Saturday What's New?

Marti O.
on 3/22/08 7:03 am
Susan...I find if I wear clothes that are even a little big, people comment more....just make sure your clothes are form fitting and you will probably have less's a visual thing sometimes.....Love, marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 3/22/08 9:35 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi Marti, great suggestion and one I do believe to be true.  I have been layering a lot this winter, mostly because I'm cold all the time, but also because it bulks me up a bit. But, now that  it's getting warmer I can't do that as easily. I'm sure I'll think of something! Hugs to ya



Karen S.
on 3/22/08 1:04 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha dear Margo and OFF family,

It is early early morning (4:50 a.m.), and I'm already showered, dressed and almost ready to leave for the hospital and baby testing. Seems like the week races by when Sat. mornings are my work day and comes around so quickly. I hope I don't have any problem babies this morning!

Margo.....sometimes dealing with someone going through mental health issues is more exhausting than working!! I'm NOT surprised that you escaped to your bed at 7:00 p.m. I think you owe it to yourself to find a therapist of your own, so that you don't have to carry this burden all by yourself. Does your insurance cover therapy?

Susan, my dear friend...I so relate to you.......however, I don't have the daily contact with many many people hounding me about being too thin as you do! THAT has to be draining to the max. I hope you can come up with a zippy line that you can fire out at them to shut their mouths and mind their own business. So far, I haven't found that line, except occasionally I'll say "Well, I'd rather be skinny that obese any day."

This evening we are having a beach/garden party to thank our board president who is leaving. He has been president for 18 years....way before I moved here. I'm making chicken wings, and people are bringing pot luck, salad, main courses, and of course lots of pupus.
It will be interesting to see some people who I haven't seen since losing 154 lbs........I am guessing some won't recognize me. I'm not big on parties......I'm more of a solitary person or one of two people together, but I will go to this one and quietly observe.

Speaking of solitary persons......Jan mentioned my organizing a Maui OFF get together. I am so NOT THAT person. I am not a social magician like Janet who can put together a gathering and keep everyone happy and entertained. I rarely do touristy things, and although I'd love to meet my OFF sisters and brothers, I get an uncomfortable feeling of having a whole bunch here at once....and not really getting to know anyone individually. Just being honest here. I am rather in awe of some of you who are so easy with getting together in a bunch........reminds me of high school and feeling too tall and trying to fit in with my "normal sizedl" friends but always feeling "different." Basically, I am very shy...........yes, I am!!

And, with that little bit of a revelation about myself, I'm off to work.

I hope you all have a great day.....and Easter Sunday!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

Margo M.
on 3/22/08 2:28 am - Elyria, OH
karen...the insurance that i USED to have before it got yanked from us did cover some i am in the ranks of the uninsured......and it scares the bejeebers outta me!!!!!!!! i am one of those who do better in very small groups of ppl yet i used to love to plan things for hundred even thousands of ppl!!!! funny...quirky...that's me!!!
Brenda R.
on 3/22/08 1:44 am - Portage, IN

