My Mom
Today is the day I have dreaded for a long time. I had been trying to call my Mom like I do every day and there was no answer. I called about 4 times and left messages. I called my neice to ask if she had talked to her last night and she had tried about 9:00 and she didn't answer. She figured she was sleeping and she didn't want to wake her up. So I drove over to her house to check on her and found her dead. I just knew when I walked up on to her porch and saw the morning newspaper and mail that something was wrong.
She must have passed away sometime between 2:00 and 9:pm last night.
She was 84 years old and in decent health for an 84 year old. The memory of her slumped over on the couch is something I will have engrained in my memory forever.
Last night I had a hard time falling asleep and you know how your mind races late at night. The though of losing my Mom popped into my mind. Now I think that somehow she was letting me know that she was already gone.
I had a hard time telling my children, they are only 11 and 15 and this is the first grandparent for them to lose. My dad passed away before they were born. The next few days will be hard but I know she is with my dad again.

Thanks Judy. It is so hard right now. My son is taking it very hard, he and my Mom were very close. My daughter keeps things in so its hard to read her mind right now.
I have a splitting headache from crying so much.
I do have to remember to take care of myself over the next few days so I don't end up dehydrated. It will be hard, but I have to stay healthy for my husband and kids.This is not time for me to get weak or sick.
I'll be packing my water, protein bullets and bars in my purse to eat during the days at the funeral home.

{{{{{{ }}}}}} Mary, I'm so very sorry for your and your family and the dear loss you are enduring right now. I have had this experience and it's so very challenging. Your children are strong and you are obviously very close as a family. You will guide them through this important lesson of life.
You're so right to take care of yourself as we find that, as the mom, we are the strength. I hope you find your own source of strength during this time.