Realtor Murdered in our area showing a house...

Marti O.
on 3/19/08 12:56 pm

...she was apparently bludgeoned and then a mattress was set on fire and she died of smoke inhalation....they have taken a young couple into custody....

This has really shaken up a lot of us as this is something we all face....and we try so hard to be cautious about...showing strangers a home alone.....this home was in a heavily wooded area.

She was a lovely woman....71 years old....married to a farmer for 47 years, with 6 children and 16 grandchildren, involved in our Board.... it is just not right that something like that should happen to such a lovely person.

There have been five Realtors killed in the last few years throughout the is hard to believe it has also happened here also.

So many times we take people out for the first time, in fact last night I did, but I had them meet me at my office, so that others would meet them also. But it is hard to tell, they say there was "nothing remarkable" about the couple they took into custody.....except the man had a criminal record...hard to guess that about someone.

Two friends and I were talking just yesterday about this type of thing as she had been called by a man to look at a home that was vacant and a little remote. She said he was hesitant to leave her a phone number, but she insisted and then she talked to her manager and told him of her concerns, so she contacted the "buyer?" and told him that she would bwe running late and a guy in her office was showing the house just before her and he would stay and meet him there and stay until she got there........The "buyer?" left a message on her office voicmail at 2am that he was canceling the showing...she was never able to reach him at that phone again as it was not in use..

Well like so many things, I just needed to unload a little on you guys. Makes you stop and think ...lots of us drive big cars and wear nice jewelry.....I am concerned now that lots of other weird people will get the idea we might be ripe for the plucking...with this in the news.

Sad evening, especially with Mary's Mother's death also.

Hugs, Marti




"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



(deactivated member)
on 3/19/08 1:36 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Well, okay, I'll speak up.  Most people don't realize what a real estate agent has to do.  Don't you get paid ALL of the commission and doesn't your broker pay for your car or at least give you mileage and aren't you on an expense account to take people you are showing to lunch and dinner?  And with all that you DON'T get, you get to put your life on the line every time you get in the car.  Years of training at least lets you feel the hair stick up on the back of your neck.  Many years ago I was very closely connected with a murder of a real estate agent in Irving.  Two young men went to a house she was leasing for someone and while one of the young men was at the other end of the house, the first young man slit the agent's throat. Said in the trial, he just had never seen an 'old' lady die before... she was 50. I took a couple to a house out in the country that was for sale.  They went back later and cleaned it out. A couple of years ago in Plano, Texas a real estate agent was housesitting an open house for a builder... yep... stabbed 23 times.  He took her jewelry. Yes indeed, Marti, it's tragic.  No one needs to end up that way.  Be careful.  I'm sorry for the loss of your real estate community.  That one tragic act has probably saved the lives of many more agents just hearing about it. Hugs.
Marti O.
on 3/19/08 1:48 pm
Thanks sweetie for all your thoughts.....what is amazing is that many people prior to them releasing the name thought it was one of the young attractive agents......but I guess we older ladies look more are soooo right about people really being more careful now....I don't think I will even sit an open house now in a remote area anymore....this is also causing us to remove "vacant" from any listing....although you can usually tell when a house is vacant by just being observant......pretty scary...Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



S Andrews
on 3/19/08 1:47 pm - eatonville, WA
How scarey Marti! People are just so cold and unbelievable now days. My husband was an agent for about 7 years and I would help him with some of the open houses. It is unbelievable some of the crap realtors endure. Unless you've been there no one has a clue. We've had several murders up here in Washington with female agents also and it is so scary. My heart goes out to her family. I hope the couple responsible gets the death penalty for what they have done. Not that it will bring her back but there must be some accountability somewhere. Please be careful yourself! Sharon
Marti O.
on 3/19/08 1:56 pm
Thanks Sharon........I think my husband will be checking in a little more with my open houses now.....and Wisconsin does not have the Death that is off the table for them. I just hope she didn't suffer a lot....she didn't deserve that. Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 3/19/08 2:04 pm - Caldwell, ID
Scary, that's why my son will not let his wife show a home by herself. He always goes with her. I've always thought it was a real concern. You always have to look out for yourself. Watch yourself and don't be going alone.  Have some hugs, Diana



Marti O.
on 3/19/08 2:08 pm

Thanks Diana....Most of time it is with people I know...but there is that occasional time like last night...and believe me...I will be very careful now...Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Jan C.
on 3/19/08 5:39 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
oh my Marti please be careful. People are just so corrupt in this day and age that they will kill just for the heck of it. Im sorry for the loss of your friend hopefully her death wont be in vain but will be used as a marker of concern for all of you in meeting people to show them a house. Makes it hard for decent people to be trusted doesnt it? Love you take care of yourself.


annette R.
on 3/19/08 8:40 pm - ithaca, NY
Dearest Marti, That is sad and horrifying. Words escape me. Please use extra caution as you go out showing houses.  Kisses and hugs Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 3/20/08 12:24 am - CA
Hi Marti, What a horrible thing to have happen.  I have always thought the realtor was quite vulnerable but to have it be deadly is unthinkable.  Do be careful. Years ago, we had our house up for sale.  Shortly after 8 a.m. a woman knocked on the door and announced she was "Charlotte Duran" (I will forever remember the name) and that she wanted to buy the house.  I couldn't get her to go away so I called the realtor.  The realtor all but flew over to the house making it in record time.  Well.....  I hope this realtor is not in the business anymore because she went ahead and allowed this woman to sign papers.  This woman thought she bought the house and returned the next day with a man in tow.  She told me she wanted to show her husband the house she just bought.  I called the police when she was trying to turn the knob on the front door.  Turns out she was from the state mental hospital.  Fortunately, she never returned after that. Hugs, Kathi
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