What's New Friday
Eileen have a wonderful vacation....I am so hapy you are going to get away from this weather....and thanks so much for my birthday card [ a little late on my parat] you are so sweet and thoughtful....
You know I have been so busy this week that I have not worked out all week and I am starting to feel it in my right knee and I am finding myself limping a little, so it is back to the Club for me.......I will do almost anything not to be crippled again...
Don't foget to meet me again when you come this way....Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Our "On-Target" Forecast guys said 1-2 inches, but we are getting pounded here. It took me nearly 40 minutes to get to work, saw two accidents on the highway on the way here and then one bozo decided to get on the highway going the wrong way (got on downtown headed on the interstate when it state "wrong way" ... duh, can't you read .,.. well, maybe he can't).
You know, when I lived in Georgia, anytime there was a hint of snow or freezing rain, everyone made a run on the stores for milk and bread.