What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Saturday!!

Linda S.
on 3/21/08 11:33 pm - PHOENIX, AZ

Good morning..6:30 here. I hope the day is going well. Hope everyone is having fun. Easter Tug  Easter Egg Smiley Easter Basket  Bunny Suit B- Cheese Toast with Ezkiel Bread L- Filet Gumbo D- Chinese Stir fry with Chicken S- SB Nut Medley Granola Bar (so good, I keep reading the label to make sure it's safe! I hope someone checks in on this busy Saturday, I look forward to hearing what you guys are up to!!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Pat R.
on 3/21/08 11:59 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning Lovely Linda!

Have my house nearly cleaned, and my 30 min. of exercise done, and I'm taking a little break....

B - wt. control banana bread oatmeal
l/f milk
spoonful of p. butter
1/2 banana (the rest went into the garbage) that was
getting too ripe.

L - Beef and cabbage soup
D - chicken breast and sm. salad
S - ???

Have to make mashed potato casserole, deviled eggs, and broccoli salad for tomorrow yet....I'll be pooped by this afternoon....lol.

Have a lovely Easter, my friend.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Linda S.
on 3/22/08 1:28 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Wow Pat, you are hours ahead of me, and have accomplished much more, but I am on the move too! Of course I take lots of breaks and am sipping my coffee, and cleaning the kitchen. I can never manage more than half a banana, I tried once and it was like cement..awful feeling. Enjoy your day, sweet cakes! Hugs!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


(deactivated member)
on 3/22/08 12:15 am - Columbus, GA
Good morning... I am a little burnt out this morning... took everything out of the kitchen/dining room and stripped and cleaned and mopped until I dropped yesterday... 4 hours... bleeech. Now I don't fee like doing anything. I even went out and tried turning a pen and didn't even feel like doing that yet! I just threw a scoop of chocolate protein powder into my coffee... and it tastes great! .... I have no clue why I never tried this before... but it sure solves another problem I had, i.e. getting in enough protein during the day. Another observation - My pouch is working better and better... 5oz of tuna with a chopped up egg in it made me uncomfortable... so did 2 pieces of fish, and 7oz of shrimp this morning... so it is getting better every day... it still works! Coffee with protein powder B - Shrimp S - might just see how this protein powder in the coffee sits with me... might be my snack L - Beans and cheese S - I found these little packages of apple slices and grapes at Walmart... very nice! ... instant portion control, and tasty! D - dunno... have to see what mood I am in later... S - Eating those 15 calorie popsicles seems like a good idea to me... no carbs, no sugar... nada... just a tasty snack for free basically! Have a great day... gotta go to Atlanta tomorrow for a family Easter thing... after attending services at my church...
Linda S.
on 3/22/08 1:34 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Why my my, don't you look handsome all duded up for Easter! I discovered the coffee and protein powder a little after surgery and enjoyed it quite much for awhile. I am happy to hear you and Hillary are finding your way, I know it feels great. You are right about the popsicles, a great source of liquid at no price. You are moving right along Marc, I have not had to nag you in days...GRIN. Have a good afternoon.. Hugs!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


(deactivated member)
on 3/22/08 1:42 am - Columbus, GA
I have not had to nag you in days... .... you know I need it.... gotta have it... want it!! ( what in the world do ya suppose I am talking about now??? ) I am actually a little nervous about this... because I am hoping this full feeling just isn't wishful thinking... I spent that first week really hungry most of the time... now it is starting to look like it is going away! (crossing my fingers, toes, eyes)
Linda S.
on 3/22/08 3:21 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Marc, your body is telling you everything, it is not hungry. This leads us to our main enemy, our heads...emotional hunger, "head hunger". When feelings kick in that we used to soothe with food, we feel we need to eat, which is not so. This for me has been my life long problem. I manage to stay on top of it now. There is the HALT reasoning.  H- real hunger A- angry L- lonely T- tired We can measure real hunger by the last time we ate. Other cravings...well they are just that, emotional needs. I hope you and your wife enjoy your holiday, and that family and friends continue to feed your other needs. We had our bodies altered, this is permanent and will not leave us, although we may have to find a way to kick start it if we abuse it. We did not have our heads re-routed, this is the job we must work on. This tool works...and with good people like the ones on here, we can get through the rest. Blessed be..

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Sharon H.
on 3/22/08 1:54 am - Modesto, CA
I am wondering if the way you are eating now is the way you ate before surgery?  I know I am eating way too many carbs now and am trying to ease back gradually.  I need to remind myself of something I have heard some of you say regarding carbs and that when you eat them you crave more.


Gastric Sleeve on 2-19-13

Linda S.
on 3/22/08 3:26 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Sharon, no way am I eating the way I did prior to surgery. I do not eat white foods..bad carbs. I enjoy good carbs...just goggle and will find many good lists of them. I eat not enriched or refined carbs, they are nutrient deficient and killers, they helped me get to the point of needing WLS, why would I play with that loaded gun?? There are so many many good foods to enjoy and with our ever growing community, ever more protein and vitamin enriched choices. I eat well... A mind change has to occur within us. A decison has to be made to start a new life. WLS was and is my re-birth. Hope you are having a grand day.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Brenda R.
on 3/22/08 2:03 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, sweet little Linda and everyone.  I am sitting here with a terrible backache    Ouch  and so cold I think I am turning into a ice cube.    Freezing Cold  It is just over 30 degrees out and we have a covering of snow on the ground. It was snowing when I got up early this morning. I think it may be finished now. Or maybe I should say I hope it is finished now.  I ended up going out for a late dinner last night with Bill. It ended up being breakfast and it was good too. Sometimes breakfast for dinner is nice.  Diner  So here goes for today. I am not thinking to clearly today because of the pain but I will do the best that I can and hope that you can make sense of the whole things.  Crazy  B: sugar free maple and brown sugar oatmeal (maybe it will warm up my poor old bones) L: eating out ( I am meeting Eileen this afternoon) D: shrimp and veggies S: protein bar I hope that things are going well for everyone and you have a great, safe and happy day today. I will check in later on to see what is happening here. Love and hugs to all.  I Love You 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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