 Hatched Good morning to all of my little sweethearts. I hope that you are having a great Holy Saturday. Mine is sitting here in my recliner and I am so cold. It has snowed some but I am just soooo cold. I want to shiver.  Shiver That is me but without the sexy hat! I went to K Mart yesterday and got some really good bargains on the clearance racks. I got a cardigan sweater for the spring and 2 shirts for $3.99 each and then I went over to the men's rack and got a GREAT bargain there. I got Bill a shirt and - yes are you all sitting down?! - a real leather coat for $2.99 each. There was 2 guys there and they asked a girl if the coats were that price and she went and priced it and came back and said yes. Most of them were smalls and mediums but they had one large. Bill takes a extra large but the coat looked kind of big and so I thought that I was getting it and if he needed to lose a few pounds that isn't going to hurt him one bit either. When he came home from work he tried it on and it fit nice. I thought that maybe it wasn't leather but I checked inside on the tag and it is leather and it smells like it too. I love to bargain shop and I think the coat is the best bargain that I have gotten.  Sales Rack  I better get going. I want to take a shower and my back is hurting so bad today that I can hardly walk. It was hurting last night when I went to bed and I thought that it would feel better today but low and behold it is hurting more today than it did last night.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe and happy day. Take care of yourselves and I will check in later on to see what is up.  Bye Bye I am sending  Morph and   a Big Hugto all of you my sweeties.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 3/22/08 1:52 am, edited 3/22/08 1:53 am
Good Morning...yup it is still morning.  I went out with friends last night and had a great time....just what I needed...woot woot!! I am behind with my packing because I was too tired at 2:30AM to pack so I best get to it soon. We are leaving about 1:00PM. Sure am going to miss all of you.....I will have plenty of catching up to do when I get back in town. Margo if I had a big truck I would help you out in a heartbeat! I truely hope things get better soon so you don't have to leave.I understand why you would need to. The stress must be just awful. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. Susan...I am starting to hear the too thin comments....people can be so mean. I still want to lose about 10 more weight loss has not stopped yet. It will when my body says so. It does get annoying to hear that crap all the time. I pray all is well with Aime today ....I think of her so often. God Bless each and everyone of you. Have a wonderful and Happy Easter!!! Hugs and love....connie d
on 3/22/08 2:04 am, edited 3/22/08 2:05 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Morning all! Go to my post "A SMILE BETWEEN TEARS" if you need to smile today.  Actually....even if you think you don't need a smile, go anyway.  It will make your heart smile to know that you are not alone!!!  My friend sent this to me and it could not have come at a better time.  Hope it works for you.                        Thumbs Up  Going to the viewing for Mary's mom today.  Such a sadness has come over me and so many others.  In fact I think there is a wave of it on the planet!!  Today in the death notices of the paper (which I try to avoid going to), there were 7 people that I knew, either directly, or through their loved ones.  Yowwww!!! My own mortality hit me square between the eyes.  No fun gettin' old....  Aging Woman                                                                My in-laws are stabile.  MIL is still in hospital.  They took her off the respirator, and she is pretty miserable.  Hates the  colostomy.  Doesn't want to see anybody except her priest.  My FIL will be having surgery afterall, (they didn't want to originally, due to age--81), but now feel they can try to cut out some of the tumor and pull the good part of his stomach up to make a new entrance to the esophagus.  He is very concerned and doesn't think it is worth it.  My DS is about 90% recovered from his bug...yipee and I am at about 70%.  Holy moly....what is next??  I know.....FUN AT THE PITTSBURGH PALOOZA IN 2 WEEKS!!!  BE THERE OR BE SORRY THAT YOU MISSED IT!!!!!!!                Balloons       Skyline             Balloons  Have a great day and hugs galore!    Lora 

on 3/22/08 2:19 am - CA
Happy Saturday, Margo, Roxie, and Everyone! My goodnes, Margo, you are having a tough time of it my friend.  but hooray for the weight loss anyway!  Good going considering all the stress you are dealing with.  I'm just sorry I don't live closer............. well -- you know.  I'm with you in spirit and only a PM away!   Looks like alot of us are going through things right now.  Spring is coming so I hope that it bring fresh new beginnings for those who need them.  I got nothing much to share today as it's a day filled with routine weekend chores.  Get the car washed.  Run errands.  Clean house.  Take a walk.  Finish my grandson's Easter basket for tomorrow. Susan - I'm so glad to hear you are addressing your needs with a visit to the therapist. Cheryl- I've stayed in my current job for 17 years just because I don't like starting new jobs!  I know you're going to be just great in no time at all.  Hang in there. Maui Karen- I understand completely your thoughts about small groups when you socialize.  I feel exactly the same way.  Enjoy the babies (which I know you will) and enjoy your little party as much as you can in a large group! Brenda- GREAT Shopping there!  Super bargains and those are the best. Marc-You're doing so well with your 5-day pouch test!  I'm learning alot from you and thank you for sharing your experience. Annette- I hope you start feeling better soon and that rest is what you need.  Sorry for the computer problems.  I think our computers are addicting and we're lost without one! Lora- You're a very good friend for Mary.  Thank you for helping her through this time.  I hope you own family issues go well.  Keep looking forward to Pittsburgh Palooza! Connie -I hope you have a good time on your little trip.  It's good to see you got out last night and had some fun! Hugs to you all and Happy Easter! Kathi
on 3/22/08 3:45 am
but. where would you go?
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Margo M.
on 3/22/08 6:15 am - Elyria, OH
no clue yet depends on some variables and how much time is involved in teh fast the ties need to be cut etc
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