Help...Computer illiterate here...
Okay here goes......I have a laptop but only use it where I can plug it in to the internet. Is there a way to get something that would make it so I don't need to access the internet by plugging it in.
Where I am going this weekend there is no computer hook up. I am going to be lost without all of you!!
Can anyone help me.....yes I am blonde but I am past the part of using white out on my computer moniter now!!
Hugs....connie d
Hi cutie...
There's a couple of options...
If you add a wireless card that plugs into one of your USB's on your laptop you can access the Hot Spots
If you have the internet on a desktop computer you can access the internet though that too, so you can lounge while you surf...
If you go to a hotel that has internet access, they might have that plug you are talking about in the wall... you will need the cable though... the one that looks like a phone cord but larger...
If you want to spend around $60 a month you can get a satellite access card from Verizon or a couple of the other providers...
Let me know which route you want to take and I will try and help...

Hi I said I am a computer dummy!! Cute but dumb...hahahaha!!!!
Add a wirelesss do I go about getting one of those?I know my laptop has a place to use a card on the side of it. It is a Dell Inspiron.....less then a year old.
I don't really want to pay $60.00 a month.....a little steep!
I do access my laptop through my desktop computer. That won't help me when I am away. Am I doomed ???? Don't think I have time to get anything figured out by noon tomorrow. Darn it!!
Thanks for your help....I will keep checking in to see if you have any other advice to share.
Hugs....connie d