out.

Thanks for great Wow!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
karen C.
on 3/24/08 4:50 am - Kennewick, WA
MK, I not so fondly remember getting up from chairs or trying to and the chair would come up WITH me! KK

Karen C

Karen S.
on 3/24/08 6:31 am - Wailuku, HI
Oh, dear.....that is an "anti-wow".....and I so do remember exactly what you are saying!! Whew...so glad that never will happen again!!

Thanks for yet another great wow!!

Aloha nui loa,

Laureen S.
on 3/24/08 4:52 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Maui Sister, I love your wow moments and as others have stated, you are an inspiration to many of us on here!   I can actually say that I realized this past weekend  that I did not have to use my hands to get up from a kneeling position or the toilet seat anymore as well. . .  other realizations that I have not posted. . .  sitting on the folding chairs in an AA meeting and my butt actually has room enough to slip into the space at the back of them, I used to have overhang, I've been wearing dresses more and my thigh highs, which I can now wear without them rolling down because of my thunder thighs, aren't making that swish noise from my thighs rubbing together, shopping for clothes and thinking I wear one size when in fact I haven't a clue what size is right anymore. . .  and the big plus, I think I mentioned it in the what's new post on Sat or Sun, but after doing a 5k at the gym, I went shopping. walking on my feet for over 6 hours in total, as I forgot that before I went to the outlet mall I went to a thrift shop, where I purchased two pair of jeans, regular size 18s and they fit (ok, they have 3 or 5% spandex in them), but they fit comfortably and the tops I bought were XLs, last year I could not walk for more than 1-1/2 hours without being in major pain, the only pain I felt on Saturday was in my shoulder where I had been carrying the suitcase of a pocket-book I carry and my arms from the bags containing items that mostly have to go back because they were too big (women's size 16) or did not suit me. . . Thanks Karen, you made my day since I've been in a stall the last 2 weeks, actually gained 2 lbs. this past week, haven't done anything to make it happen so I'm not in panic mode, but I hate stalls. . .  this listing of what's changed reminds me, it's the journey, not the destination! Hugs dear sister!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Karen S.
on 3/24/08 6:19 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha sweet sister.......How thrilling it must have been to come home and try on clothes and realize you bought them TOO BIG!!! I had to chuckle because during the downward trek we really lose sight of how we are changing and sometimes our heads have to catch up with our bodies!

I LOVE all your wow moments....I just knew everyone had some recently that we would all love to hear about. Thank you for the warm hugs....I love those too!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

P.S. Don't fret about the stall.......I did that and it was wasted fretting!! LOL
on 3/24/08 4:53 am - Muscatine, IA
Hi Karen - YOU are an inspiration to all of us!   My latest WOW moment, my husband Dale and I were traveling to Georgia.  We checked into a hotel and I decided I would like a shower before going to bed.  Got out of the shower, reached for the towel to dry off, and I couldn't believe it -- the hotel towel reached all they way around me and covered everything!!  I couldnt' believe it!   What a diffence in my life since 7-2-07!!!  This surgery is GREAT! Randa
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