
Cajun Angel
on 3/21/08 8:01 am - New Orleans, LA
Hey, if you can't vent to your friends, who can you vent to!  Sorry this is so long. After several weeks of being almost pleasant to be around, my boss has slipped back into his old habits of being Dr. Butthead.  Tuesday I had him sign my leave slip so I can take off April 11 to spend a nice long weekend belatedly celebrating my anniversary with George who has made reservations at a French Quarter Hotel for Fri. and Sat. while the French Quarter Festival is going on.  Last year we enjoyed the FQ Fest so much.  It's like a mini Jazz Festival, but a lot, lot cheaper - no admittance fee, all music and entertainment is free, all you do is buy whatever food or souveniers you want (CDs, t-shirts,...)  So, Dr. Butthead says, "You sure do take off enough."  I said we were celebrating our anniversary late.  To which he adds, "Seems like you have an anniversary every month."  "No, just one a year, and this year it was Mardi Gras and we chose not to do anything during Mardi Gras".  Not that it's any of his business. Tuesday night I wind up at the urgent care clinic getting my foot looked at.  OK, I'll backtrack.  Monday evening I was watching the news and when I went to stand up, my foot hurt something awful.  By Tuesday morning I could barely walk on it, but went to work anyway - yes, I miss soooo much work!  Tuesday evening the pain was unbearable.  DX from the want-to-be doc at the clinic, plantar fasciitis.  I told him it hurt around the arch of my foot, felt slightly better after several steps and that's what he said.  I insisted he take x-rays.  He gave me a script for Darvacet (sp), I can take one every 4 hours for pain, but choose to take only 1 at bedtime.  Anyway, went to work Wed. using my cane and hobbled around all day.  Thursday it was much better.  Thur. morning I had Dr. Butthead sign my leave slip for the orthoped appt Thur. afternoon.  He asked why I was going to the doc again.  I told him it was a follow-up for my thumb.  How's this for Butthead of the year nominee!  He says, "I think you like having symptoms of everything that goes around.  I'm surprised you don't think you have one of the dreaded cancers I diagnose."  "He looks at my thumb and says it seems much better to him.  Both George and my mom think the lump has grown considerably in the last two weeks.  To me it does look larger, the point is it's painful.   So, you think he's going to blow a gasket when I show him my surgery papers saying I'm to take off two weeks to recuperate! Thanks for allowing me to vent! Debbie
Margo M.
on 3/21/08 8:04 am - Elyria, OH
dr margo checking in here...i personally think that you need at least 4 weeks and at least two of  them need to be on that by him......
Cajun Angel
on 3/21/08 8:10 am - New Orleans, LA
Aren't you the funny one!  I'll mention it to him.  Maybe, just maybe he'll ummm, no I won't be that mean!  But, ya know he is 83!  A trip to Maui would be wonderful, but I'd rather wait until I can enjoy it with both hands bandage free.  I'll have enough trouble getting dressed, going potty, brushing my hair and teeth as it is.  I'm afraid I'm going to be one mean *****!  Poor George!  He'll be so happy to escape to work each day.
on 3/21/08 8:51 am - Northern, MI
Debbie- I had a little chuckle when reading your post. You see, I have worked for docs all my life, mostly in the office and some in the hospital. Dr. Butthead certainly sums it all up! Seems like we never know when someone accidently stuck something up where it shouldn't be.  It seems like it is the ones that "are gone all the time" like us, who get the flak. I have decided it is because they know we can take it! But no one knows for how long we'll take it.  Hope you enjoy your time off!  Sounds like it is very much deserved.  Jill
Cajun Angel
on 3/21/08 9:42 am - New Orleans, LA
Ah, so you know exactly what I'm talking about!  I work in the pathology dept. of a medical center/school.  Most of the docs I work with are wonderful, but my main boss is the  himself.  If I were out even 1/3 as much as most of the other clericals, he'd have reason to complain.  One girl was out 5 days over the last 3 weeks, another has been out on maternity leave since before Christmas - she needs 3 months maternity leave!  I have well over 1500 hours sick leave and 1200 hours annual leave.  I do believe I am entitled to use some of it.  GRRR   You are so right about not knowing how long we'll take it.  I'm about ready to  the old coot! Debbie
Connie D.
on 3/21/08 12:16 pm
Debbie...I don't know how you tolerate that old coot!! You have an awful lot of patience and know how to keep your cool. He wouldn't want to be doing or saying those things to me!!! I would shoot the old buzzard!!! Hugs, connie d
Cajun Angel
on 3/21/08 1:56 pm - New Orleans, LA
Connie, I've worked for this man for 9 years.  If I haven't shot him yet, I guess he's safe.  I've been with the dept. for 21 years.  Believe it or not, my first boss was every bit as bad plus I had to put up with a lab tech who was psycho.  One minute she'd be chewing my a$$ out and the next she'd want me to join her for lunch.  I'm the one in the dept. who is known for being able to deal with the difficult personalities.  Maybe that had a lot to do with the fact that I was on 5 blood pressure meds per day.
Connie D.
on 3/22/08 1:22 am
5 blood pressure meds...too funny!!!  I am sure they are why you needed them! Happy Easter..... Painted Head  Hugs...connie d
on 3/21/08 1:57 pm - CA
OH Debbie, I understand your frustration with doctors in general.  I am the credentialing coordinator for 539 "wonderful" doctors at the hospital where I work.  In fact, my Chief of Staff is a pathologist!  I think that fact that he's 83 years young explains so very much. Hang in there and good luck with your surgery.  Happy anniversary and enjoy the celebration.  It sounds like a lot of fun to go to the French Quarter and party hardy! Hugs, Kathi
Cajun Angel
on 3/21/08 3:55 pm - New Orleans, LA
Kathi - 539 doctors means 539 prima donas!  JK, most of the ones I work with are wonderful people, it's the one or two *****ally grate on my last nerve!  Thanks for the well wishes.  Debbie
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